検索ワード: proficiency;proficiency (英語 - トルコ語)










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language proficiency


dil yetkinliği

最終更新: 2017-01-15
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


her proficiency in english rapidly improved.


onun İngilizcedeki yeterliliği hızla gelişti.

最終更新: 2014-02-01
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


yds (language proficiency test administered in turkey)



最終更新: 2015-04-02
使用頻度: 9

参照: Wikipedia


administrator dashboard showing concept proficiency for a grade level


sınıf seviyesi İçin kavram yeterliliğini gösteren yönetici paneli

最終更新: 2019-03-22
使用頻度: 1

参照: Ztuman


on a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your proficiency in the following languages.


10 a 1 ölçeğinde, lütfen aşağıdaki dillerdeki yeterliliğini sınıflandır.

最終更新: 2014-02-01
使用頻度: 1

参照: Ztuman


it was one of the best paid jobs in the region and required no schooling, just english language proficiency.


bölgedeki en iyi maaşlı işlerden biriydi ve İngilizce yeterliliği dışında herhangi bir diploma aranmıyordu.

最終更新: 2016-01-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: Ztuman


italy also agreed to help with an english language proficiency test, which could prove helpful to nato membership efforts.


İtalya, nato üyelik çabalarında yardımcı olabilecek bir İngilizce dili yeterlilik testi konusunda da yardım etmeyi kabul etti.

最終更新: 2012-04-07
使用頻度: 1

参照: Ztuman


== teaching =====university of erlangen===noether showed early proficiency in french and english.


===erlangen Üniversitesi===emmy noether fransızca ve İngilizcede erken yetkinlik gösterdi.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Ztuman


a certificate of english proficiency (paper based-toefl score of 550 or equivalent) is another requirement.


İngilizce dil yeterliliği sertifikası ise (fiziksel sınav ile toelf'dan 550 puan veya eşdeğeri) diğer bir şarttır.

最終更新: 2019-05-27
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


besides the precondition of continuing residence, an applicant for citizenship status would have had to fulfil ten conditions, including demonstrating proficiency in the macedonian language and taking an oath.


kalıcı ikamet önkoşulundan başka, vatandaşlık başvurusunda bulunanların aralarında makedon dilini akıcı şekilde kullanmak ve yemin etmenin de yer aldığı on şartı yerine getirmeleri gerekecekti.

最終更新: 2016-01-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


"another big handicap has been the lack of english proficiency among the majority of the members of the special commission," says ipko chief executive akan ismajli.


ipko genel müdürü akan İsmayli, “bir diğer büyük handikap da, Özel komisyon üyelerinin büyük çoğunluğunun İngilizce’lerinin iyi olmamasıydı,” dedi.

最終更新: 2016-01-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta
警告:見えない HTML フォーマットが含まれています


the scope of the state in providing public goods should be judged in the same vein, although this role should be judged in conjunction with the need for a streamlined and more efficient public sector, which should not undermine the proficiency of the private sector.


devletin kamu malları sağlarkenki bakış açısı da, kamu sektörünün daha basit ve verimli bir işleyiş üzerine oturtulması gereksinimi ile özel sektörün varlığına zarar vermeyecek biçimde, aynı açıdan değerlendirilmelidir.

