検索ワード: dolce far niente (英語 - フランス語)







dolce far niente



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la dolce far niente, find the time to relax and unwind.


le farniente, le temps et le loisir de se reposer.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


cultural events or dolce far niente, cannes has it all in the spring


Événements culturels ou dolce vita, cannes en a pour tous les goûts ce printemps

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


la dolce far niente and strolling along are part and parcel of a marbella holiday: visit one of the many markets and buy some fresh fruit, vegetables and seasoned olives.


la douceur du farniente et le simple fait de flâner fait également partie d'un séjour à marbella : se rendre dans l'un des nombreux marchés, y acheter des fruits, légumes frais et des olives épicées.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


the holiday feeling makes many hearts beat faster: life seems so much easier, all worries disappear, plenty of time to spend with each other, the dolce far niente!


en effet, la vie parait tellement plus simple quand on est en vacances, loin du stress et des soucis, à prendre du bon temps en france ou ailleurs!

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


exactly because of this ambient, the apartment gives you the opportunity to explore the city from a great location and, in the same time, to enjoy in 'dolce far niente' just like italians do.


l' appartement vous donne l'occasion d'explorer la ville à partir d'un emplacement idéal et de profiter, par la même occasion, du « dolce far niente » , comme aiment le dire les italiens .

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1


far niente/soul of the vine, toronto total: $125.00 to host a working lunch to discuss government business date(s):


far niente/soul of vine, toronto total : 125 $ animer un déjeuner de travail pour discuter d'affaires gouvernementales date(s) : 26 octobre 2004 présence(s) : 4 employés du gouvernement du canada location :

最終更新: 2015-05-14
使用頻度: 1


the second factor is that now more than ever before, after important progress has been achieved at another disarmament-related event of major significance, the conference can ill afford to be perceived as a far niente body.


en deuxième lieu, aujourd'hui plus que jamais, alors que des progrès considérables ont été réalisés dans le cadre d'une autre rencontre importante liée au désarmement, la conférence du désarmement peut difficilement se permettre de passer pour un lieu d'oisiveté.

最終更新: 2016-09-30
使用頻度: 1


of those original wineries, several still exist in the valley today including beaulieu, beringer, charles krug, chateau montelena, far niente, mayacamas, markham vineyards, and schramsberg vineyards.


plusieurs vignobles originaux existent toujours dans la vallée comme beaulieu, beringer, charles krug, chateau montelena, far niente, mayacamas, markham vineyards, et schramsberg.

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1


the traffic-free historic town centre, the numerous buildings in italianate lombardy style, the exclusive museums, the mountains, lake and a packed calendar of events all invite visitors to see the sights, soak up the atmosphere – and enjoy "dolce far niente".


le centre-ville historique et piétonnier avec ses multiples édifices de style lombard et ses musées exclusifs, les montagnes, le lac et un calendrier de manifestations exhaustif constituent un ensemble propice aux visites, à l’esprit d’entreprise et aussi à la suave détente.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

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"==list of works by the artist==;c.1880-1881*"portrait of mary perkington godward";c. 1882-1883*"portrait of mary frederica godward";c.1883*"country house in the 18th century";c.1887*"expectation"*"poppaea"*"portrait of harriet (hetty) pettigrew in classical dress"*"portrait of lillian (lilly) pettigrew in classical dress"*"a yellow turban";c. 1887-1888*"japonica"*"a roman head";1888*"a beauty in profile"*"an eastern beauty"*"the engagement ring"*"flo"*"ianthe"*"lily"*"threissa"*"the tiff"*"waiting for the dance";1889*"callirhoe"*"grecian reverie"*"a greek girl"*"head of a roman woman"*"ianthe"*"his birthday gift"*"waiting for an answer";1890*"a pompeian bath"*"athenais"*"flowers of venus";1891*"a pompeian lady"*"innocent amusement"*"the sweet siesta of a summer day";1892*"at the garden shrine, pompeii"*"classical beauty"*"far away thoughts" (landscape format)*"far away thoughts" (portrait format)*"leaning on the balcony"*"the betrothed"*"the playground"*"with violets wreathed and robe of saffron hue";1893*"a priestess" (nude)*"reflections"*"yes or no";1894*"a priestess";1895*"mischief and repose"*"the muse erato at her lyre"*"tigerskin" (date uncertain);1896*"campaspe" (nude)*"he loves me, he loves me not";1897*"dolce far niente" (first version)*"venus binding her hair", by 1897 (nude);1898*"at the gate of the temple"*"idle thoughts"*"on the balcony" (first version)*"the ring";1899*"the bouquet"*"the delphic oracle"*"the mirror"*"the signal";1900*"idleness"*"the jewel casket"*"the toilet";1901*"at the garden door"*"chloris"*"girl in yellow drapery"*"idle hours"*"sweet dreams"*"the favourite"*"the seamstress"*"venus at the bath" (nude)*"youth and time";1902*"an italian girl's head"*"ionian dancing girl";1903*"amaryllis"*"summer flowers"*"the old, old story"*"the rendezvous";1904*"a melody"*"dolce far niente" (second version)*"in the days of sappho";1905*"a greek beauty"*"a roman matron"*"flabellifera"*"mischief";1906*"drusilla"*"nerissa"*"the tambourine girl" (first version - girl facing the viewer)*"the tambourine girl" (second version - girl reclining against wall);1907*"the love letter";1908*"a classical lady"*"a grecian girl"*"ismenia";1909*"a classical beauty"*"a grecian lovely" (date uncertain)*"at the thermae" (semi nude)*"tympanistria";1910*"a cool retreat"*"noon day rest"*"reverie" (first version)*"sappho";1911*"in realms of fancy"*"on the balcony" (second version);1912*"a tryst"*"absence makes the heart grow fonder"*"an offering to venus"*"by the wayside"*"reverie" (second version)*"sabinella"*"the peacock fan";1913*"golden hours"*"in the tepidarium" (nude)*"la pensierosa"*"le billet doux"*"the belvedere";1914*"the necklace"*"the new perfume"*"tranquility";1915*"in the prime of the summer time";1916*"ancient pastimes"*"by the blue ionian sea"*"lesbia with her sparrow";1917*"a lily pond"*"the fruit vendor"*"under the blossom that hangs on the bough";1918*"a fond farewell"*"sweet sounds";1920*"a red, red rose";1921*"megilla";1922*"contemplation"*"nu sur la plage" (an exception to all other works, this is a 'modern' nude);date unknown*"grape vines"*"ophelia"*"time to play"this list is not a complete list, but serves to illustrate the extent of godward's output.


