sekeramayi, sydney (a.k.a. sidney) tigere
sekeramayi, sydney (alias sidney) tigere
最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 4
video of lectures by sidney coleman at harvard in 1975-1976.
* physics 253: quantum field theory.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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and part of that -- the same theme is expressed nicely here in this sidney harris cartoon.
ista tema je lepo predstavljena na tej sliki s sidneyjem harrisom.
最終更新: 2015-10-13
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naveen william sidney andrews (born 17 january 1969) is a british indian actor.
centralna divizija je naslednica divizije norris.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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in 1643 control of the town was given by parliament to oliver cromwell, who had been educated at the university's sidney sussex college.
cambridge je igral pomembno vlogo v začetku angleške državljanske vojne, ko je bil sedež "eastern counties association", organizacije, ki je upravljala regionalno vojsko v vzhodni angliji, ki je postala temelj parlamentarnih vojaških prizadevanj pred nastankom novega modela armade.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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sekeramayi, sydney (a.k.a. sidney) tigere minister of defence, born 30.3.1944
sekeramayi, sydney (alias sidney) tigere minister za obrambo, rojen 30.3.1944
最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 1
==biography=====early life===william sidney porter was born on september 11, 1862, in greensboro, north carolina.
on in njegovi bratje (nick, joe in frankie) trenutno igrajo v disneyjevi televizijski seriji, imenovani "jonas".
最終更新: 2016-03-03
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==cast==* charlie chaplin as king shahdov* maxine audley as queen irene* jerry desmonde as prime minister voudel* oliver johnston as ambassador jaume* dawn addams as ann kay - tv specialist* sid james as johnson - tv advertiser (billed as sidney james)* joan ingram as mona cromwell - hostess* michael chaplin as rupert macabee* john mclaren as macabee senior* phil brown as headmaster* harry green as lawyer* robert arden as liftboy* alan gifford as school superintendent* robert cawdron as u.s.
kasneje vseeno ustvari nekaj oglasov, da zasluži nekoliko denarja.
最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1