検索ワード: convolutional neural networks (英語 - トルコ語)







convolutional neural networks



から: 機械翻訳








neural networks


nöronal ağ

最終更新: 2013-06-12
使用頻度: 1


convolutional neural network


evrişimli yapay sinir ağı

最終更新: 2018-12-29
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


neural network


yapay sinir ağları

最終更新: 2011-05-05
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


artificial neural network


yapay sinir ağı

最終更新: 2017-02-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


deep learning with convolutional neural network for objective skill evaluation in robot assisted surgery


robot destekli cerrahide objektif beceri değerlendirmesi için evrişimli sinir ağı ile derin öğrenme

最終更新: 2020-12-22
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


deep learning with convolutional neural network for objective skill evaluation in robot-assisted surgery


cerrahide hem kalite hem de güvenlik için öne çıkan talep nedeniyle, cerrah adaylarının hastaları ameliyat etmeden önce gerekli yeterlilik seviyelerine ulaşmaları önemlidir [1]. yeterli eğitimin olmaması, çok sayıda çalışmada gösterilen [2-4] klinik sonucu önemli ölçüde tehlikeye atabilir. cerrahi becerileri değerlendirmeye yönelik etkili eğitim ve güvenilir yöntemler, bu nedenle, teknik beceri edinme konusunda stajyerleri desteklemede kritik önem taşır [5]. aynı zamanda, mevcut cerrahi eğitim de

最終更新: 2020-12-21
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


several types of methods are used to combine all the available data to form a 3-state prediction, including neural networks, hidden markov models and support vector machines.


mevcut tüm verileri katıştırarak 3-hâlli bir öngörü yapan çeşitli yöntemler vardır, bunların arasında yapay sinir ağları, gizli markov modelleri ve destek vektör makinaları bulunur.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


but, just briefly, the concept is that you create a large number of different individuals -- neural networks, in this case -- all of which are random at the beginning.


ama kısaca, fikir şöyle diyebiliriz, büyük sayılarda farklı karakterler yaratıyorsunuz, bizim durumumuzda nöral ağlar, başlangıçta bunların hepsi rastgele oluşturuluyor.

最終更新: 2015-10-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


and for that, we use the neural network, which we based on that part of the nervous system that we have in our spine that controls walking in humans.


bunun için de, yürüme yetimizi kontrol eden omuriliğimizde bulunan sinir sistemimizden esinlenerek sinirsel ağı kullandık.

