検索ワード: customer was really angree and then i made up for (英語 - イタリア語)







customer was really angree and then i made up for



から: 機械翻訳








i made sure that no one was still in the water, and then i also got aboard the lifeboat.


mi accerto che nessun uomo sia ancora in mare e quindi salgo anch'io a bordo dell'imbarcazione.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


mine baked for half an hour on 275 and then i let them sit overnight to cool and further harden before i made my necklace.


miniera al forno per mezz'ora su 275 e poi li lascio sedersi durante la notte a raffreddare e indurire ulteriormente prima ho fatto la mia collana.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


mr president, ladies and gentlemen, although i exceeded my speaking time at the beginning, at least i made up for the time we did not have in december to prepare the council 's dossiers.


signor presidente, onorevoli parlamentari, anche se ho oltrepassato il tempo di parola impartitomi inizialmente, ho recuperato il tempo che non abbiamo avuto in dicembre per preparare i fascicoli del consiglio.

最終更新: 2012-03-23
使用頻度: 4


- because there were so many expectations about me. there were nobody, and then i mean nobody, who was prepared that i was to sell two and a half million records when i made my debut.


- perché su di me campeggiavano tante attese. nessuno, e dico nessuno, era neanche lontanamente preparato all'idea che vendesi due milioni di dischi al mio debutto.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


when it also transpired that the file of the committee on economic and monetary affairs had been passed on to the industry committee, then i felt completely orphaned, but the coordinator and the new epp shadow rapporteur have adopted me in the industry committee for a short while, which made up for a lot of things and for which i would like to express my thanks to both.


quando poi è emerso che il dossier della commissione per i problemi economici era stato trasferito alla commissione per l' industria, mi sono sentita davvero come un orfano lasciato a se stesso, ma il coordinatore e il nuovo relatore ombra del gruppo ppe-de mi hanno adottato per un po' all' interno della commissione per l' industria, ovviando così alla situazione venutasi a creare. desidero ringraziarli per il loro appoggio.

最終更新: 2012-03-23
使用頻度: 4


but hannah went not up; for she said unto her husband, i will not go up until the child be weaned, and then i will bring him, that he may appear before the lord, and there abide for ever.


anna non andò, perché diceva al marito: «non verrò, finché il bambino non sia divezzato e io possa condurlo a vedere il volto del signore; poi resterà là per sempre»

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 2


and then i made my prayers, and he said, “bring your bag”. i replied, “i am the age of your grandfather, i can’t carry it.


ho pregato, poi mi ha ordinato: « prenda il suo bagaglio ». gli ho risposto: « ho l’età di suo nonno, non posso portarlo.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


then i was a baker for some time and then through mrs. tambini i managed to get into siva and i stayed there until i retired. when i myself first went into the factory, it was really a disaster. there were no masks.


poi da lì ho fatto per un periodo il panettiere, e poi tramite la signora tambini sono riuscito a entrare alla siva, e lì sono rimasto fino a quando sono andato in pensione.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


and then i became curious about this papal rome, represented by a “curial” aristocracy – made up of some rather rickety families, but all of which had given at least one pope to rome – and the populace, without there being a middle class worthy of the name.


e poi mi incuriosiva questa roma papalina, rappresentata da un’aristocrazia “curiale” – fatta di famiglie un po’ sgangherate, ma che avevano dato tutte almeno un papa a roma – e dal popolino, senza che esistesse una borghesia degna di questo nome.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


