検索ワード: city on the clain river in west central france (英語 - ヒンズー語)







city on the clain river in west central france



から: 機械翻訳








sparkling in the city on the night


शहर में रात में जगमगाता है

最終更新: 2021-11-07
使用頻度: 1

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a small town located on the siuri - dubrajpur road in west bengal .


पश्चिम बंगाल में सिऊरी - दुबराजपुर रोड पर स्थित एक छोटा शहर ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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the archaeological survey of india says that bijli khan had built the tomb of kabir shah on the ami river in 1450 .


भारत का पुरातत्त्व विभाग कहता है कि बिजली खाँ ने आमी नदी के किनारे 1495 में कबीर शाह का मकबरा बनवाया ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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a former name for varanasi meaning a city on the ganges .


वाराणसी का पूर्व नाम अर्थात गंगा किनारे एक शहर ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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to students of history , sanjan , a small town on the banks of the varli river in south gujarat , is quite familiar .


इतिहास के छात्रों के लिए दक्षिण गुजरात में वरली नदी के तट पर स्थित छोटे - से कस्बे सांजन का नाम जाना - पहचाना है .

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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series : rivers in west bengal


श्रेणीःपश्चिम बंगाल की नदियाँ

最終更新: 2020-05-24
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in kashmir and kerala , many people live on the lakes and rivers in elegant houseboats .


कश्मीर और केरल में बहुत से लोग झीलों और नदियों पर हाउसबोटों में रहते हैं ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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and these are the goings out of the city on the north side, four thousand and five hundred measures.


तगर के निकास ये हों, अर्थात् उत्तर की अलंग जिसकी लम्बाई साढ़े चार हजार बांस की हो।

最終更新: 2019-08-09
使用頻度: 1

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gondwana glaciation the first confirmation of glaciogene beds on the indian subcontinent came from the talchir pavement exposed in the penganga river only one kilometre above its confluence with the wardha river in the chandrapur district of maharashtra .


44 / भारत का प्राकृतिक भूविज्ञान गोंडवाना हिमनदन भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप में ग्लेशियोजीन संस्तरों की सर्वप्रथम पुष्टि महाराष्ट्र के चंद्रपुर जनपद में पेनगंगा नदी के किनारे , वर्धा नदी में उसके संगम से मात्र एक किलोमीटर ऊपर तालचीर दृश्यांशों में हुई है ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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a cap ping of conglomerate on the trap hills near pareda east nimar district , madhya pradesh is considered as an evidence of the existence of an ancient east - flowing river in the narmada trough .


परेदा पूर्वी निमाड़ा जनपद , मध्य प्रदेश के निकट ट्रैपीय शैलों पर संगुटिकाश्म के आवरण से यह प्रमाणित होता है कि नर्मदा द्रोंणी में प्राचीन काल में कोई पूर्व की ओर प्रवाहित सरिता रही होगी ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


a calcutta daily , yugantar , carried in its issue of 18 december 1976 , an interesting photograph of the bungalow which still stands in ruins built by dwarkanath at narankuri on the bank of nuniya river in raniganj , 130 miles west of calcutta .


कलकत्त्ते के एक दैनिक पत्र युगान्तर के 18 दिसंबर , 1976 के अंक में उस बंगले का एक दिलचस्प फोटो छपा था , द्वारकानाथ ने जिसका निर्माण रानीगंज में नुनिया नदी के तट पर , कलकत्ते से 130 मील दूर नरानकुरी में किया था , और जिसके भग्नावशेष अभी तक मौजूद हैं ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


- snipers on the roof of the industrial high school in jassem city on may 11th 2011


jassem शहर में औद्योगिक उच्च विद्यालय की छत पर snipers 2011 11 मई को -

最終更新: 2019-07-06
使用頻度: 4

参照: 匿名


but as the disciples stood around him, he rose up, and entered into the city. on the next day he went out with barnabas to derbe.


पर जब चेले उस की चारों ओर आ खड़े हुए, तो वह उठकर नगर में गया और दूसरे दिन बरनबास के साथ दिरबे को चला गया।

最終更新: 2019-08-09
使用頻度: 1

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in the visions of god brought he me into the land of israel, and set me down on a very high mountain, whereon was as it were the frame of a city on the south.


अपने दर्शनों में परमेश्वर ने मुझे इस्राएल के देश में पहुंचाया और वहां एक बहुत ऊंचे पहाड़ पर खड़ा किया, जिस पर दक्खिन ओर मानो किसी नगर का आकार था।

最終更新: 2019-08-09
使用頻度: 1

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the three large cities on the shores of the ganges are haridwar , illahabad and varanasi which are also important shrines .


