検索ワード: im not a tout and the police dont do anything here (英語 - アラビア語)







im not a tout and the police dont do anything here



から: 機械翻訳








he was going to kill me, and the police couldn't do anything about it.


كانَ سيَقْتلُني والشرطة لا تَستطيعُ أَنْ تفعل أيّ شئ بشأنه

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 2


the d.a. ignores this, and the police can't do anything because all these slums are in the glades.


المدّعي العام يتجاهل هذا، ولا يمكن للشرطة أن تفعل شيء لان كلّ هذه العشوائيات تقع في (ذا غلاديس).

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 2


it's not like i can get them on tape and the police won't be able to do anything and concha will come after both of us.


إنه ليس كأن أسجل لهم على شريط والشرطة لن تكون قادرة على فعل شيء وكونشا ستلاحق كلانا

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 2


and if they don't fire him, and all you want is the money, and the police won't do anything, then how is he gonna know he's wrong?


واذا انهم لم يقيلوه ,وكل انت ماتريدي هو المال والشرطة لم تعمل اي شيء

最終更新: 2016-10-27
使用頻度: 2


but trafficking in women was a law enforcement issue, not a gender-equality issue: it would be useful to know what measures the ministry of justice, the public prosecutor and the police department had taken.


ولكن قضية الاتجار بالنساء هي قضية إنفاذ للقوانين وليست قضية تحقيق المساواة بين الجنسين.

最終更新: 2013-02-19
使用頻度: 2


it should be noted, however, that exact statistics on the situation are difficult to determine, given the lack of previous records and the fact that more criminal acts are now being reported to the police and the international police monitors, whereas previously recourse to the police was not a viable option for the victim of a crime.


غير أنه يصعب تحديد احصاءات دقيقة عن الوضع، نظرا ﻻنعدام السجﻻت السابقة ولكون معظم اﻷفعال اﻻجرامية لم تكن تبلغ الى الشرطة والى المراقبين الشرطيين الدوليين، بينما لم يكن اللجوء الى الشرطة في السابق خيارا صالحا لضحايا الجرائم.

