検索ワード: clickbait (英語 - アラビア語)










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最終更新: 2018-05-05
使用頻度: 1

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theories of curiosity as pain and pleasure why the beginning may be the most important thing you write what clickbait headlines teach us about catching the reader’s interest in 2012, scientists at cern’s large hadron collider announced they had observed a particle consistent with theories of the higgs boson. the discovery reverberated through the mainstream press as well as the science journals. the international media faced a challenge nearly as daunting as that of observing the particle: finding a way to activate the general public’s interest in a hard-tocomprehend discovery. it’s tough to get people curious about topics in which they have little background knowledge. curiosity requires a degree of familiarity. journalists struggled to describe the importance of the discovery. mainstream press focused on the human stories of individual physicists: the tension, the celebrations, and so on. or they pulled out the “god particle” label to incite curiosity. god? in a particle? creative journalists reverted to colorful prose and metaphor, such as this one from a science article by dennis overbye in the new york times on july 4, 2012:14 like omar sharif materializing out of the shimmering desert as a man on a camel in ‘lawrence of arabia,’ the elusive boson has been coming slowly into view since last winter, as the first signals of its existence grew until they practically jumped o􀅷 the chart. does that capture your interest in a subatomic particle? if so, it’s because these journalists are working hard to activate your innate curiosity. the science and joys of curiosity curiosity, as a cognitive state, is complicated. psychologist george loewenstein defines human curiosity as a desire to fill an unmet need. in a 1994 article on the psychology of curiosity, loewenstein proposed his information gap theory, in which curiosity is “a form of cognitively induced deprivation that arises from the perception of a gap in knowledge or understanding.”15 in this light, curiosity is that itch you have to scratch. that makes sense, but it doesn’t entirely match my experience. any mystery reader or puzzle fan will tell you that confronting the unknown does not have to be uncomfortable. many people find joy and satisfaction in solving puzzles or learning new things. i trust that you, as a reader of this book, find pleasure in discovering and exploring topics. psychologist jordan litman writes of epistemic curiosity as the positive experience of satisfying a desire, rather than scratching an uncomfortable itch. (epistemic means ‘relating to knowledge.’) he divides this knowledge-loving curiosity into two types. one (i-type) is based on the intrinsic desire to learn, while the other (d-type) arises from satisfying an unmet need to eliminate uncertainty. litman reframes the knowledge gap as something that is fun to bridge, rather than painful to experience.16 whether pleasure or pain, curiosity clearly runs deep in our human nature. as a species, human beings have benefited significantly from our ability to learn, and curiosity spurs learning. how can you activate your readers’ curiosity? if you want to appeal to the intrinsic desire to learn (litman’s i-type of curiosity), o􀅷er the promise of fresh information that the readers will enjoy acquiring. in marketing terms, lead with the benefit. to appeal to litman’s d-type, deprivation-based curiosity, induce a knowledge gap: expose contradictions, paradoxes, or puzzles, or pose an intriguing question. having activated the gap, make sure to fill it. don’t make the gap too wide. readers are willing to stay with you long enough to fill a short gap in their understanding. presented with a yawning chasm, they may abandon you. in the book why: what makes us curious, astrophysicist and author mario livio writes of finding a


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最終更新: 2020-09-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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