検索ワード: whine like rihanna (英語 - ヒンズー語)








whine like rihanna


रिहाना की तरह सफ़ेद

最終更新: 2018-05-19
使用頻度: 8

参照: 匿名


i believe children should always respect their parents. showing parental respect in our everyday lives provides us with the ability to treat every person we meet with kindness and adoration. billy graham once said “a child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.” children today imagine their parents have everything the world has to offer, and that they are there to serve to their every whim. every child needs to realize that sometimes parents have more responsibilities and hardships that maybe they don’t see. they try their hardest to support their families and don’t need a child that causes extra stress to their everyday lives. a large number of my friends have explained how they “love their parents so much” yet they cause them a considerable amount of grief with their unacceptable behavior. many can’t look past their own “problems” to give their parents the respect they deserve. on occasion some of my friends have exploded with such rude behavior without paying any mind to the guests that stand before them. some are asked to do the simplest of chores and they bawl and whine like toddlers! the very least they could do was lend a helping hand. when i see my friends acting like this i know i must try my hardest to never act in such a horrible manner. i have taken to the heart the lessons my parents have taught me, and i know i will follow them for the rest of my life. i have taught myself to be kind to others and to be aware of the stresses of adulthood, and i should always give an attempt to be benevolent. all of us children, no matter what age, should try to be considerate towards our parents and adults in our lives. we should try to lend a hand around the house and take on some of our parents burden. soon enough we will be adults and parents faced with the same anxieties. be mindful to your parents and administer the love they deserve for trying their hardest. be a respectful person and take on the responsibilities your parents have been trying to teach you. the first step to kindness should be the love you will to your parents. to you, i pose a challenge. i challenge you to share in my belief and show love and most of all respect towards your parents


माता-पिता का सम्मान करने पर निबंध

最終更新: 2015-06-09
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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