検索ワード: stomach (英語 - ソマリ語)











最終更新: 2015-05-07
使用頻度: 3

参照: Wikipedia


stomach crumbing


calool majiir

最終更新: 2016-06-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


when you eat food ,the esophagus passes through the stomach,then the machine grinds,then the small intestine goes, then it passes into the large intestine, then through the rectum and then out of the anus.


markaad cunto cunto, hungurigu wuxuu dhex maraa caloosha, ka dibna mashiinku wuu shiidaa, ka dibna xiidmaha yar ayaa taga, markaas wuxuu u gudbaa xiidmaha weyn, dabadeed malawadka kadibna dabada ayuu ka soo baxaa.

最終更新: 2021-09-10
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


university of minnesota medical center, fairview same-day surgery adult discharge orders & instructions for 24 hours after surgery get plenty of rest. a responsible adult must stay with you for at least 24 hours after you leave the hospital. do not drive or use heavy equipment. if you have weakness or tingling, don't drive or use heavy equipment until this feeling goes away. do not drink alcohol. avoid strenuous or risky activities. ask for help when climbing stairs. you may feel lightheaded. if so, sit for a few minutes before standing. have someone help you get up. if you have nausea (feel sick to your stomach): drink only clear liquids such as apple juice, ginger ale, broth or 7-up. rest may also help. be sure to drink enough fluids. move to a regular diet as you feel able. you may have a slight fever. call the doctor if your fever is over 100°f (37.7°c) (taken under the tongue) or lasts longer than 24 hours. you may have a dry mouth, a sore throat, muscle aches or trouble sleeping. these should go away after 24 hours. do not make important or legal decisions. call your doctor for any of the following: 1. signs of infection (fever, growing tenderness at the surgery site, a large amount of drainage or bleeding, severe pain, foul-smelling drainage, redness, swelling). 2. it has been over 8 to 10 hours since surgery and you are still not able to urinate (pass water). 3. headache for over 24 hours. 4. numbness, tingling or weakness the day after surgery (if you had spinal anesthesia). to contact a doctor, call __dr. boyer @_612-626-5900 _____________________________________ or: ‘ 612-273-3000 and ask for the resident on call for ______________________________________________ (answered 24 hours a day) ‘ emergency department: university campus: 612-273-2700 (tty for hearing impaired: 612-273-2702) tips for taking pain medications to get the best pain relief possible , remember these points: take pain medications as directed, before pain becomes severe pain medication can upset your stomach: taking it with food may help constipation is a common side effect of pain medication. drink plenty of fluids eat foods high in fiber. take a stool softener if recommended by your doctor or pharmacist. do not drink alcohol, drive or operate machinery while taking pain medications. ask about other ways to control pain, such as with heat, ice or relaxation.


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最終更新: 2014-08-25
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名
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