最終更新: 2015-10-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


==general economics and teaching jel: a subcategories==:category:general economicsjel: a1 – general economics::jel: a10 – general::jel: a11 – role of economics; role of economists; market for economists::jel: a12 – relation of economics to other disciplines::jel: a13 – relation of economics to social values::jel: a14 – sociology of economics::jel: a19 – otherjel: a2 – economic education and teaching of economics::jel: a20 – general::jel: a21 – pre-college::jel: a22 – undergraduate::jel: a23 – graduate::jel: a29 – otherjel: a3 – collective works::jel: a30 – general::jel: a31 – collected writings of individuals::jel: a32 – volumes::jel: a33 – handbooks::jel: a39 – other==history of economic thought, methodology, and heterodox approaches jel: b subcategories==:category:history of economic thought, methodology, and heterodox approachesjel: b0 – general::jel: b00 – generaljel: b1 – history of economic thought through 1925::jel: b10 – general::jel: b11 – preclassical::jel: b12 – classical::jel: b13 – neoclassical through 1925::jel: b14 – socialist; marxist::jel: b15 – historical; institutional::jel: b16 – history of economic thought: quantitative and mathematical::jel: b19 – otherjel: b2 – history of economic thought since 1925::jel: b20 – general::jel: b21 – microeconomics::jel: b22 – macroeconomics::jel: b23 – history of economic thought: econometrics; quantitative & mathematical studies::jel: b24 – socialist; marxist; sraffian::jel: b25 – historical; institutional; evolutionary; austrian::jel: b29 – otherjel: b3 – history of thought: individuals::jel: b30 – general::jel: b31 – individuals::jel: b32 – obituariesjel: b4 – economic methodology::jel: b40 – general::jel: b41 – economic methodology::jel: b49 – otherjel: b5 – current heterodox approaches::jel: b50 – general::jel: b51 – socialist; marxian; sraffian::jel: b52 – institutional; evolutionary::jel: b53 – austrian::jel: b54 – feminist economics::jel: b59 – other==mathematical and quantitative methods jel: c subcategories==:category:mathematical and quantitative methods (economics)jel: c0 – general::jel: c00 – general::jel: c01 – econometrics::jel: c02 – mathematical methodsjel: c1 – econometric and statistical methods: general::jel: c10 – general::jel: c11 – bayesian analysis::jel: c12 – hypothesis testing::jel: c13 – estimation::jel: c14 – semiparametric and nonparametric methods::jel: c15 – statistical simulation methods::jel: c16 – statistical distributions::jel: c16 – specific distributions::jel: c19 – otherjel: c2 – econometric methods: single equation models;single variables::jel: c20 – general::jel: c21 – cross-sectional models; spatial models; treatment effect models::jel: c22 – time-series models::jel: c23 – panel data::jel: c34 – truncated and censored models::jel: c25 – discrete regression; qualitative choice models::jel: c29 – otherjel: c3 – econometric methods: multiple or simultaneous equation models::jel: c30 – general::jel: c31 – cross-sectional models; spatial models; treatment effect models::jel: c32 – time-series models::jel: c33 – models with panel data::jel: c34 – truncated and censored models::jel: c35 – discrete regression and qualitative choice models::jel: c39 – otherjel: c4 – econometric and statistical methods: special topics::jel: c40 – general::jel: c41 – duration analysis::jel: c42 – survey methods::jel: c43 – index numbers and aggregation::jel: c44 – operations research; statistical decision theory::jel: c45 – neural networks and related topics::jel: c46 – specific distributions::jel: c49 – otherjel: c5 – econometric modeling::jel: c50 – general::jel: c51 – model construction and estimation::jel: c52 – model evaluation and testing::jel: c53 – forecasting and prediction methods; simulation::[jel: c53 –::jel: c59 – otherjel: c6 – mathematical methods; programming models; mathematical and simulation modeling::jel: c60 – general::jel: c61 – optimization techniques; programming models; dynamic analysis::jel: c62 – existence and stability conditions of equilibrium::jel: c63 – computational techniques; simulation modeling::jel: c65 – miscellaneous mathematical tools::jel: c67 – input–output models::jel: c68 – computable general equilibrium models::jel: c69 – otherjel: c7 – game theory and bargaining theory::jel: c70 – general::jel: c71 – cooperative games::jel: c72 – noncooperative games::jel: c73 – stochastic and dynamic games; evolutionary games; repeated games::jel: c78 – bargaining theory; matching theory::jel: c79 – otherjel: c8 – data collection and data estimation methodology; computer programs::jel: c80 – general::jel: c81 – methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing microeconomic data::jel: c82 – methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing macroeconomic data::jel: c87 – econometric software::jel: c88 – other computer software::jel: c89 – otherjel: c9 – design of experiments::jel: c90 – general::jel: c91 – laboratory, individual behavior::jel: c92 – laboratory, group behavior::jel: c93 – field experiments::jel: c99 – other==microeconomics jel: d subcategories==:category:microeconomicsjel: d0 – general::jel: d00 – general::jel: d01 – microeconomic behavior: underlying principles::jel: d02 – institutions: design, formation, and operations::jel: d03 – behavioral economics; underlying principlesjel: d1 – household behavior and family economics::jel: d10 – general::jel: d11 – consumer economics: theory::jel: d12 –::jel: d13 – household production and intrahousehold allocation::jel: d14 – personal finance::jel: d18 – consumer protection::jel: d19 – otherjel: d2 – production and organizations::jel: d20 – general::jel: d21 – firm behavior::jel: d23 – organizational behavior; transaction costs; property rights::jel: d24 – production; cost; capital, multifactor and total factor productivity; capacity::jel: d29 – otherjel: d3 – distribution::jel: d30 – general::jel: d31 – personal income, wealth, and their distributions::jel: d33 – factor income distribution::jel: d39 – otherjel: d4 – market structure and pricing::jel: d40 – general::jel: d41 – perfect competition::jel: d42 – monopoly::jel: d43 – oligopoly and other forms of market imperfection::jel: d44 – auctions::jel: d45 – rationing; licensing::jel: d46 – value theory::jel: d47 – market design::jel: d49 – otherjel: d5 – general equilibrium and