検索ワード: i send you a kiss and hug (英語 - スロバキア語)







i send you a kiss and hug



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最終更新: 2012-12-05
使用頻度: 2


i am sure mr cappato will be good enough to send you a copy of his answer.


som si istá, že pán cappato bude taký dobrý a pošle vám kópiu odpovede.

最終更新: 2012-02-29
使用頻度: 2


unfortunately, i will not be able to be there, but i will send you a letter on that occasion.


Žiaľ, nebudem sa ho môcť zúčastniť, ale pri tejto príležitosti vám pošlem list.

最終更新: 2012-02-29
使用頻度: 2


dear mark and aidan, please find attached the complete the edriving fleet driver template for slovakia and i send you fleet driving contact for slovakia.


vážení mark a aidan, nájdete v prílohe kompletnú šablónu pre vodiča vozového parku pre slovensko a pošlem vám kontakt na vodiča vozového parku pre slovensko.

最終更新: 2023-02-16
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


we will save the right to go over your account details and send you a confirmation e-mail within 24 hours, regarding instructions on how to go on.


my si vyhradzujeme právo prechádzať údajmi o vašom účte a do 24 hodín vám zaslať potvrdzujúci e-mail s inštrukciami ako pokračovať.

最終更新: 2010-06-02
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


in some cases the employer can tell you directly at the interview, but in most cases he/she will send you a letter with the results of the application procedure.


v niektorých prípadoch vám to zamestnávateľ môže oznámiť priamo na pohovore, ale vo väčšine prípadov vám pošle list s výsledkom náborového konania.

最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


the assédic which covers you will send you a form for applying for benefits which you should return duly completed, attaching a certificate issued by your last employer confirming that your employment contract has been terminated.


asociácia assédic, pod ktorú patríte, vám zašle formulár žiadosti odávky, ktorý jej vrátite riadne vyplnený spolu spotvrdením oskončení pracovnej zmluvy, ktoré vystavil váš posledný zamestnávateľ.

最終更新: 2014-02-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


if your proposal is of interest to the ecb, we will, in order to safeguard confidentiality, enter into a non-disclosure agreement and send you a request for further details.


ak nás váš návrh zaujme, uzavrieme s vami dohodu o dôvernosti informácií a poš leme vám žiadosť o podrobnejš ie údaje.

最終更新: 2012-03-20
使用頻度: 3

参照: 匿名
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tick this box to enable icq's web aware functionality, which allows people to see your online status from icq's web page, and send you a message without necessarily having icq themselves.


zaškrtněte toto políčko pro povolení webové funkčnosti. lidé uvidí váš online stav na webu a budou vám moci z webu posílat zprávy, bez nutnosti mít nainstalované icq.

