検索ワード: patch things up (英語 - タガログ語)








patch things up


i-patch ang mga bagay

最終更新: 2020-06-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


lock things up



最終更新: 2020-01-08
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


making things up


nag imbento

最終更新: 2021-07-28
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


don't rush things up



最終更新: 2016-09-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


i always mess things up


ako ay isang kabiguan

最終更新: 2023-10-15
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


senen did not mess things up


hindi ginulo ni senen ang mga bagay

最終更新: 2021-07-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


senen would not mess things up


hindi guluhin ni senen ang mga bagay-bagay

最終更新: 2021-10-29
使用頻度: 1

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senen tidied up and fixed up everything senen did not mess up things up


inayos at inayos ni senen ang lahat hindi ginulo ni senen

最終更新: 2022-02-10
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


ever mess thing up


nag-aaksaya ako ng oras

最終更新: 2020-03-28
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


let's spice things up with some flirty banter. wanna get to know each other better? ��


para pagandahin ang mga bagay - bagay

最終更新: 2024-04-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


i was really bothered by how president duterte responded to drug addicts and drug dealers. oplan tokhang was supposedly about having a good conversation with the suspected and confirmed ones, but what had happened is that news have stated how many were killed during the president’s administration. in my views, mr. president didn’t process his decisions carefully when he said to shoot and kill the suspected or drug addicts if they resist or become violent. yes he might have come up with that order in order to protect the lives of innocent people and to reduce casualties, however even the “suspected” ones are being killed. even though, may it be confirmed or suspected drug users or dealers, i don’t think a one pull of a gun's trigger and ending the life of that person is the best decision to make. if the situation is really out of hand, why not shoot on the other part like leg or feet? yes, this idea of mine is also a not good moral decision but comparing it to a decision in which we end one’s life? all i see is a decision that favors them leaving behind and neglecting the families that will be left. what i see with that decision is lack of compassion, lack of evaluating, and lack of imagination. the news has reported that many suspected drug addicts or dealers were killed, take note “suspected” and not yet confirmed. just imagine what devastation it will be to that person’s family. in addition to this, there have been news as well circulating on social media that there are some possibilities in which the policemen were implanting or setting things up, which leads to ending an innocent person’s life. really, in this time it is hard to trust even the policemen or even if the suspected one or the family of the killed suspected one is telling the truth or lies, but what i’m bothered by is how president duterte just easily says the words “kill” and “shoot”. of course, some people will say that it is the only right thing to do, but is it the moral thing to do? is it a moral decision to do? if we follow and consider the 10 commandments of the lord, commandment #6 thou shalt not kill, is it a moral decision or judgement to shoot and kill whoever is suspected and confirmed in the oplan tokhang operation? well isn’t his decision only shows his values and characteristics as a human person? just like he ordered and made decisions again to shoot and kill the activists and suspected activists. just like what enraged thousands of filipinos regarding the “activists” reina mae nasino in which militaries says she is an activist by that time but other information was spreading that it is a set-up only. now this story was a little different though, since there were no killings that had happened here, but the life of the arrested reina nasino’s baby was taken away. see, the policemen and the military were just following orders from the president’s decision, and most of his decisions as i have analyzed lacks empathy and compassion. most of his decisions lack the knowledge from the heart. maybe that is one of the reasons why many youths and even adults are tired and don't want him to be a president anymore. because if his decisions show a good moral decision, if he really discerns and judges correctly considering the norms or demands, and the people, why would the citizens criticize him?


napakahalaga ng paggawa ng desisyon ng moral lalo na sa pagbuo ng ating ugali at moralidad bilang mga kristiyano. nangangailangan ito ng isang malalim na pagsusuri ng sitwasyon, pag-iisip ng mga posibleng solusyon (paggawa ng desisyon), at pagsusuri ng resulta na maaaring magamit bilang batayan o aralin para sa pagpapasya sa hinaharap.

最終更新: 2021-04-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

8,043,654,239 より良い訳文を手にいれましょう


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