disequilibrium::jel: d50 – general::jel: d51 – exchange and production economies::jel: d52 – incomplete markets::jel: d57 – input–output tables and analysis::jel: d58 – computable and other applied general equilibrium models::jel: d59 – otherjel: d6 – welfare economics::jel: d60 – general::jel: d61 – allocative efficiency; cost-benefit analysis::jel: d62 – externalities::jel: d63 – equity, justice, inequality, and other normative criteria and measurement::jel: d64 – altruism; philanthropy::jel: d69 – otherjel: d7 – analysis of collective decision-making::jel: d70 – general::jel: d71 – social choice; clubs; committees; associations::jel: d72 – economic models of political processes: rent-seeking, elections, legislatures, and voting behavior::jel: d73 – bureaucracy; administrative processes in public organizations; corruption::jel: d74 – conflict; conflict resolution; alliances::jel: d78 – positive analysis of policy-making and implementation::jel: d79 – otherjel: d8 – information, knowledge, and uncertainty::jel: d80 – general::jel: d81 – criteria for decision-making under risk and uncertainty::jel: d82 – asymmetric and private information; market design::jel: d83 – search; learning; information and knowledge::jel: d84 – expectations; speculation::jel: d85 – network formation and analysis: theory::jel: d86 – economics of contract: theory::jel: d87 – neuroeconomics::jel: d89 – otherjel: d9 – intertemporal choice and growth::jel: d90 – general::jel: d91 – intertemporal consumer choice; life cycle models and saving::jel: d92 – intertemporal firm choice and growth, investment, or financing::jel: d99 – other==macroeconomics and monetary economics jel: e subcategories==:category:macroeconomics and monetary economicsjel: e – macroeconomics and monetary economicsjel: e0 – general::jel: e00 – general::jel: e01 – measurement and data on national income and product accounts and wealth::jel: e02 – institutions and the macroeconomyjel: e1 – general aggregative models::jel: e10 – general::jel: e11 – marxian; sraffian; institutional; evolutionary::jel: e12 – keynes; keynesian; post-keynesian::jel: e13 – neoclassical::jel: e16 – social accounting matrix::jel: e17 – forecasting and simulation::jel: e19 – otherjel: e2 – macroeconomics: consumption, saving, production, employment, and investment::jel: e20 – general::jel: e21 – consumption; saving; wealth::jel: e22 – capital; investment (including inventories); capacity::jel: e23 – production::jel: e24 – employment; unemployment; wages; intergenerational income distribution; aggregate human capital::jel: e25 – aggregate factor income distribution::jel: e26 – informal economy; underground economy::jel: e27 – forecasting and simulation::jel: e29 – otherjel: e3 – prices, business fluctuations, and cycles::jel: e30 – general::jel: e31 – price level; inflation; deflation::jel: e32 – business fluctuations; cycles::jel: e37 – forecasting and simulation::jel: e39 – otherjel: e4 – money and interest rates::jel: e40 – general::jel: e41 – demand for money::jel: e42 – monetary systems; standards; regimes; government and the monetary system; payment systems::jel: e43 – determination of interest rates; term structure of interest rates::jel: e44 – financial markets and the macroeconomy::jel: e47 – forecasting and simulation::jel: e49 – otherjel: e5 – monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit::jel: e50 – general::jel: e51 – money supply; credit; money multipliers::jel: e52 – monetary policy::jel: e58 – central banks and their policies::jel: e59 – otherjel: e6 – macroeconomic policy formation, macroeconomic aspects of public finance, macroeconomic policy, and general outlook::jel: e60 – general::jel: e61 – policy objectives; policy designs and consistency; policy coordination::jel: e62 – fiscal policy; public expenditures, investment, and finance; taxation::jel: e63 – comparative or joint analysis of fiscal and monetary policy; stabilization::jel: e64 – incomes policy; price policy::jel: e65 – studies of particular policy episodes::jel: e66 – general outlook and conditions::jel: e69 – other==international economics jel: f subcategories==:category:international economicsjel: f – international economicsjel: f0 – general::jel: f00 – general::jel: f01 – global outlook::jel: f02 – international economic order; noneconomic international organizations •economic integration and globalization: generaljel: f1 – trade::jel: f10 – general::jel: f11 – neoclassical models of trade::jel: f12 – models of trade with imperfect competition and scale economies::jel: f13 – commercial policy; protection; promotion; trade negotiations; international organizations::jel: f14 – empirical studies of trade::jel: f15 – economic integration::jel: f16 – trade and labor market interactions::jel: f17 – trade forecasting and simulation::jel: f18 – trade and environment::jel: f19 – otherjel: f2 – international factor movements and international business::jel: f20 – general::jel: f21 – international investment; long-term capital movements::jel: f22 – international migration::jel: f23 – multinational firms; international business::jel: f24 – remittances::jel: f29 – otherjel: f3 – international finance::jel: f30 – general::jel: f31 – foreign exchange::jel: f32 – current account adjustment; short-term capital movements::jel: f33 – international monetary arrangements and institutions::jel: f34 – international lending and debt problems::jel: f35 – foreign aid::jel: f36 – financial aspects of economic integration::jel: f37 – international finance forecasting and simulation::jel: f39 – otherjel: f4 – macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance::jel: f40 – general::jel: f41 – open economy macroeconomics::jel: f42 – international policy coordination and transmission::jel: f43 – economic growth of open economies::jel: f47 – forecasting and simulation::jel: f49 – otherjel: f5 – international relations and international political economy::jel: f50 – general::jel: f51 – international conflicts; negotiations; sanctions::jel: f52 – national security; economic nationalism::jel: f53 – international agreements and observance; international organizations::jel: f54 – colonialism; imperialism; postcolonialism::jel: f55 – international institutional arrangements::jel: f59 – international relations and international political economy: other==financial economics jel: g subcategories==:category:financial