;v.1880-1881*"portrait of mary perkington godward";v. 1882-1883*"portrait of mary frederica godward";v.1883*"country house in the 18th century";v.1887*"expectation"*"poppaea"*"portrait of harriet (hetty) pettigrew in classical dress"*"portrait of lillian (lilly) pettigrew in classical dress"*"a yellow turban";v. 1887-1888*"japonica"*"a roman head";1888*"a beauty in profile"*"an eastern beauty"*"the engagement ring"*"flo"*"ianthe"*"lily"*"threissa"*"the tiff"*"waiting for the dance";1889*"callirhoe"*"grecian reverie"*"a greek girl"*"head of a roman woman"*"ianthe"*"his birthday gift"*"waiting for an answer";1890*"a pompeian bath"*"athenais"*"flowers of venus";1891*"a pompeian lady"*"innocent amusement"*"the sweet siesta of a summer day";1892*"at the garden shrine, pompeii"*"classical beauty"*"far away thoughts" (format paysage)*"far away thoughts" (format portrait)*"leaning on the balcony"*"the betrothed"*"the playground"*"with violets wreathed and robe of saffron hue";1893*"a priestess" (nu)*"reflections"*"yes or no";1894*"a priestess";1895*"mischief and repose"*"the muse erato at her lyre"*"tigerskin" (date incertaine);1896*"campaspe" (nu)*"he loves me, he loves me not";1897*"dolce far niente" (première version)*"venus binding her hair", by 1897 (nu);1898*"at the gate of the temple"*"idle thoughts"*"on the balcony" (première version)*"the ring";1899*"the bouquet"*"the delphic oracle"*"the mirror"*"the signal";1900*"idleness"*"the jewel casket"*"the toilet";1901*"at the garden door"*"chloris"*"girl in yellow drapery"*"idle hours"*"sweet dreams"*"the favourite"*"the seamstress"*"venus at the bath" (nu)*"youth and time";1902*"an italian girl's head"*"ionian dancing girl";1903*"amaryllis"*"summer flowers"*"the old, old story"*"the rendezvous";1904*"a melody"*"dolce far niente" (seconde version)*"in the days of sappho";1905*"a greek beauty"*"a roman matron"*"flabellifera"*"mischief";1906*"drusilla"*"nerissa"*"the tambourine girl" (première version - le modèle fait face au spectateur)*"the tambourine girl" (seconde version - le modèle s'appuie contre un mur);1907*"the love letter";1908*"a classical lady"*"a grecian girl"*"ismenia";1909*"a classical beauty"*"a grecian lovely" (date incertaine)*"at the thermae" (semi-nu)*"tympanistria";1910*"a cool retreat"*"noon day rest"*"reverie" (première version)*"sappho";1911*"in realms of fancy"*"on the balcony" (seconde version);1912*"a tryst"*"absence makes the heart grow fonder"*"an offering to venus"*"by the wayside"*"reverie" (seconde version)*"sabinella"*"the peacock fan";1913*"golden hours"*"in the tepidarium" (nu)*"la pensierosa"*"le billet doux"*"the belvedere";1914*"the necklace"*"the new perfume"*"tranquility";1915*"in the prime of the summer time";1916*"ancient pastimes"*"by the blue ionian sea"*"lesbia with her sparrow";1917*"a lily pond"*"the fruit vendor"*"under the blossom that hangs on the bough";1918*"a fond farewell"*"sweet sounds";1920*"a red, red rose";1921*"megilla";1922*"contemplation"*"nu sur la plage" (un nu );date inconnue*"grape vines"*"ophelia"*"time to play"== notes et références ==== liens externes ==* Éléments biographiques et stylistiques sur le site de la "sotheby's", à partir de .

最終更新: 2016-03-03
使用頻度: 1

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