検索ワード: i thought you didn't want to talk with me (英語 - アフリカーンス語)







i thought you didn't want to talk with me



から: 機械翻訳








i thought you wanted to talk


ek het gedink jy wil nie met my praat nie

最終更新: 2024-07-22
使用頻度: 1


is this the reason you didn't want to come with me?


is hierdie die rede hoekom jy nie wil saam kom nie?

最終更新: 2014-02-01
使用頻度: 1


hey there friend today am gonna tell you how much i loved the holiday i was really surprised when you gave me a call and said tomorrow morning i should prepare for the holiday and i thought you were playing with me and i was surprised to hear a honk of your father's car i was so exited and the 2 hour drive and when we got to the place it was beautiful and the games and the things you and your father were wearing you made my day i enjoyed it was fun bye for now


hallo daar, vriend, vandag gaan ek jou vertel hoe lief ek vir die vakansie was, ek was regtig verbaas toe jy my bel en môreoggend sê ek moet voorberei vir die vakansie en ek het gedink jy speel met my en ek was verbaas om 'n getoeter te hoor van jou pa se kar was ek so uitgelate en die 2 ure se ry en toe ons by die plek kom was dit pragtig en die speletjies en die goed wat jy en jou pa gedra het julle het my dag gemaak ek het geniet dit was lekker totsiens vir nou

最終更新: 2022-11-10
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


dear diary my first day at high school was not what i thought it would be.none of my friends were there ,they went to different schools.i felt so lonely with no one to talk to .later that day i met a boy by the name of le`john ,he looked like a nice guy ,he introduced me to some of friends from his school,and after school he walked with me to my mom's car.turns out my day went well.


liewe dagboek my eerste dag op hoërskool was nie wat ek gedink het nie. niemand van my vriende was daar nie, hulle het na verskillende skole gegaan. ek het so eensaam gevoel dat niemand met hulle kon praat nie. op daardie dag het ek 'n seun ontmoet by die naam van lejojohn, hy het gelyk soos 'n lekker ou, hy het my aan vriende van sy skool voorgestel en na skool het hy saam met my na my ma se motor geloop. ek het my dag goed gegaan.