economicsjel: g – financial economicsjel: g0 – general::jel: g00 – general::jel: g01 – financial crisis::jel: g02 – behavioral finance: underlying principlesjel: g1 – general financial markets::jel: g10 – general::jel: g11 – portfolio choice; investment decisions::jel: g12 – asset pricing; trading volume; bond interest rates::jel: g13 – contingent pricing; futures pricing::jel: g14 – information and market efficiency; event studies::jel: g15 – international financial markets::jel: g17 – financial forecasting::jel: g18 – government policy and regulation::jel: g19 – otherjel: g2 – financial institutions and services::jel: g20 – general::jel: g21 – banks; depository institutions; micro finance institutions; mortgages::jel: g22 – insurance; insurance companies::jel: g23 – non-bank financial institutions; financial instruments; institutional investors::jel: g24 – investment banking; venture capital; brokerage; ratings and ratings agencies::jel: g28 – government policy and regulation::jel: g29 – otherjel: g3 – corporate finance and governance::jel: g30 – general::jel: g31 – capital budgeting; fixed investment and inventory studies::jel: g32 – financing policy; financial risk and risk management; capital and ownership structure; goodwill::jel: g33 – bankruptcy; liquidation::jel: g34 – mergers; acquisitions; restructuring; corporate governance::jel: g35 – payout policy::jel: g38 – government policy and regulation::jel: g39 – other==public economics jel: h subcategories==:category:public economicsjel: h – public economicsjel: h0 – general::jel: h00 – generaljel: h1 – structure and scope of government::jel: h10 – general::jel: h11 – structure, scope, and performance of government::jel: h12 – crisis management::jel: h19 – otherjel: h2 – taxation, subsidies, and revenue::jel: h20 – general::jel: h21 – efficiency; optimal taxation::jel: h22 – incidence::jel: h23 – externalities; redistributive effects; environmental taxes and subsidies::jel: h24 – personal income and other nonbusiness taxes and subsidies::jel: h25 – business taxes and subsidies::jel: h26 – tax evasion::jel: h27 – other sources of revenue::jel: h29 – otherjel: h3 – fiscal policies and behavior of economic agents::jel: h30 – general::jel: h31 – household::jel: h32 – firm::jel: h39 – otherjel: h4 – publicly provided goods::jel: h40 – general::jel: h41 – public goods::jel: h42 – publicly provided private goods::jel: h43 – project evaluation; social discount rate::jel: h44 – publicly provided goods: mixed markets::jel: h49 – otherjel: h5 – national government expenditures and related policies::jel: h50 – general::jel: h51 – government expenditures and health::jel: h52 – government expenditures and education::jel: h53 – government expenditures and welfare programs::jel: h54 – infrastructures; other public investment and capital stock::jel: h55 – social security and public pensions::jel: h56 – national security and war::jel: h57 – government procurement::jel: h59 – otherjel: h6 – national budget, deficit, and debt::jel: h60 – general::jel: h61 – budget; budget systems::jel: h62 – deficit; surplus::jel: h63 – debt; debt management::jel: h63 – debt; debt management; sovereign debt::jel: h68 – forecasts of budgets, deficits, and debt::jel: h69 – otherjel: h7 – state and local government; intergovernmental relations::jel: h70 – general::jel: h71 – state and local taxation, subsidies, and revenue::jel: h72 – state and local budget and expenditures::jel: h73 – interjurisdictional differentials and their effects::jel: h74 – state and local borrowing::jel: h75 – state and local government: health; education; welfare; public pensions::jel: h76 – state and local government: other expenditure categories::jel: h77 – intergovernmental relations; federalism; secession::jel: h79 – otherjel: h8 – miscellaneous issues::jel: h80 – general::jel: h81 – governmental loans, loan guarantees, credits, and grants; bailouts::jel: h82 – governmental property::jel: h83 – public administration; public sector accounting and audits::jel: h84 – disaster aid::jel: h87 – international fiscal issues; international public goods::jel: h89 – other==health, education, and welfare jel: i subcategories==:category:health, education, and welfare economicsjel: i – health, education, and welfarejel: i0 – general::jel: i00 – generaljel: i1 – health::jel: i10 – general::jel: i11 – analysis of health care markets::jel: i12 – health production: nutrition, mortality, morbidity, substance abuse and addiction, disability, and economic behavior::jel: i18 – government policy; regulation; public health::jel: i19 – otherjel: i2 – education::jel: i20 – general::jel: i21 – analysis of education::jel: i22 – educational finance::jel: i23 – higher education research institutions::jel: i28 – government policy::jel: i29 – otherjel: i3 – welfare and poverty::jel: i30 – general::jel: i31 – general welfare; basic needs; living standards; quality of life; happiness::jel: i32 – measurement and analysis of poverty::jel: i38 – government policy; provision and effects of welfare programs::jel: i39 – other==labor and demographic economics jel: j subcategories==:category:labor and demographic economicsjel: j – labor and demographic economics:category:labor:category:demographic economicsjel: j0 – general::jel: j00 – generaljel: j1 – demographic economics::jel: j10 – general::jel: j11 – demographic trends and forecasts::jel: j12 – marriage; marital dissolution; family structure::jel: j13 – fertility; family planning; child care; children; youth::jel: j14 – economics of the elderly; economics of the handicapped::jel: j15 – economics of minorities and races; non-labor discrimination::jel: j16 – economics of gender; non-labor discrimination::jel: j17 – value of life; foregone income::jel: j18 – public policy::jel: j19 – otherjel: j2 – time allocation, work behavior, and employment determination and creation; human capital::jel: j20 – general::jel: j21 – labor force and employment, size, and structure::jel: j22 – time allocation and labor supply::jel: j23 – employment determination; job creation; demand for labor; self-employment::jel: j24 – human capital; skills; occupational choice; labor productivity::jel: j26 – retirement; retirement policies::jel: j28 – safety; accidents; industrial health; job satisfaction; related public policy::jel: j29 – otherjel: j3 – wages, compensation, and labo


