検索ワード: epopteia (英語 - フランス語)










mystères d'Éleusis

最終更新: 2012-03-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


for the introduction to second, the higher degree of the secrets was used, called epopteia. dated to 325-150 b.c.


pour l'introduction à l'en second lieu, le degré plus élevé des secrets a été employé, appelé epopteia. daté à 325-150 b.c.

最終更新: 2018-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


649/1977) epopteia, organosi leitoyrgias, dioikitikos elenchos limenon. (supervision, organization of functioning and administrative control).


autres ports régis par le décret présidentiel 649/1977 m.a. 649/1977 epopteia, organosi leitoyrgias kai dioikitikos elenchos limenon (surveillance, organisation du fonctionnement et contrôle administratif des ports)

最終更新: 2014-11-21
使用頻度: 2

参照: Wikipedia


* * * annexe i list of participants contracting parties / parties contractantes albania/albanie mr taulant topÇiu, desk officer of the press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs of albania, tirana austria/autriche dr patrick segalla, legal expert, federal chancellery, media department, coordination information society, wien bosnia-herzegovina/bosnie-herzégovine mr emir povlakic, senior expert for broadcasting, communications regulatory agency (cra), sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie mrs lilia raycheva, member of council for electronic media, sofia mrs violetta dimitrova, chief expert of the international relations dpt., communications regulation commission, sofia croatia/croatie cyprus/chypre [apologised/excusé] 
mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque mr artus rejent, lawyer, media section, ministry of culture of the czech republic, prague estonia/estonie ms helin pertelson, specialist of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande 
mrs kristina hautala-kajos, senior adviser, ministry of education and culture, helsinki france mme anne predour, chargée de mission à la direction de l'audiovisuel extérieur, ministère des affaires etrangères, paris mme séverine fautrelle, chargée de mission au bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, direction du développement des médias, paris germany/allemagne ms stephanie schmieding, bavarian state chancellery, department media and film, munich mr oliver schenk, adviser, international cooperation in media affairs, federal government commissioner for culture and the media, bonn hungary/hongrie dr borbala fay, officer of legal affairs of the audiovisual department, ministry of cultural heritage, budapest dr györgy ocskÓ, head of department, presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest italy/italie ms ivana nasti, autorità per le garantie nelle communicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), centro direzionale, legal department, napoli mr nicola gaviano, director of the legal service, autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), roma latvia/lettonie ms dace buceniece, lawyer, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein 
mr markus biedermann, collaborateur du gouvernement de la principauté de liechtenstein, vaduz lithuania/lituanie mr nerijus maliukeviČius, executive director, radio and television commission of lithuania, vilnius malta/malte mr ray micallef, assistant director (broads, committees and customer care), office of the prime minister, operations and programme implementation directorate, valletta moldova ms vera galcovski, head of international relations and european integrity department, council for coordination on the audiovisual of moldova, chisinau norway/norvège mr olav guntvedt, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo mr kjetil klunderud, senior adviser, norwegian ministry of cultural and church affairs, oslo poland/pologne mr karol jakubowicz, director of the strategy and analysis department, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal m. carlos landim, consultant juridique, institut des médias, presidencia do conselho de ministros, lisbonne romania/roumanie ms mihaela botnaru, directrice, direction de monitoring control, conseil de l’audiovisuel mr petre dincĂ, expert, consiliul national al audiovizualului, bucarest san marino/saint-marin slovak republic/république slovaque mr martin dorociak, deputy of the head of the legal and controlling department, council for broadcasting and retransmission of the slovak republic, bratislava slovenia/slovénie mr boris bergant, deputy director general, rtv slovenija, ljubljana spain/espagne mr francisco javier bartolomÉ zofÍo, head of sector, adjoint direction general for audiovisual media, secretary of state for telecommunications and information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid switzerland/suisse mr daniel koehler, media expert, office of communication (ofcom), bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" 
mr vajt ajro, deputy director of the agency of information, skopje turkey/turquie ms nuran yardimci, turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara prof. dovut dursun, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara mr arif merdol, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara united kingdom/royaume-uni mrs kate jones, deputy head of international broadcasting policy branch, department for culture, media and sport, london holy see/saint-siège 
m. régis de kalbermatten, délégué du saint-siège au comité permanent sur la télévision transfrontière, sion observer delegates / delegues observateurs andorra/andorre armenia/arménie azerbaijan/azerbaidjan mr aslan khalilov, member of national televion and radio council of republic of azerbaijan, baku belarus belgium/belgique 
m. eric franssen, attaché, service général de l’audiovisuel et des multimédias, ministère de la communauté française de belgique, bruxelles denmark/danemark georgia/géorgie greece/grèce ms despoina venizelou, press attache, audiovisual affairs, secretariat general of communication, epopteias directorate, media department, athens iceland/islande ireland/irlande 
mr joe meleady, higher executive officer, department of communications, marine and natural resources, dublin luxembourg monaco netherlands/pays-bas 
ms saskia welschen russian federation/fédération de russie mr maxim proksh, deputy director of the department of mass communications, ministry of the culture and mass communications of russian federation, moscow m. sergey dalechin, adjoint au représentant permanent, représentation permanente de la fédération de russie auprès du conseil de l'europe, strasbourg serbia and montenegro/serbie monténégro sweden/suède ukraine european community/communauté européenne ms anna herold, european commission, audiovisual and media policies, brussels secretariat mr jan malinowski, head of media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii ms alessia sonaglioni, administrator, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / administrateur, division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii mr lee hibbard, administrator, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / administrateur, division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii interpreters/interpretes mr robert szymanski 
mr william valk 
mme jennifer griffith * * * annex ii agenda 1.