最終更新: 2017-05-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


fairy tales - rapunzel there once was a man and a woman who had, for a very long time, wished for a child. the woman constantly hoped that god would grant her one and only wish. the couple had a tiny window at the back of their home from which they could see a beautiful garden which was full of the most appealing flowers and herbs. this garden was surrounded by a very high wall and no one dared to enter it as it belonged to an enchantress, who had great magical powers and was feared by all. one day the woman was looking into the garden when she saw that one of the beds had the most beautiful rampion-rapunzel she had ever seen. it looked deliciously fresh and she wanted nothing more than to eat it. every day she would stare longingly out of that little window at the beautiful green herb and as her desire for it grew, so she grew more pale and miserable and weak with every passing day. her husband became quite concerned over his wife's obvious pain and asked "what ails you, my loving wife?" "husband," she answered, "if i can't have some of the rampion from the garden below, i shall surely die." the man loved his wife very much and would never want to see her die, and was distressed that she was sick and unhappy so he decided that he could climb the wall and get the rampion himself. he was more concerned for her wellbeing than he was about the consequences off sneaking into the enchantress' garden. that night he climbed over the wall into the garden and quickly grabbed a handful of rampion and took it to his wife. she made herself a delicious salad with it straight away and ate ever last morsel. it tasted so good to her that she longed for it twice as much as she had the day before. so, to keep his wife happy and healthy, he snuck into the enchantress' garden again that very next night. as soon as he stepped into the garden after climbing the very high wall, the man became terribly afraid for standing before him was the enchantress herself. "how dare you sneak into my garden and steal my rampion like a thief?," she yelled, "you shall suffer greatly for it." "please," pleaded the man, "be merciful as i was only taking it out of necessity. my wife saw your rampion from our little window and felt such desire for it that she would have died if she had not got some to eat." the enchantress softened and said to him, "if that is the case then please take as much rampion as you would like but only on one condition. you must give me the child that your wife will bring into this world. i will treat it well and care for it like it was my own." the man was so fearful of the enchantress that he agreed to this and soon the woman gave birth to a beautiful little girl. the enchantress appeared by her bedside at once, gave the child the name of rapunzel, and took her away. rapunzel grew into the most beautiful child in all of the land so when she was twelve years old the enchantress locked her away in a tower, deep in the forest, that had neither stairs nor a door. at the very top of the tower there was a very small window so that when the enchantress wanted to go inside, she stood beneath the window and called, "rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" rapunzel had magnificent long golden hair and when she heard the voice of the enchantress she would wind her hair around one of the hooks at the window and let the hair fall all the way down to the ground so that the enchantress could climb up by it. a few years later, the king's son was riding through the forest and passed by the tower. as he passed he heard a song, that was so enchanting that he stood and listened for hours. it was rapunzel who spend her solitude singing in her sweet voice to pass the time. the king's son desperately wanted to climb up to her to meet the owner of such a sweet sound but could not find a door in the tower so he rode home. no matter how hard he tried though, the king's son could not get the sound of that beautiful voice out of his head as it had so deeply touched his heart and so he went out into the forest everyday and listened to it. one day he was sitting behind a tree, listening, when he saw that the enchantress came to the tower and he heard how she called, "rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" then rapunzel let down her hair and the enchantress climbed up to her. "if that is the way into the tower then i too will try my luck," he said and the very next afternoon he went to the tower and called, "rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" immediately the hair fell down and the king's son climbed up. upon entering the window, rapunzel was terrified of the young man but the king's son began to talk to her like a friend and told her how she had touched his heart with her songs and he was unable to rest until he could lay eyes upon the one who owned such a beautiful voice. rapunzel quickly lost her fear and when he asked her to be his wife and she saw that he was kind and gentle, she thought, he will love me more than the enchantress does. so she said yes and gently took his hand. "i will willingly go with you but i cannot get down," said rapunzel. "please bring me some silk every time that you visit and i will weave a ladder with it. when that is ready, i will descend and you will take me away with you as your bride." they agreed that he would come to her every evening secretly for the old woman came during day. the enchantress knew nothing of this until one day rapunzel said to her, "how is it that you are so much heavier for me to draw up than the young king's son - he can climb my hair in an instant." the enchantress flew into a rage and screamed, " you deceitful child. what are you saying? i thought i had separated you from the world and yet you have betrayed me." in her anger she grabbed rapunzel's beautiful hair, seized a pair of scissors and cut it all off and left the lovely golden braids laying on the ground. she was so merciless that she took rapunzel into a desert where she had to live in great misery. on that same day the enchantress fastened the cut off golden braids of hair to the hook of the window and when the king's son came and called, "rapunzel, rapunzel, let down your hair!" she let the hair down. the king's son climbed the soft locks and discovered that instead of finding his beautiful bride, rapunzel, he found the enraged enchantress who stared at him with angry, venomous looks. she laughed mockingly at the king's son and said, "you would fetch your dear rapunzel but the beautiful bird is sitting no longer in her nest. the cat has got her and will scratch out your eyes as well. rapunzel is forever lost to you so leave now as you will never see her again." the king's son tormented with pain and anguish that, in his despair, he leapt down from the window of the tower. he fell into a thicket of thorns at the base of the tower and they pierced his eyes though he was luck to even escape with his life. he wandered around blindly through the forest and ate nothing but roots and berries and did spent his time weeping and over the loss of his beautiful wife. in his despair he wandered for some years and eventually came across the desert where rapunzel, with the twins to which she had given birth, lived in sorrow. the king's son soon heard a sweet voice that he recognised instantly and slowly walked towards it. when he approached, rapunzel knew him and fell into his arms and cried. two of her tears fell into his eyes and they grew clear again and he could see with them as he had once before. he took his wife and their two children to his kingdom where he was joyfully greeted and they lived happily ever after.


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最終更新: 2016-07-18
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名
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