başlıca kodlar şunlardır:* jel: a - genel ekonomi and Çalışmalar* jel: b - İktisadi düşünce okulları vemetodoloji* jel: c - matematiksel ve kantitatif metotlar* jel: d - mikroekonomi* jel: e - makroekonomi ve monetarizm* jel: f - uluslararası ekonomi* jel: g - finansal ekonomi* jel: h - kamu ekonomisi* jel: i - sağlık, eğitim, and refah ekonomisi* jel: j - Çalışma* jel: k - hukuk ve ekonomi* jel: l - endüstriyel organizasyon* jel: m - İşletme yönetimi and İşletme ekonomisi; pazarlama; muhasebe* jel: n - ekonomi tarihi* jel: o - İktisadi kalkınma, teknolojik değişim ve büyüme* jel: p - ekonomik sistemler* jel: q - tarım ekonomisi, doğal kaynak ekonomisi, Çevresel ekonomi ve ekolojik ekonomi* jel: r - kent, kırsal, ve bölgesel* jel: y - Çeşitli kategoriler* jel: z - diğer özel başlıklar== genel ekonomi ve çalışmalar jel: a alt kategoriler ==:kategori:genel ekonomijel: a1 - genel ekonomi::jel: a10 - genel::jel: a11 - ekonominin rolü, ekonomistlerin rolü, economistler için piyasa::jel: a12 - ekonominin diğer disiplinlerle İlişkisi::jel: a13 - sosyal değerlerle ekonominin ilişkisi::jel: a14 - sociology of economics::jel: a19 - diğerjel: a2 - economics education and teaching of economics::jel: a20 - genel::jel: a21 - pre-college::jel: a22 - undergraduate::jel: a23 - graduate::jel: a29 - diğerjel: a3 - multisubject collective works::jel: a30 - genel::jel: a31 - multisubject collected writings of individuals::jel: a32 - multisubject volumes::jel: a39 - diğer== ekonomik düşünce okulları ve metodoloji jel: b alt kategoriler ==:kategori:schools of economic thought and methodologyjel: b0 - genel::jel: b00 - geneljel: b1 - ekonomik düşünce tarihi through 1925::jel: b10 - genel::jel: b11 - klasik öncesi::jel: b12 - klasik::jel: b13 - yeni klasik düşünce 1925::jel: b14 - socialist; marksist::jel: b15 - historical; institutional::jel: b16 - history of economic thought: quantitative and mathematical::jel: b19 - diğerjel: b2 - ekonomik düşünce tarihi 1925'den beri::jel: b20 - genel::jel: b21 - mikroekonomi::jel: b22 - makroekonomi::jel: b23 - ekonomik düşünce tarihi, ekonometri, kantitif & matematiksel çalışmalar::jel: b24 - sosyalizm; marxist; sraffian::jel: b25 - historical; institutional; evolutionary; austrian::jel: b29 - diğerjel: b3 - düşünce tarihi: kişiler::jel: b30 - genel::jel: b31 - kişiler::jel: b32 - obituariesjel: b4 - ekonomik metodloji::jel: b40 - genel::jel: b41 - ekonomik metodoloji::jel: b49 - diğerjel: b5 - mevcut heterodoks yaklaşımlar::jel: b50 - genel::jel: b51 - sosyalist, marksist, sraffian::jel: b52 - kurumsal ekonomi; evrimci ekonomi::jel: b53 - avusturya::jel: b54 - feminist ekonomi::jel: b59 - diğer== matematiksel ve kantitatif metotlar jel: c alt kategoriler ==:kategori:matematiksel ve kantitatif metotlar (ekonomi)_jel: c0 - genel::jel: c00 - genel::jel: c01 - ekonometri::jel: c02 - matematiksel metotlarjel: c1 - ekonometri ve İstatistiksel metotlar: genel::jel: c10 - genel::jel: c11 - bayesian analiz::jel: c12 - hipotez testleri::jel: c13 - tahmin teorisi::jel: c14 - yarı parametrik and nonparametrik metotlar::jel: c15 - İstatistiksel simulasyon metotları::jel: c16 - İstatistiksel dağılımlar::jel: c16 - Özel dağılımlar::jel: c19 - diğerjel: c2 - econometric methods: single equation models;single variables::jel: c20 - genel::jel: c21 - cross-sectional models; spatial models; treatment effect models::jel: c22 - time-series models::jel: c23 - panel data::jel: c34 - truncated and censored models::jel: c25 - discrete regression; qualitative choice models::jel: c29 - diğerjel: c3 - econometric methods: multiple or simultaneous equation models::jel: c30 - genel::jel: c31 - cross-sectional models; spatial models; treatment effect models::jel: c32 - time-series models::jel: c33 - models with panel data::jel: c34 - truncated and censored models::jel: c35 - discrete regression and qualitative choice models::jel: c39 - diğerjel: c4 - ekonometrik ve istatistiksel metodlar: Özel başlıklar::jel: c40 - genel::jel: c41 - duration analysis::jel: c42 - survey methods::jel: c43 - index numbers aggregation::jel: c44 - statistical decision theory; operations research::jel: c45 - neural networks and related topics::jel: c46 - specific distributions::jel: c49 - diğerjel: c5 - ekonometrik modelleme::jel: c50 - genel::jel: c51 - model belirleme ve tahmin::jel: c52 - model evaluation and testing::jel: c53 - forecasting and diğer model uygulamaları::jel: c59 - diğerjel: c6 - matematiksel ekonomi ve programlama::jel: c60 - genel::jel: c61 - optimizasyon teknikleri; programlama modelleri; dinamik analiz::jel: c62 - existence and stability conditions of