最終更新: 2008-03-04
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


for a better manage, we invite those clubs who have not sent yet their coaches and managers phone number, to do it soon. 2. resorts info and entrance (for those who stay): we invite you to send to the resorts the schedule with all your personal data to facilitate your entrance in those accommodation facilities. 3. parents: please communicate to those parents who want to follow their athletes to send the specific form, specifying the required lodging to info@eastervolley.it; the resorts will contact the applicants directly. 4. resort leaving on 20th april: we suggest you to agree directly with the resort management on bungalows availability since every team will play on saturday morning and lunch will close your stay. 5. meals: please follow the meals schedule posted in the resorts, in which teams are divided in shifts, following match schedule. 6. please indicate to resorts any special nutritional need 7. every team will be given two or three event poster to affix to their vehicles in order to underline the participation to this event. 8. we remind you that every team will play also on saturday morning, therefore we invite those clubs who choose to join us on bus to be organized, so that those vehicles can move in the morning for the match and in the afternoon for the closing ceremony and then go back home. 9. match calendar: we will send you the first draft asking you some help in finding any anomalies, considered your organizational request. please send any “important” request (also to giancadangelo@gmail.com) for a better manage of the event. no later than the previous weekend of the event we will send you the official complete schedule, also given in every folder at your arrival or first match. 10. tournament: on the website www.eastervolley.it you will find maps to get to the courts and the organization will give you a list of addresses and eventual phone numbers. • every team must bring their own balls for the warm-up before every match. • for each match must be given the “camp 3” document (borrowed athletes will be added in pen showing the authorization of the lending club, atl2 form (green card) and medical certificate); please bring identification document of all participants. • every club has to show before each match the camprisoc document in which must be underlined their own affiliate enable to use the defibrillator; those people must bring with them a copy of the blsd certificate. • clubs that participate with two teams in the same category must not modify their line up during the tournament. • given the proximity of the matches, we invite coaches to start the warm-up during the previous match, taking care of not disturbing it. • we remind you that, given the busy schedule, teams will have no more than 15 minutes for the warm up with balls 11. collateral events during easter volley: a) friday 19th at 21:30: dinner for the club delegates for a cultural exchange and to celebrate the 25th birthday of easter volley. please sign in at your arrival at the resort. the dinner will take place at numana blu village. b) wednesday 17th and thursday 18th: from h20 to h23 music and karaoke with dj set at the village for some fun. c) friday 19th at 21: 25th birthday party at numana blu village with all teams (for those who want it) 12. easter volley facebook page and website: all the results will be update live as soon as the referee communicate us the result. on the website you can also find all your matches, your personalized photo and ranking. we invite you to like the facebook page and interact with it by posting photos of your most important moment of this event.  live streaming: saturday afternoon at palaprometeo estra in ancona will take place the u.16 and u.18 finals and the closing ceremony, which will be transmitted live on youtube.  we will give you the link to connect to the live transmission so that who will be at home can live with us all the emotions of this event.  u.13 and u.14 finals will be transmitted delay since the following day. furthermore: • all teams have to be present at the closing ceremony that will take place after u.18 final. • at the closing ceremony all athletes have to wear (with penalty of withdraw of the bail) the t-shirt given by the organization except the captain that has to wear the suit or t-shirt of her club. all teams will have to be on the steps opposite to the entrance, possibly before the u.18 final; here the delegates and coaches can take their sign with the club name and then we will ask them to stay behind their team. • at the beginning of the event all the athletes will be given an identification card to fill in and carry around the neck as a sign of their participation and above all it is necessary to access to the restaurant at the resort. • we inform you that, considering that not all the courts have changing rooms available for all the teams, athletes of different teams could be placed together in the same room; it is advisable not to leave valuables. • all matches will be played at the best of 2 set of 3 (third set at 15 points). • the maximum expression of fair-play is hoped for during all the event. • for all the teams that do not reside in the area and for the parents in residence, you will find names of restaurants on the site www.eastervolley.it to consume meals in a facilitated manner. to facilitate the arrival of the lodging teams: • nuovo natural village: highway a14 exit “loreto”, then continue on s.statale direction porto recanati and after about 4 km you will find nuovo natural vilage on the left (0733-686338) • numana blu resort family & caming: highway a14 exit “ancona sud” or “loreto”, address: via costa verde 37, marcelli di numana – numana. solidarity: easter volley for many years is helping ambalt onlus, that assist leukemic kids and their families. in addition to postal bills and direct donations, please inform managers, coaches and athletes that, by buying the tournament sweatshirt and t-shirt (visible on the photos that run on the website), we could donate a smile. the costs are: € 20 without a hood, € 25 with a hood and € 10 for a t¬-shirt. booking them in advance will be delivered by the end of the tournament; if they are requested during the event and there is no availability, the organization will take care of sending them to the address you will indicate.


chcel by som vám poďakovať za vašu účasť na veľkonočnom volejbale 2019. všetkým klubom oznamujeme nasledujúce informácie, aby sme spoločne analyzovali každú situáciu a vytvorili správnu kombináciu, ktorá bude užitočná na lepšie zvládnutie podujatia. 1. prihlasovací formulár - foto - logo: do tých klubov, ktoré ešte neposlali vyššie uvedené dokumenty, urobte to čo najskôr. všetky fotografie a logá budú zverejnené na stránke facebook a na webovej stránke. pre

最終更新: 2019-04-15
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名
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