最終更新: 2016-12-01
使用頻度: 1


i will disconnect my brain a suicide note by david rajulkahf 1. - happiness has been a mystery to me since i was a kid. - i thought it is something i would be able to find when i grow up. - when i become in the sixth grade—like those tall dudes. -eventually, i became tall but not happy. 2. - what actually happened in the sixth grade is that the tall dudes attacked me. - they threw stones, eggs, and tomatoes at me. - my sin was being a studious nerd and the teacher’s preferred student. - i sought shelter in a pharmacy. - in that messy pharmacy, i knew that i failed in finding happiness. - it was obvious to me that whatever happiness is, it definitely is not a mixture of blood, eggs, and tomato. 3. - maybe i find happiness in a secondary school, i consoled myself. david rajulkahf 2 - thus, i deluded myself for a few years until i realized that happiness has nothing to do with schooling. - this conclusion was not surprising, honestly, for i was not too fond of school anyway. - so i convinced myself that twenty is a knight on a white charger. 4. - since then, i, literally, - searched for happiness from the equator to the arctic circle, - went to forests, jungles, mountains, deserts, and islands, - dug in the desert sand and the north pole snow, - lived in crowded capitals and rural areas, - affluent cities and poor neighborhoods, - i found nothing. 5. - i traveled by air, land, and sea, - trains and airplanes, - boats and bikes, - buses and cars, - walks and hikes, - nothing! david rajulkahf 3 6. - it really is a challenging task to count; - the places in which i lived since i was twenty, - the religions with which i shared my bed, - the nationalities with which i shared my table, - the activities i tried, - yet, i found absolutely nothing. ******* 7. - i concluded, after lengthy contemplation, that it is not wise to search for happiness alone. - i was chatting with a colleague in the office kitchen when it came to my mind that it merely is impossible for me to know everything in the world and to try everything by myself. - after all, i am just a tiny nothing lost in a colossal nothingness. - i soon realized, however, that every other tiny-trivial-nothing knows nothing within the almighty nothingness. - so, i went out of the kitchen with high hopes of joining the human knowledge pool. - happiness must be somewhere in that pool; where else could it be? david rajulkahf 4 8. - trying to find a trick or a hidden code, i read thousands of books, studies, and essays. - i engaged myself with countless hours of discussions with people i could never meet in person. - this made the search way more sophisticated, costly, and time-consuming. - in books, however, i found knowledge. - i learned how interesting the experience of living is. - i came to know how enjoyable the journey of life could be. - it did not take me long, though, to realize how sad it is to realize that! 9. - how pathetic it is; - to be involved in a game, - to understand the rules of the game, - to master the game, - but innately incapable of playing. 10. - i used to believe that knowledge is intrinsically good. - now, i know i was very wrong. 11. - reading succeeded in making me obsessively interested david rajulkahf 5 in life ... only. 12. - i swear to myself that i carefully considered all the tricks and tips of which i became aware. - i even went beyond that, developing my own. - still, - there is something not working, - there is a rusty switch not clicking, - there is a sensor failure somewhere, - or all of the above. ******* 13. - i am a drowning man who has been trying to survive for years and years. - during which i have perceived only two things; - the buildings of saintes-maries-de-la-mer on the horizon, - and the waves all around me, underneath me, above me, and inside me. 14. - i swim as hard as i can towards the beach. - poseidon’s horses kick me back; continuous divine kicks on my head. david rajulkahf 6 - damaging my brain tissues, worsening my lunacy, and losing my fins. 15. - i tried for years to ride one of the horses to meet our lady, star of the sea. - never succeeded. - i desperately asked her recently, “my little girl, what, do you think, am i doing wrong? - “why poseidon’s horses never stop kicking my forehead? - “what the hell have i done to him?” - she replied instantly, calmly, unusually wisely, while putting her demigod to sleep, - “some people just are not meant to be happy, david!” 16. - my little girl is damn right. - although she has no idea why she is right, - scientifically and philosophically speaking, she is right. 17. - however, whether i am one of those people or not is something she did not specify. - and to not awake the little alexander, i did not ask. david rajulkahf 7 18. - later, magdalene revealed to me in two words. - it took her four years of building the courage to say, - “your bipolarity, david!” 19. - that was tough to swallow. - i became terrified. - genuinely terrified. 