equilibrium::jel: c63 - computational techniques::jel: c65 - miscellaneous mathematical tools::jel: c67 - input–output models::jel: c68 - computable genel equilibrium models::jel: c69 - diğerjel: c7 - game theory and bargaining theory::jel: c70 - genel::jel: c71 - cooperative games::jel: c72 - noncooperative games::jel: c73 - stochastic and dynamic games; evolutionary games; repeated games::jel: c78 - bargaining theory; matching theory::jel: c79 - diğerjel: c8 - data collection and data estimation methodology; computer programs::jel: c80 - genel::jel: c81 - methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing microeconomic data::jel: c82 - methodology for collecting, estimating, and organizing macroeconomic data::jel: c87 - econometric software::jel: c88 - diğer computer software::jel: c89 - diğerjel: c9 - deneysel ekonomi::jel: c90 - genel::jel: c91 - laboratory, individual behavior::jel: c92 - laboratory, group behavior::jel: c93 - field experiments::jel: c99 - diğer== mikroekonomi jel: d alt kategoriler ==jel: d0 - genel::jel: d00 - genel::jel: d01 - microeconomic behavior: underlying principles::jel: d02 - institutions: design, formation, and operationsjel: d1 - hanehalkı davranışları ve ev ekonomisi::jel: d10 - genel::jel: d11 - tüketici teorisi::jel: d12 -::jel: d13 - household production and intrahousehold allocation::jel: d14 - personal finance::jel: d18 - consumer protection::jel: d19 - diğerjel: d2 - Üretim ve organizasyon::jel: d20 - genel::jel: d21 - firma davranışları::jel: d23 - organizational behavior; transaction costs; property rights::jel: d24 - production; capital and total factor productivity; capacity::jel: d29 - diğerjel: d3 - distribution::jel: d30 - genel::jel: d31 - personal income, wealth, and their distributions::jel: d33 - factor income distribution::jel: d39 - diğerjel: d4 - piyasa yapısı ve fiyatlama::jel: d40 - genel::jel: d41 - tam rekabet::jel: d42 - monopol::jel: d43 - oligopol and diğer piyasa başarısızlıkları::jel: d44 - auctions::jel: d45 - rationing; licensing::jel: d46 - value theory::jel: d49 - diğerjel: d5 - genel equilibrium and disequilibrium::jel: d50 - genel::jel: d51 - exchange and production economies::jel: d52 - incomplete markets::jel: d57 - input–output tables and analysis::jel: d58 - computable and diğer applied genel equilibrium models::jel: d59 - diğerjel: d6 - refah ekonomisi::jel: d60 - genel::jel: d61 - allocative efficiency; cost-benefit analysis::jel: d62 - externalities::jel: d63 - equity, justice, inequality, and diğer normative criteria and measurement::jel: d64 - altruism::jel: d69 - diğerjel: d7 - analysis of collective decision-making::jel: d70 - genel::jel: d71 - social choice; clubs; committees; associations::jel: d72 - economic models of political processes: rent-seeking, elections, legislatures, and voting behavior::jel: d73 - bureaucracy; administrative processes in public organizations; corruption::jel: d74 - conflict; conflict resolution; alliances::jel: d78 - positive analysis of policy-making and implementation::jel: d79 - diğerjel: d8 - information, knowledge, and uncertainty::jel: d80 - genel::jel d81 - criteria for decision-making under risk and uncertainty::jel: d82 - asymmetric and private information::jel: d83 - search; learning; information and knowledge::jel: d84 - expectations; speculation::jel: d85 - network formation::jel: d86 - economics of contract law::jel: d89 - diğerjel: d9 - intertemporal choice and growth::jel: d90 - genel::jel: d91 - intertemporal consumer choice; life cycle models and saving::jel: d92 - intertemporal firm choice and growth, investment, or financing::jel: d99 - diğer== makroekonomicroeconomics and monetary economics jel: e subcategories ==jel: e - macroeconomics and monetary economics:kategori:macroeconomics and monetary economicsjel: e0 - genel::jel: e00 - genel::jel: e01 - measurement and data on national income and product accounts and wealth::jel: e02 - institutions and the macroeconomyjel: e1 - genel aggregative models::jel: e10 - genel::jel: e11 - marxian; sraffian; institutional; evolutionary::jel: e12 - keynes; keynesian; post-keynesian::jel: e13 - neoclassical::jel: e17 - forecasting and simulation::jel: e19 - diğerjel: e2 - macroeconomics: consumption, saving, production, employment, and investment::jel: e20 - genel::jel: e21 - consumption; saving; wealth::jel: e22 - capital; investment (including inventories); capacity::jel: e23 - production::jel: e24 - employment; unemployment; wages; intergenerational income distribution; aggregate human capital::jel: e25 - aggregate factor income distribution::jel: e26 - informal