i kept there with him all that night; but as soon as it was day i beckoned to him to come with me, and let him know i would give him some clothes; at which he seemed very glad, for he was stark naked. as we went by the place where he had buried the two men, he pointed exactly to the place, and showed me the marks that he had made to find them again, making signs to me that we should dig them up again and eat them. at this i appeared very angry, expressed my abhorrence of it, made as if i would vomit at the thoughts of it, and beckoned with my hand to him to come away, which he did immediately, with great submission. i then led him up to the top of the hill, to see if his enemies were gone; and pulling out my glass i looked, and saw plainly the place where they had been, but no appearance of them or their canoes; so that it was plain they were gone, and had left their two comrades behind them, without any search after them. but i was not content with this discovery; but having now more courage, and consequently more curiosity, i took my man friday with me, giving him the sword in his hand, with the bow and arrows at his back, which i found he could use very dexterously, making him carry one gun for me, and i two for myself; and away we marched to the place where these creatures had been; for i had a mind now to get some further intelligence of them. when i came to the place my very blood ran chill in my veins, and my heart sunk within me, at the horror of the spectacle; indeed, it was a dreadful sight, at least it was so to me, though friday made nothing of it. the place was covered with human bones, the ground dyed with their blood, and great pieces of flesh left here and there, half-eaten, mangled, and scorched; and, in short, all the tokens of the triumphant feast they had been making there, after a victory over their enemies. i saw three skulls, five hands, and the bones of three or four legs and feet, and abundance of other parts of the bodies; and friday, by his signs, made me understand that they brought over four prisoners to feast upon; that three of them were eaten up, and that he, pointing to himself, was the fourth; that there had been a great battle between them and their next king, of whose subjects, it seems, he had been one, and that they had taken a great number of prisoners; all which were carried to several places by those who had taken them in the fight, in order to feast upon them, as was done here by these wretches upon those they brought hither. i caused friday to gather all the skulls, bones, flesh, and whatever remained, and lay them together in a heap, and make a great fire upon it, and burn them all to ashes. i found friday had still a hankering stomach after some of the flesh, and was still a cannibal in his nature; but i showed so much abhorrence at the very thoughts of it, and at the least appearance of it, that he durst not discover it: for i had, by some means, let him know that i would kill him if he offered it. when he had done this, we came back to our castle; and there i fell to work for my man friday; and first of all, i gave him a pair of linen drawers, which i had out of the poor gunner's chest i mentioned, which i found in the wreck, and which, with a little alteration, fitted him very well; and then i made him a jerkin of goat's skin, as well as my skill would allow (for i was now grown a tolerably good tailor); and i gave him a cap which i made of hare's skin, very convenient, and fashionable enough; and thus he was clothed, for the present, tolerably well, and was mighty well pleased to see himself almost as well clothed as his master. it is true he went awkwardly in these clothes at first: wearing the drawers was very awkward to him, and the sleeves of the waistcoat galled his shoulders and the inside of his arms; but a little easing them where he complained they hurt him, and using himself to them, he took to them at length very well. the next day, after i came home to my hutch with him, i began to consider where i should lodge him: and that i might do well for him and yet be perfectly easy myself, i made a little tent for him in the vacant place between my two fortifications, in the inside of the last, and in the outside of the first. as there was a door or entrance there into my cave, i made a formal framed door-case, and a door to it, of boards, and set it up in the passage, a little within the entrance; and, causing the door to open in the inside, i barred it up in the night, taking in my ladders, too; so that friday could no way come at me in the inside of my innermost wall, without making so much noise in getting over that it must needs awaken me; for my first wall had now a complete roof over it of long poles, covering all my tent, and leaning up to the side of the hill; which was again laid across with smaller sticks, instead of laths, and then thatched over a great thickness with the rice- straw, which was strong, like reeds; and at the hole or place which was left to go in or out by the ladder i had placed a kind of trap- door, which, if it had been attempted on the outside, would not have opened at all, but would have fallen down and made a great noise - as to weapons, i took them all into my side every night. but i needed none of all this precaution; for never man had a more faithful, loving, sincere servant than friday was to me: without passions, sullenness, or designs, perfectly obliged and engaged; his very affections were tied to me, like those of a child to a father; and i daresay he would have sacrificed his life to save mine upon any occasion whatsoever - the many testimonies he gave me of this put it out of doubt, and soon convinced me that i needed to use no precautions for my safety on his account.


robinson crusoe

最終更新: 2013-01-03
使用頻度: 1


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