20. - i begged her, “mary, you know that your hair never touched my foot; please send me a fishing boat.” - she replied, crying, “saintes-maries-de-la-mer has no place for real people.” - i wondered, “myriam, you know that i am not real!” - she sobbed, “my lord, you are mentally ill.” 21. - i did not reply … i just wept. - she did not see my tears. - though they were more copious than the waves in which i was drowning. - de facto, the waves were my tears. ******* 22. - i am not mentally ill. david rajulkahf 8 - i am a dsm copy in flesh and bones; - three personality disorders—one of which is severe; - buttressed by a few stupid phobias—such as pocrescophobia and atelophobia; - manage a severe bipolar disorder; - amalgamate with a couple of anxiety disorders; - supported by bulimia nervosa, chronic insomnia, trichotillomania; and - cooperate with some other fine fellows in forming a character named david rajulkahf. 23. - i am the guy who binges and purges for days and water fast for weeks. - i am the person who does not go to bed for days and remains there for weeks. - i am the lecturer who jumps on some stages and makes the audience enthusiastic for a couple of hours. - and from other stages, runs away in panic attacks after a couple of minutes. - i prevent people from committing suicide, simultaneously planning mine! david rajulkahf 9 24. - i am; - the depressed-comic, - the suicidal-psychologist, - the laborer-philosopher, - the student-teacher, - the patient-physician, - the retarded-genius, - the ignorant-scientist, - the author and the reader. 25. - i am; - the deaf-musician, - the mute-talkative. - the blind-painter, - the paralyzed-artist, - the civilized-caveman. 26. - i am; - twain and dostoevsky, - russell and nietzsche, - darwin and rousseau, - chopin and zappa, david rajulkahf 10 - raphael and pollock, - socrates and the pig. 27. - i am here and there. - and i am nowhere. - and i am nobody. - not even me. - for there is no me. 28. - there has never been me. - there has been a sort of self-awareness that emerged out of an orgasm—hopefully two orgasms. - which spent more than a billion seconds trying to understand what the fuck is going on. - no more … no less. 29. - now i know what the fuck is going on. - and i know what i should do about it. 30. - i should do what i always knew i must do. - i should do what i always knew i would do. - i should do what i always dreamed of doing. - i should do what i should have done a long time ago. david rajulkahf 11 - i should disconnect my brain. 31. - it is unfixable. - it is ridiculous to keep trying. 32. - as a matter of fact, i spent thirty-four years trying to disable a built-in self-destruct mechanism. - technically, i did not live a life. - i lived dying. - i suffered living dying. 33. - i only experienced slow and painful enduring brain collapses while the earth is rotating carelessly. - i can not say it was a pleasant journey. - no, not at all. - the puffs of pleasure i could perceive in those years do not worth the pain i paid for them. 34. - it is a losing trade, and i am a stupid losing trader should i not shut down the business. - it is a business i did not establish. - it is a game i did not conduct. - i am a terrible player, and i want to participate in this david rajulkahf 12 game no more. ******* 35. i, indeed, prefer it if i did not come to know about the existence of existence. - yet, i tried everything i could think of to enjoy the ride. - i shamefully failed. 36. - who can go back in time to inform that depressed kid that he will never become a good player? - to explain to him that nothing ever is going to make it. - that he will remain the same miserable kid even when he will reach his mid-thirties. - that his pain, sickness, sadness, and loneliness are what will grow up ... not him. 37. - he must have learned that knowledge, freedom, religions, riding, driving, marriage, fatherhood, divorce, study, work, travel, sex, money, drugs, academic degrees, recognition, fame, writing books, playing musical instruments, becoming a multilingual person; living a simple life, a luxury life, a business life, an academic life, david rajulkahf 13 and so forth are mere mirages. - and that even jesus can not turn mirages to water. 38. - i see the child sitting alone on a sofa in his grandma’s bedroom. - with an awful migraine. - dreaming. 39. - i wish i could tell him that none of the doctors he is visiting will cure his headache. - neither the green magic paper that has a horrible smell that his aunt tightened up will work for him. - nor the funky cyan incantation that the family wrote for him. - nor the funny meaningless sentences that he struggled to memorize. - not even the book that he bought when he attempted to get, by himself, to the bottom of what is going on inside his skull. 40. - i just want to tell him that he has severe mental illnesses. - that his brain is incapable of perceiving happiness. - i want to warn him that a blind person only harms david rajulkahf 14 themselves should they run in the streets searching for a light. 41. - i see that adolescent unable to sleep, severely depressed, anxious, - dreaming. - i wish i could tell him that his dreams are ... dreams. - i want to teach him that happiness is not an objective. - that seeking happiness is like seeking yourself ... you will never find it out there. 