economy; underground economy::jel: e27 - forecasting and simulation::jel: e29 - diğerjel: e3 - prices, business fluctuations, and cycles::jel: e30 - genel::jel: e31 - price level; inflation; deflation::jel: e32 - business fluctuations; cycles::jel: e37 - forecasting and simulation::jel: e39 - diğerjel: e4 - money and interest rates::jel: e40 - genel::jel: e41 - demand for money::jel: e42 - monetary systems; standards; regimes; government and the monetary system; payment systems::jel: e43 - determination of interest rates; term structure of interest rates::jel: e44 - financial markets and the macroeconomy::jel: e47 - forecasting and simulation::jel: e49 - diğerjel: e5 - monetary policy, central banking, and the supply of money and credit::jel: e50 - genel::jel: e51 - money supply; credit; money multipliers::jel: e52 - monetary policy::jel: e58 - central banks and their policies::jel: e59 - diğerjel: e6 - macroeconomic policy formation, macroeconomic aspects of public finance, macroeconomic policy, and genel outlook::jel: e60 - genel::jel: e61 - policy objectives; policy designs and consistency; policy coordination::jel: e62 - fiscal policy; public expenditures, investment, and finance; taxation::jel: e63 - comparative or joint analysis of fiscal and monetary policy; stabilization::jel: e64 - incomes policy; price policy::jel: e65 - studies of particular policy episodes::jel: e66 - genel outlook and conditions::jel: e69 - diğer== international economics jel: f subcategories ==jel: f - international economics:kategori:international economicsjel: f0 - genel::jel: f00 - genel::jel: f01 - global outlook::jel: f02 - international economic order; noneconomic international organizations •economic integration and globalization: geneljel: f1 - trade::jel: f10 - genel::jel: f11 - neoclassical models of trade::jel: f12 - models of trade with imperfect competition and scale economies::jel: f13 - commercial policy; protection; promotion; trade negotiations; international organizations::jel: f14 - country and industry studies of trade::jel: f15 - economic integration::jel: f16 - trade and labor market interactions::jel: f17 - trade forecasting and simulation::jel: f18 - trade and environment::jel: f19 - diğerjel: f2 - international factor movements and international business::jel: f20 - genel::jel: f21 - international investment; long-term capital movements::jel: f22 - international migration::jel: f23 - multinational firms; international business::jel: f29 - diğerjel: f3 - international finance::jel: f30 - genel::jel: f31 - foreign exchange::jel: f32 - current account adjustment; short-term capital movements::jel: f33 - international monetary arrangements and institutions::jel: f34 - international lending and debt problems::jel: f35 - foreign aid::jel: f36 - financial aspects of economic integration::jel: f37 - international finance forecasting and simulation::jel: f39 - diğerjel: f4 - macroeconomic aspects of international trade and finance::jel: f40 - genel::jel: f41 - open economy macroeconomics::jel: f42 - international policy coordination and transmission::jel: f43 - economic growth of open economies::jel: f47 - forecasting and simulation::jel: f49 - diğer== financial economics jel: g subcategories ==jel: g - financial economics:kategori:financial economicsjel: g0 - genel::jel: g00 - genel::jel: g01 - financial crisesjel: g1 - genel financial markets::jel: g10 - genel::jel: g11 - portfolio choice; investment decisions::jel: g12 - asset pricing; trading volume; bond interest rates::jel: g13 - contingent pricing; futures pricing::jel: g14 - information and market efficiency; event studies::jel: g15 - international financial markets::jel: g17 - financial forecasting::jel: g18 - government policy and regulation::jel: g19 - diğerjel: g2 - financial institutions and services::jel: g20 - genel::jel: g21 - banks; diğer depository institutions; micro finance institutions; mortgages::jel: g22 - insurance; insurance companies::jel: g23 - pension funds; diğer private financial institutions::jel: g24 - investment banking; venture capital; brokerage; ratings and ratings agencies::jel: g28 - government policy and regulation::jel: g29 - diğerjel: g3 - corporate finance and governance::jel: g30 - genel::jel: g31 - capital budgeting; fixed investment and inventory studies::jel: g32 - financing policy; financial risk and risk management; capital and ownership structure::jel: g33 - bankruptcy; liquidation::jel: g34 - mergers; acquisitions; restructuring; corporate governance::jel: g35 - payout policy::jel: g38 - government policy and regulation::jel: g39 - diğer== public