最終更新: 2016-01-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta


*stanag 4007 (edition 2, 31 may 1996): electrical connectors between prime movers, trailers and towed artillery*stanag 4082 (edition 2, 28 may 1969): adoption of a standard artillery computer meteorological message (metcm)*stanag 4090 9x19mm nato adopted as standard small arms ammunition (9mm)*stanag 4101 (edition 2, 21 feb 2000): towing attachments*stanag 4107 (edition 7, august 2006): mutual acceptance of government quality assurance and usage of the allied quality assurance publications*stanag 4140 (edition 2, 28 may 2001): adoption of a standard target acquisition meteorological message (metta)*stanag 4119 (edition 2, 5 february 2007): adoption of a standard cannon artillery firing table format)*stanag 4172 the adoption of the 5.56x45mm nato round as the standard chambering of all nato service rifles*stanag 4184 (edition 3, 27 november 1998): microwave landing system (mls)*stanag 4203 technical standards for single channel hf radio equipment*stanag 4222 (edition 1, 14 march 1990): standard specification for digital representation of shipboard data parameters*stanag 4232 digital interoperability between shf tactical satellite communications terminals*stanag 4233 digital interoperability between ehf tactical satellite communications terminals*stanag 4285 characteristics of 1200/2400/3600 bit/s single tone modems for hf radio links*stanag 4355 (edition 3, 17 april 2009): modified point mass trajectory model*stanag 4370 environmental testing procedures*stanag 4381 (edition 1, 8 july 1994): blackout lighting systems for tactical land vehicles*stanag 4383 12.7x99mm nato adopted as standard small arms ammunition (12.7mm)*stanag 4395 (edition 2, 10 may 2001): connector for tactical land wheeled vehicles with anti lock braking systems*stanag 4406 the adoption of a military message standard based around the civil x.400 standard*stanag 4420 display symbology and colors for nato maritime units*stanag 4525 explosives, physical/mechanical properties, thermomechanical analysis for determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (tma)*stanag 4529 characteristics of single tone modems for hf radio links with 1240 hz bandwidth*stanag 4545 (edition 1, amendment 1, 14 april 2000): nato secondary imagery format (nsif)*stanag 4559 (edition 1, 7 april 2003): nato standard image library interface*stanag 4565 (edition 1, 26 september 2003): airborne multi-mode receiver for precision approach and landing*stanag 4569 protection levels for occupants of logistic and light armoured vehicles*stanag 4575 (edition 2, 8 march 2005): nato advanced data storage interface (nadsi)*stanag 4579 the adoption of standard identification of friend or foe hardware that can be recognized and processed between all nato nations*stanag 4586 standard interface of the unmanned control system (ucs) for nato uav interoperability*stanag 4607 (edition 1, 11 march 2005): nato ground moving target indicator format (gmtif)*stanag 4609 (edition 1, 23 march 2005): nato digital motion imagery standard*stanag 4626: modular and open avionics architectures - part i - architecture*stanag 4628 (edition 1, 16 march 2011): controller area network (can) protocols for military applications*stanag 4676: nato intelligence surveillance reconnaissance tracking standard*stanag 4694: nato accessory rail*stanag 5066: the adoption of a profile for hf data communications, supporting selective repeat arq error control, hf e-mail and ip-over-hf operation*stanag 5518: joint range extension applications protocol (jreap), a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 5602: standard interface for military platform link evaluation (simple), a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 5616: link 16 - ecm resistant tactical data exchange, a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 6001 (edition 4, 12 october 2010) language proficiency levels*stanag 6004 meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report*stanag 6010 ew in the land battle (atp-51)*stanag 6022 (edition 2, 22 march 2010): adoption of a standard gridded data meteorological message (metgm)*stanag 7023 (edition 3, 16 september 2004): nato primary image format (npif)*stanag 7024 (edition 2, 2 august 2001): imagery air reconnaissance tape recorder standard*stanag 7074 digital geographic exchange standard (digest),*stanag 7141 (edition 4, 20 december 2006): joint nato doctrine for environmental protection during nato-led military activities===draft stanag===*stanag 4179 a type of detachable firearm magazine proposed for standardization based on the usgi m16 rifle magazine.


* stanag 4184 (edition 3, 27 november 1998): microwave landing system (mls)* stanag 4232 digital interoperability between shf tactical satellite communications terminals* stanag 4233 digital interoperability between ehf tactical satellite communications terminals* stanag 4406 the adoption of a military message standard based around the civil x.400 standard* stanag 4420 display symbology and colors for nato maritime units* stanag 4545 (edition 1, amendment 1, 14 april 2000): nato secondary imagery format (nsif)* stanag 4559 (edition 1, 7 april 2003): nato standard image library interface* stanag 4565 (edition 1, 26 september 2003): airborne multi-mode receiver for precision approach and landing* stanag 4569 protection levels for occupants of logistic and light armoured vehicles* stanag 4575 (edition 2, 8 march 2005): nato advanced data storage interface (nadsi)* stanag 4579 the adoption of standard identification friend or foe_identification of friend or foe hardware that can be recognized and processed between all nato nations* stanag 4586 standard interface of the unmanned control system (ucs) for nato unmanned aerial vehicle_uav interoperability* stanag 4607 (edition 1, 11 march 2005): nato ground moving target indicator format (gmtif)* stanag 4609 (edition 1, 23 march 2005): nato digital motion imagery standard* stanag 5066 the adoption of a profile for hf data communications, supporting selective repeat arq error control, hf e-mail and ip-over-hf operation* stanag 6004 meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report* stanag 6010 ew in the land battle (atp-51)* stanag 7023 (edition 3, 16 september 2004): nato primary image format (npif)* stanag 7024 (edition 2, 2 august 2001): imagery air reconnaissance tape recorder standard* stanag 7074 digital geographic exchange standard (digest),* stanag 7141 (edition 4, 20 december 2006): joint nato doctrine for environmental protection during nato-led military activities== kaynakça ==== dış bağlantılar ==* nato stanag library (in english)* nato stanag search engine (in french)

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: Alpaycanta

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