42. - i see that young man sitting in his office counting down the days for his suicide attempt on his desk calendar. - dreaming. - i wish i could sit with him and tell him that those dreams are ... dreams. - illusions. 43. - i want to tell him, “you do not live to be happy, young man. you either live happily or not. - “your happiness exists, or not, within your skull. - “pretty much like all other feelings you are capable of experiencing.” david rajulkahf 15 44. - i see that sick older man sitting in his black king-size bed. - sad, miserable, and lonely. - unable to dream. - thinking that he wishes he could tell me to be smart for one time in my existence. - he is mad at me because he knows that i know that; - not to be, definitely, is better than to be. - no question about it! ******* 45. - how sarcastic it is to live all my life depressed and end it manic! - although i almost always had no doubts that i will end my life by committing suicide, i have never thought it will be this way, in those circumstances, nor at this time. - i am massively disappointed. 46. - i lived my life, literally, trying to prevent myself from ending it. - i mentioned above that i gave it all. - and that i did everything i thought would help in that david rajulkahf 16 regard. - obviously, in vain. 47. - i need not mention all my previous attempts nor all the hospitalizations i enjoyed, - but i want to make something crystal clear; - i am by no means disconnecting my brain due to spiritual emptiness or any sort of that nonsense. - my atheism, utilitarianism, hedonism, veganism, antinatalism, positive nihilism, cosmopolitanism, and all other isms for which i am known have absolutely nothing to do with my desire to end my life experience. - in fact, to the contrary, it might be the case that those who do not share my isms have an influence. 48. - it is all related to how the events of my life went; - my welfare is going from bad to worse, - my brain is collapsing severely rather than recovering, - which keeps destroying my well-being rather than improving it. 49. - my life reached a point of devastation that it had never david rajulkahf 17 reached before. - the chain of events does not even give me any chance to recover between them. - the domino effect is going too fast and still accelerating. - in this year, i could finally see, by my naked eye, the light at the end of the tunnel; - it is the incandescent light bulb of the buffer stop. - the crash is inevitable. 50. - the amount of damage had been done to my brain and to my life in the last period is really, really, severe. - there is no point at all in keep going. - the guy who shall continue this journey is not me. - and i am not interested in getting to know him. - he is not someone i look up to. - nor even presumably like. - i do not see him happy nor that he has much potential; i am afraid to say. - i fail to find any convincing reason to experience his life. 51. - morally speaking, it seems to me that i am wronging if i let this dude suffer his predestination, giving all the david rajulkahf 18 information in hand—which is in no one else’s hand. - no one but i can see the whole picture. - because no one knows everything about me and my life. - different people know different things. - but not a single person knows everything. 52. - maybe an official comprehensive lengthy investigation would come close. - until that happens, if it ever happened, i will be the only one who knows how and why i finally put an end to my existence. - i will not be there to confirm such findings. - keep in mind, nevertheless, that obtaining information is one thing; - interpreting them is yet another. 53. - how easy it is to grab some information and say, “if i were david, i would have done this and that instead.” - well, luckily for you; - you do not have my brain. - you do not perceive reality the way i do. - you are not in my shoes nor wearing my glasses. david rajulkahf 19 - you can not feel what i feel. - you have not experienced my suffering. - you have not been through what i have been through. - you will never come to know what i know. - you are not me. - and you can not be me. - so shut the fuck up and propose a toast! ******* 54. - i am not glad that i am the toast. - i am not sad that i am not sharing the toast. 