* * * annexe i liste des participants contracting parties / parties contractantes albania/albanie mr taulant topÇiu, desk officer of the press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs of albania, tirana austria/autriche dr patrick segalla, legal expert, federal chancellery, media department, coordination information society, wien bosnia-herzegovina/bosnie-herzégovine mr emir povlakic, senior expert for broadcasting, communications regulatory agency (cra), sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie mrs lilia raycheva, member of council for electronic media, sofia mrs violetta dimitrova, chief expert of the international relations dpt., communications regulation commission, sofia croatia/croatie cyprus/chypre [apologised/excusé] 
mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque mr artus rejent, lawyer, media section, ministry of culture of the czech republic, prague estonia/estonie ms helin pertelson, specialist of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande 
mrs kristina hautala-kajos, senior adviser, ministry of education and culture, helsinki france mme anne predour, chargée de mission à la direction de l'audiovisuel extérieur, ministère des affaires etrangères, paris mme séverine fautrelle, chargée de mission au bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, direction du développement des médias, paris germany/allemagne ms stephanie schmieding, bavarian state chancellery, department media and film, munich mr oliver schenk, adviser, international cooperation in media affairs, federal government commissioner for culture and the media, bonn hungary/hongrie dr borbala fay, officer of legal affairs of the audiovisual department, ministry of cultural heritage, budapest dr györgy ocskÓ, head of department, presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest italy/italie ms ivana nasti, autorità per le garantie nelle communicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), centro direzionale, legal department, napoli mr nicola gaviano, director of the legal service, autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), roma latvia/lettonie ms dace buceniece, lawyer, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein 
mr markus biedermann, collaborateur du gouvernement de la principauté de liechtenstein, vaduz lithuania/lituanie mr nerijus maliukeviČius, executive director, radio and television commission of lithuania, vilnius malta/malte mr ray micallef, assistant director (broads, committees and customer care), office of the prime minister, operations and programme implementation directorate, valletta moldova ms vera galcovski, head of international relations and european integrity department, council for coordination on the audiovisual of moldova, chisinau norway/norvège mr olav guntvedt, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo mr kjetil klunderud, senior adviser, norwegian ministry of cultural and church affairs, oslo poland/pologne mr karol jakubowicz, director of the strategy and analysis department, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal m. carlos landim, consultant juridique, institut des médias, presidencia do conselho de ministros, lisbonne romania/roumanie ms mihaela botnaru, directrice, direction de monitoring control, conseil de l’audiovisuel mr petre dincĂ, expert, consiliul national al audiovizualului, bucarest san marino/saint-marin slovak republic/république slovaque mr martin dorociak, deputy of the head of the legal and controlling department, council for broadcasting and retransmission of the slovak republic, bratislava slovenia/slovénie mr boris bergant, deputy director general, rtv slovenija, ljubljana spain/espagne mr francisco javier bartolomÉ zofÍo, head of sector, adjoint direction general for audiovisual media, secretary of state for telecommunications and information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid switzerland/suisse mr daniel koehler, media expert, office of communication (ofcom), bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" 
mr vajt ajro, deputy director of the agency of information, skopje turkey/turquie ms nuran yardimci, turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara prof. dovut dursun, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara mr arif merdol, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara united kingdom/royaume-uni mrs kate jones, deputy head of international broadcasting policy branch, department for culture, media and sport, london holy see/saint-siège 
m. régis de kalbermatten, délégué du saint-siège au comité permanent sur la télévision transfrontière, sion observer delegates / delegues observateurs andorra/andorre armenia/arménie azerbaijan/azerbaidjan mr aslan khalilov, member of national televion and radio council of republic of azerbaijan, baku belarus belgium/belgique 
m. eric franssen, attaché, service général de l’audiovisuel et des multimédias, ministère de la communauté française de belgique, bruxelles denmark/danemark georgia/géorgie greece/grèce ms despoina venizelou, press attache, audiovisual affairs, secretariat general of communication, epopteias directorate, media department, athens iceland/islande ireland/irlande 
mr joe meleady, higher executive officer, department of communications, marine and natural resources, dublin luxembourg monaco netherlands/pays-bas 
ms saskia welschen russian federation/fédération de russie mr maxim proksh, deputy director of the department of mass communications, ministry of the culture and mass communications of russian federation, moscow m. sergey dalechin, adjoint au représentant permanent, représentation permanente de la fédération de russie auprès du conseil de l'europe, strasbourg serbia and montenegro/serbie monténégro sweden/suède ukraine european community/communauté européenne ms anna herold, european commission, audiovisual and media policies, brussels secretariat mr jan malinowski, head of media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii ms alessia sonaglioni, administrator, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / administrateur, division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii mr lee hibbard, administrator, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / administrateur, division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii interpreters/interpretes mr robert szymanski 
mr william valk 
mme jennifer griffith * * * annexe ii ordre du jour 1.

最終更新: 2015-05-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia
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