検索ワード: realizing (英語 - ベンガル語)










から: 機械翻訳








realizing that a back-breaker has befallen them .


এই ভেবে যে কোনো বিধ ্ বংসী বিপর ্ যয় তাদের উপরে পড়তে যাচ ্ ছে ।

最終更新: 2014-07-02
使用頻度: 1


after realizing the mistake, the complaint was withdrawn


আমি নিচে কাস্টমার এর কমপ্লেইন তুলে নেওয়ার কপি পাঠাচ্ছি

最終更新: 2022-08-11
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


settling in and realizing my dream… micro g is great.


ঠিকঠাক হওয়া এবং নিজের স্বপ্নকে উপলব্ধি করা… মাইক্রো জি অসাধারণ।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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greek society is gradually realizing that racism is a threat and must be confronted.


গ্রীক সমাজ এখন ধীরে ধীরে বুঝতে পারছে যে বর্ণবাদ একটি হুমকি এবং একে অবশ্যই প্রতিহত করতে হবে।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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even without realizing it, i accumulated a lot of stress by constantly living with other people.


এমনকি বিষয়টি উপলব্ধি না করেই, আমি অনেক চাপ সহ্য করে ক্রমাগত অন্য লোকদের মাঝে বাস করে।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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professor from california university “jiefu” pointed out the key to realizing the chinese dream:


ক্যালিফোর্নিয়া বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের থেকে অধ্যাপক "জেইফু" চীনা স্বপ্ন বুঝতে এর চাবিকাঠির দিকে ইঙ্গিত করেছেন:

最終更新: 2016-02-24
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he was eventually found by someone whom he knew and decided to go public after realizing of all the attention his case had gotten.


পরে তার এই ব্যাপার গুরুত্ব পাওয়ার পরে তার পরিচিত একজন তাকে খুঁজে পান এবং তিনি তা প্রকাশের সিদ্ধান্ত নেন।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
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after watching the commercial on tv and realizing this was the same production he had witnessed, he published his post alerting that lópez was never there.


টিভিতে বিজ্ঞাপনটা দেখে তিনি বুঝতে পারেন যে এটা সেই বিজ্ঞাপন যার চিত্রায়ন তিনি দেখেছিলেন। তিনি পোস্ট প্রকাশ করে জানিয়েছেন যে লোপেজ ওখানে কখনোই ছিল না।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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the correct way in sharia (islamic law) of realizing common interest is by advising, which is what the prophet mohammad established,


শরিয়া মোতাবেক (ইসলামিক আইন) সাধারণ আগ্রহের বিষয়ে উপলব্ধি করার সঠিক পথ হচ্ছে উপদেশ প্রদান করা, যা নবী হজরত মোহাম্মদ প্রতিষ্ঠা করে গেছে।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
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thanks to you all and the amazing response, it seems the ministry people are realizing their blunder and now i got confirmation that the minister himself has convened with his department heads and rescinded the order.


গুগল, ইয়াহু এবং এমএসএন সার্চ: সমস্ত শয়তানী জিনিস খুজে বের করার মাথা এগুলো।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
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@dhaaanish: @jeelali @yaittey people will start realizing how sane nasheed is compared to all these opposition retards later!


@ জিলআলি @ইয়াত্তেই, শীঘ্রই জনতা উপলব্ধি করবে যে, ওই সমস্ত বিরোধী দলের পশ্চাৎপদ নেতাদের তুলনায় নাশিদ কতটা যৌক্তিক ছিলেন!

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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indian muslims blog on the concept of an "angry hindu" who complains when concessions are made for muslims on religious grounds, not quite realizing that hindus receive similar concessions as well.


সেইসব লোকদের এই নামে অভিহিত করা হয় যারা প্রতিবাদ করে থাকে যখন কোন মুসলমানদের ধর্মীয় কারনে কোন সুবিধা মিলে এবং ভুলে যায় যে হিন্দু ধর্মালম্বীদের জন্যেও একই ধরনের সুবিধা রয়েছে।

最終更新: 2016-02-24
使用頻度: 1

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o you who believe ! do not raise your voices above the voice of the prophet , and do not speak loudly to him , as you speak loudly to one another , lest your works be in vain without you realizing .


ওহে যারা ঈমান এনেছ ! তোমাদের গলার আওয়াজ নবীর আওয়াজের উপরে চড়িয়ো না , আর তাঁর সঙ ্ গে কথা বলতে চিৎকার করো না যেমন তোমাদের কেউ-কেউ অপরের সঙ ্ গে চিল ্ লাচিল ্ লি করে , পাছে তোমাদের কাজ-কর ্ ম বৃথা হয়ে যায় , অথচ তোমরা বুঝতেও পার না ।

最終更新: 2014-07-02
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


private investigator tom welles is contacted by daniel longdale, attorney for wealthy widow mrs. christian, whose husband has recently died. while clearing out her late husband's safe, she and longdale found an 8mm film which appears to depict a real murder, but mrs. christian wants to know for certain. after looking through missing persons files, tom discovers the girl is mary ann mathews, and visits her mother, janet mathews. while searching the house with her permission, he finds mary ann's diary, in which she says she went to hollywood to become a film star. he asks mrs. mathews if she wants to know the truth, even if it is a horrible one. she says that she wants to know what happened to her daughter, so after reading the diary and a note left for her mother inside of it, he leaves it for her and then leaves. in hollywood, with the help of an adult video store employee called max california, tom penetrates the underworld of illegal pornography. contact with a sleazy talent scout named eddie poole leads them to director dino velvet, whose violent pornographic films star a masked man known as "machine". to gain more evidence, tom pretends to be a client interested in commissioning a hardcore bondage film to be directed by velvet and starring machine. velvet agrees and arranges a meeting in new york city. at the meeting, attorney longdale appears and explains that christian had contracted him to procure a snuff film. longdale says that he told velvet that tom might come looking for them. realizing that the snuff film was authentic, the private eye knows he is at risk. velvet and machine produce a bound and beaten max, whom they abducted to force tom to bring them the only surviving copy of the illegal film. once he delivers it, but before he turns it over, they kill max and beat tom and then burn the film. as they are about to kill tom, he tells them that christian had paid $1 million for the film and that the reason christian wanted the film made was for the simple reason that he had enough money to make it possible. unbeknownst to them previously velvet, poole, and machine received much less and that longdale kept the major portion. in an ensuing fight, velvet and longdale are both killed; tom wounds machine and escapes. he calls mrs. christian to tell her his discoveries and recommends going to the police, to which she agrees. arriving at her estate, tom is told that mrs. christian committed suicide after hearing the news. she left envelopes for the mathews family and tom: it contains the rest of his payment and a note reading, "try to forget us." tom decides to seek justice for the murdered girl by killing the remaining people involved. tracking down eddie, tom takes him to the shooting location and tries to kill him. eddie shows no remorse for his role in the murder and taunts tom for being unable to go through with it. he calls mrs. mathews to tell her the truth about her daughter's fate and asks a devastated janet for her permission to punish those responsible, to which she says yes. with that, he returns and pistol whips eddie to death, before burning his body and the pornography from his car. tom traces machine and attacks him at his home. tom unmasks him, revealing a bald, bespectacled man named george. he says, "what did you expect? a monster?" george goes on to tell tom that he has no ulterior motive for his sadistic actions; he does them simply because he enjoys it. they struggle, and tom kills him. after returning to his family, tom receives a letter from mrs. mathews, thanking him for killing the men responsible and suggesting he and she were the only ones to care about mary ann.



最終更新: 2014-09-19
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia
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