55. - i am sad that; - a lot of people love me, but i have never loved myself. - many people think i am intelligent, but i know how stupid i am. - my brain generates positive utility to others and negative utility to me. - my brain refuses to generate any positive utility to me. - my brain refuses to stop generating negative utility to me. david rajulkahf 20 56. - i improved so many lives but systematically destroyed mine. - i made so many successful players, and i ain’t find the ball. - i maintained tens of families, but i could not build one of my own. - i helped an awful lot of people for free, - but i failed in helping myself despite all the expenses. - i saved lots of lives ... but not mine. - that is sad. 57. - i am sad that i will not share more of my ideas, - my thoughts and visions, - my philosophical theories, - the enormous amount of nerdy sophisticated hard work for years that i did not share with others, - well, if the adjective sad means anything at all, that is sad. 58. - i did have high hopes. - now, i am incredibly disappointed with how things went. david rajulkahf 21 - i am not sad … no. i am disappointed. - yes, this is the correct adjective. - i am very disappointed. - which is sad. ******* 59. - for all those who rudely conjecture about suicide. - assert that suicide is a sign of weakness. - that it is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. - that it is the elementary sin. - that it is unethical, absurd, and selfish. - or any other discourteous, disrespectful bullshit. - i tell you what suicide is. - suicide is fuck you. 60. - if there is anything unethical, absurd, and selfish, - that would be bringing a sentient being into existence. - that is the elementary sin. - pull out, for fuck’s sake. - do not create permanent suffering to solve your temporary problem, you selfish idiots! - then, when one attempts to fix the problem that you david rajulkahf 22 induced, you blackguard them. - i can not think of more discourtesy. ******* 61. - the very first thing i felt when my consciousness emerged into existence was choking. - life chokes free spirits. - i became a slave by being existed. - existence is slavery. - this is why newborns cry. - this is why i cried. - this is why i spent my life crying. - i am inherently choked up. 62. - i am no slave. - but i am a slave. - i am just an awareness of a state of slavery. - i do not even know how i became aware of that. - i sometimes wish i did not. - still, it is totally out of my hands. - i could/can do absolutely nothing about it. - it is the universe’s plan. david rajulkahf 23 - i am just an innocent victim. 63. - i am fed up with others deciding on my behalf; - what information to perceive and how to interpret it. - what material to read and what not to read. - what to study and what not to study. - what to smoke and what not to smoke. - what to snort and what not to snort. - what to drink and what not to drink. - where to stay and where to travel. - where i can sleep and where i can not sleep—and, of course, with whom. - what drugs i have to take and what drugs i am not allowed to do. - when to wake up and when to sleep. - what to do with my time. - controlling my time. - managing my life. - owning my time. - owning my life. - owning me! david rajulkahf 24 64. - i am pissed off with all the absurd paternalism. - i am disgusted with all the wily nudging. - i am loathing with all the efforts to engineering my attitudes and decisions. - if you do not see the above as slavery, then you are deluded with the meaning of slavery. - if you think you are free, then you have to redefine the word free. 65. - you are also fooled by the myth of free will. - there is no free will, my friend. - you are no more than a biological robot. - what is pathetic is that you are programmed to feel the exact opposite. - it is science talking here. - you are free in solely one thing, that is nothing! - i mean it literally. 66. - i am tired of being guided by fools. - i am fed up with being under the control of lunatics. - i can not handle all those primitive politics, greedy economics, and idiotic policies. david rajulkahf 25 67. - i am a mere consciousness that is aware of being enslaved and spent all its existence trying to free itself. - because, for me, freedom is a necessary condition for happiness. - thus, all my life activities aimed to achieve freedom. - every single accomplishment in my life is a byproduct. - the change that i made to your life is a byproduct of my search for my own freedom. - that is a fact. 68. - along the way, i freed myself from god, religion, government, country, family, money, fashion, libido, and tobacco, among others. - i also freed myself from the birth name that connects me to other people. - i even invented a family name that is exclusive to me. - i stand by myself; david rajulkahf. - just a human being connected equally to all homo sapiens who have ever existed since paleolithic. 69. - now, it seems to me that i reached the point of freeing myself from the whole game. david rajulkahf 26 - my own freedom has been severely diminished in the past period. - the effect is irreversible and will remain for years to come. - this is not a life that a free man accepts. - i have not been fighting all m


سوف أفصل دماغي ملاحظة انتحار بقلم ديفيد راجلكاف 1. كانت السعادة لغزا بالنسبة لي منذ أن كنت طفلا. اعتقدت أنه شيء سأتمكن من العثور عليه عندما أكبر. عندما أصبح في الصف السادس - مثل هؤلاء الرجال طوال القامة. في النهاية ، أصبحت طويل القامة ولكني لم أكن سعيدًا. 2. ما حدث بالفعل في الصف السادس هو أن الرجال طوال القامة هاجموني. رشقوني بالحجارة والبيض والطماطم. كانت خطيتي هي أن أكون طالبًا مجتهدًا والطالب المفضل للمعلم. أنا كذلك

最終更新: 2021-07-04
使用頻度: 1

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