検索ワード: proximity (英語 - テルグ語)











最終更新: 2013-07-18
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


qs: how to identify sws cases? ans: in rgb, if you see the product is not stowed and is close to the pod either in first or last frame of the video, it would be considered as sws. qs: how to understand if the product is close to the pod? ans: 1. at start of the video, if product does not travel towards the bin space i.e., product is in front of any bin/tray, it would be considered as close to the pod. 2. at end of the video, if the product travels towards the bin space or is in front of any bin/tray, it would be close to the bin. note: if sws case is confirmed in rgb, switch to ods views for the final judgement. do not make any judgement based on rgb, only to determine if the job is sws that decision is to be taken with rgb view. remember the final decision for the overall job is to be taken from only the ods view. qs: how to understand evident gap between product and bin? ans: if visible space between product and bin space is observed on ods views with naked eye, it would be considered as evident gap. qs: what if no evident gap is observed due to camera position or scanner on ods? does it mean a close proximity? ans: it is possible to find no evident gap between product and bin due to blocking of camera/scanning of product/bigger size of product. for such cases, check the ods view to identify the intent of the stow associate, whether product is moving towards bin or away from the bin. if the product movement is confirmed away or towards the bin, consider it as evident gap irrespective of visibility in ods views, and take the final judgement accordingly. note: to validate the evident gap either product movement or visible space between product and bin space needs to be confirmed. existing sop of sws would remain as is, however logic check and intent of the stow associate i.e., movement of the product have to be considered before submitting the final response.


నా కెరీర్‌ని అమెజాన్‌తో ప్రారంభించడం చాలా ఆనందంగా ఉంద

最終更新: 2023-01-24
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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