検索ワード: think win win (英語 - タガログ語)








think win win


think win-win

最終更新: 2023-10-18
使用頻度: 1


win win solution


win win solution

最終更新: 2020-06-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


win win situation in tagalog


win win situation

最終更新: 2023-10-01
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


teamwork result in win-win situation


teamwork resulta sa manalo-manalo sitwasyon

最終更新: 2016-08-05
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


now that restorative justice has raised her gaian ecological purpose, to restore multiculturing peace in polyphonic polypathic turquoise eden, how do you continue to justify a win/lose retributive justice evolutionary philosophy of law and moral order as contributing to healthy win/win regeneratively revolutionary democracy? asked the ecosystemic judge of unitingnations jurisdiction. restorative justice was never intended to be effective where either victims or predators are unwilling, often incapable, of re-engaging in cooperative interdependent win/win dialogue, egalitarian discernment in-between trust and mistrust and hostile distrust and restorative retrust. so you argue win/win regenerative assumptions of natural/spiritual creatures are not safely, and not realistically, accessible for all the healing dreams and purposes endemic to our gaian muse of justice? an insufficiency of experience with healthy democratic peace; yes. and, how will continuing to primally rely on win/lose retribution, where victims and a healthy society are presumed to win by punishing criminals and loser scofflaws, lead us toward this noble, and globally multicultural, goal of achieving healthy democratic peace for all earth's regenerative creatures? retributive justice is the state's weapon to protect the common good from further injustice, a deterring threat; not a tool or medicine toward an actively remediating peace, domestic or international, private or public resonant health.


now that restorative justice has raised her gaian ecological purpose, to restore multiculturing peace in polyphonic polypathic turquoise eden, how do you continue to justify a win/lose retributive justice evolutionary philosophy of law and moral order as contributing to healthy win/win regeneratively revolutionary democracy? asked the ecosystemic judge of unitingnations jurisdiction. restorative justice was never intended to be effective where either victims or predators are unwilling, often incapable, of re-engaging in cooperative interdependent win/win dialogue, egalitarian discernment in-between trust and mistrust and hostile distrust and restorative retrust. so you argue win/win regenerative assumptions of natural/spiritual creatures are not safely, and not realistically, accessible for all the healing dreams and purposes endemic to our gaian muse of justice? an insufficiency of experience with healthy democratic peace; yes. and, how will continuing to primally rely on win/lose retribution, where victims and a healthy society are presumed to win by punishing criminals and loser scofflaws, lead us toward this noble, and globally multicultural, goal of achieving healthy democratic peace for all earth's regenerative creatures? retributive justice is the state's weapon to protect the common good from further injustice, a deterring threat; not a tool or medicine toward an actively remediating peace, domestic or international, private or public resonant health.

最終更新: 2020-10-08
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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