गंगा तट के तीन बड़े शहर हरिद्वार इलाहाबाद एवं वाराणसी जो तीर्थ स्थलों में विशेष स्थान रखते हैं ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

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in the village of chakri in the attack district in west panjab , bhaneshah , a hindu shopkeeper and moneylender is caught up in muslim attacks on the hindu population .


पश्चिमी पाकिस्तान के अटक ज़िला के चकरी गाँव का एक दुकानदार और सूदखोर भानेशाह नामक व्यक्ति हिन्दुओं पर मुसलमानों के हमले के दौरान फंस जाता है ।

最終更新: 2020-05-24
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


and ye shall measure from without the city on the east side two thousand cubits, and on the south side two thousand cubits, and on the west side two thousand cubits, and on the north side two thousand cubits and the city shall be in the midst: this shall be to them the suburbs of the cities.


और नगर के बाहर पूर्व, दक्खिन, पच्छिम, और उत्तर अलंग, दो दो हजार हाथ इस रीति से नापना कि नगर बीचोंबीच हो; लेवियों के एक एक नगर की चराई इतनी ही भूमि की हो।

最終更新: 2019-08-09
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


and it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken unto me, saith the lord, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein;


परन्तु यदि तुम सचमुच मेरी सुनो, यहोवा की यह वाणी है, और विश्राम के दिन इस नगर के फाटकों के भीतर कोई बोझ न ले आओ और विश्रामदिन को पवित्रा मानो, और उस में किसी रीति का काम काज न करो,

最終更新: 2019-08-09
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


looking for told the constable two people i think that they're sometime this afternoon the custom of silence allow hole about it was a little too quick when we got away so effective in that house easter like how the parking lot in vegas an overpass a cop rachna backing out there because you made a break right we'll never get them skis salamander but ticket we shall doing surely won't aol about her mac yet bigot aapan free isaac unjustified donate had begun placed are suffering place upside-down dot is that a lot donatelli still myself gentlemen someday i'm gonna stick up ten and one of the stuff head out that my have you believe damages and just a moment chair accountants will give us the concluding part of our program remember the old iron bridge usa span the river in your hometown and the sign printed on the bridge read by a dollars feinberg driving faster than a wallop how times have changed nowadays we say april bradley cracked his spine or any kind of driving fast also about friends as putting it mildly the rest of the story of the rio grande the crack is the gasoline that goes in the time to the cause the crackdown the enemies of society and catch them not only does this by normal if you will power more police cars and more fire engines and differences in other life-and-death automotive equipment wherever it is sold in any other brand but we'll run decrypted the gasoline upon which preponderance of california state and federal government official depend to speed their emergency cars on the air waves more swiftly surely and economic are you one of the tens of thousands of motorists benefiting by this brief gasoline if not be up to date if rick it will cost us in this movie long-run got rio grande a cracked and enjoy the police car performance of this the most highly-acclaimed gasoline in the west annul sheriff champs recaptured man was howard l you have not been movement glycol caramel love his type eternal when cornered brought to my office not only confessed his california activities to me what bragged about his many criminal escapades he was tried separately for all his crimes committed in southern california now serving six separate sentences and also present is is another life of crime of those failed to pay thank you for your campus managers on the corner all cars national guard again to go against two hundred billion and regarding haldeman kidnapping bed his vision of investing national blooming dan the reader patrick glynn sleeping at night ovey all part of a copywriter program created by rio grande valley was unwinnable cardinal garden road getting two hundred morning deep blue and and sunset you know him mezzo windmill really are a few days and we don't celebrate the one hundred and thick effective anniversary of the signing of the declaration of independence and you know prem varma famous wait longer before is to visit some section of this great country of ours never seen before reforms of accident and the mother happen if the being one of these can be avoided by couple driving another bike up when he was a fire working on the other by giving you a moment of reflection in the was thirty real new motorola this great lubricant manufactured in the country's largest refinery and so may that it cannot break down under the pressure published during hot weather friend if you've been experimenting with wishy washy oiled up to remove a dollop of these properties and declare your independence right now and before you head up miniclip roll into the red and white male member station in your neighborhood and declare your allegiance jewelry aloo the newest standby miserable royal in the last the story really here tonight has been taken from the file of the los angeles police department we have therefore us chief of police gameday davis to open our program all the people who come to hollywood break into the movie is wouldn't there'd be a lot more happen is all around it has always been a mystery to me how anyone in his right mind will allow himself to be sold so completely by spurious producer that he will fight with his hard-earned money and they have a whole that he will someday be a big shot in the movies one of the most constantly recurring problems the police have to deal with is that of some unsuspecting person


最終更新: 2019-07-06
使用頻度: 4

参照: 匿名
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