economics jel: h subcategories ==jel: h - public economics:kategori:public economicsjel: h0 - genel::jel: h00 - geneljel: h1 - structure and scope of government::jel: h10 - genel::jel: h11 - structure, scope, and performance of government::jel: h19 - diğerjel: h2 - taxation, subsidies, and revenue::jel: h20 - genel::jel: h21 - efficiency; optimal taxation::jel: h22 - incidence::jel: h23 - externalities; redistributive effects; environmental taxes and subsidies::jel: h24 - personal income and diğer nonbusiness taxes and subsidies::jel: h25 - business taxes and subsidies::jel: h26 - tax evasion::jel: h27 - diğer sources of revenue::jel: h29 - diğerjel: h3 - fiscal policies and behavior of economic agents::jel: h30 - genel::jel: h31 - household::jel: h32 - firm::jel: h39 - diğerjel: h4 - publicly provided goods::jel: h40 - genel::jel: h41 - public goods::jel: h42 - publicly provided private goods::jel: h43 - project evaluation; social discount rate::jel: h49 - diğerjel: h5 - national government expenditures and related policies::jel: h50 - genel::jel: h51 - government expenditures and health::jel: h52 - government expenditures and education::jel: h53 - government expenditures and welfare programs::jel: h54 - infrastructures; diğer public investment and capital stock::jel: h55 - social security and public pensions::jel: h56 - national security and war::jel: h57 - procurement::jel: h59 - diğerjel: h6 - national budget, deficit, and debt::jel: h60 - genel::jel: h61 - budget; budget systems::jel: h62 - deficit; surplus::jel: h63 - debt; debt management::jel: h69 - diğerjel: h7 - state and local government; intergovernmental relations::jel: h70 - genel::jel: h71 - state and local taxation, subsidies, and revenue::jel: h72 - state and local budget and expenditures::jel: h73 - interjurisdictional differentials and their effects::jel: h74 - state and local borrowing::jel: h77 - intergovernmental relations; federalism::jel: h79 - diğerjel: h8 - miscellaneous issues::jel: h80 - genel::jel: h81 - governmental loans, loan guarantees, and credits::jel: h82 - governmental property::jel: h83 - public administration::jel: h87 - international fiscal issues; international public goods::jel: h89 - diğer== health, education, and welfare jel: i subcategories ==jel: i - health, education, and welfare:kategori:health, education, and welfare economicsjel: i0 - genel::jel: i00 - geneljel: i1 - health::jel: i10 - genel::jel: i11 - analysis of health care markets::jel: i12 - health production: nutrition, mortality, morbidity, substance abuse and addiction, disability, and economic behavior::jel: i18 - government policy; regulation; public health::jel: i19 - diğerjel: i2 - education::jel: i20 - genel::jel: i21 - analysis of education::jel: i22 - educational finance::jel: i23 - higher education research institutions::jel: i28 - government policy::jel: i29 - diğerjel: i3 - welfare and poverty::jel: i30 - genel::jel: i31 - genel welfare; basic needs; living standards; quality of life; happiness::jel: i32 - measurement and analysis of poverty::jel: i38 - government policy; provision and effects of welfare programs::jel: i39 - diğer== labor and demographic economics jel: j subcategories ==jel: j - labor and demographic economics:kategori:labor and demographic economics:kategori:labor:kategori:demographic economicsjel: j0 - genel::jel: j00 - geneljel: j1 - demographic economics::jel: j10 - genel::jel: j11 - demographic trends and forecasts::jel: j12 - marriage; marital dissolution; family structure::jel: j13 - fertility; family planning; child care; children; youth::jel: j14 - economics of the elderly; economics of the handicapped::jel: j15 - economics of minorities and races; non-labor discrimination::jel: j16 - economics of gender; non-labor discrimination::jel: j17 - value of life; foregone income::jel: j18 - public policy::jel: j19 - diğerjel: j2 - time allocation, work behavior, and employment determination and creation; human capital::jel: j20 - genel::jel: j21 - labor force and employment, size, and structure::jel: j22 - time allocation and labor supply::jel: j23 - employment determination; job creation; demand for labor; self-employment::jel: j24 - human capital; skills; occupational choice; labor productivity::jel: j26 - retirement; retirement policies::jel: j28 - safety; accidents; industrial health; job satisfaction; related public policy::jel: j29 - diğerjel: j3 - wages, compensation, and labor costs::jel: j30 - genel::jel: j31 - wage level and structure; wage differentials by skill, training, occupation, etc.

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