検索ワード: as we reach out in search of (英語 - マレー語)







as we reach out in search of



から: 機械翻訳








a northern european poet/warrior who travelled the world in search of beauty.


baki thatsit

最終更新: 2013-08-02
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o sons, go in search of joseph and his brother, and do not despair of the mercy of god.


wahai anak-anakku! pergilah dan intiplah khabar berita mengenai yusuf dan saudaranya (bunyamin), dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat serta pertolongan allah.

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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(in vain), they wandered through the land in search of a place of refuge from our torment.


kaum-kaum itu lebih kekuatannya (dan kehandalannya) daripada mereka, lalu kaum-kaum itu keluar mencari perlindungan di merata-rata negeri. (meskipun demikian keadaannya) dapatkah (mereka) menyelamatkan diri?

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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he knows some among you will be sick, and some will be travelling over the earth in search of the bounty of god, and some fighting in the way of god.


ia juga mengetahui bahawa akan ada di antara kamu orang-orang yang sakit; dan yang lainnya orang-orang yang musafir di muka bumi untuk mencari rezeki dari limpah kurnia allah; dan yang lainnya lagi orang-orang yang berjuang pada jalan allah (membela ugamanya).

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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it is god who put the oceans at your disposal so that you could find therein fresh fish for food and ornaments with which to deck yourselves with. you will find ships that sail for you so that you may travel in search of the bounties of god and give him thanks.


dan dia lah yang memudahkan laut, supaya kamu dapat makan daripadanya daging yang lembut hidup-hidup, dan dapat pula mengeluarkan daripadanya benda-benda perhiasan untuk kamu memakainya dan (selain itu) engkau melihat pula kapal-kapal belayar padanya; dan lagi supaya kamu dapat mencari rezeki dari limpah kurnianya; dan supaya kamu bersyukur.

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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the needy, who are too engrossed in god's cause to be able to travel about the land in search of a livelihood, are considered by those who are unaware of their condition to be free from want, because they refrain from begging.


pemberian sedekah itu) ialah bagi orang-orang fakir miskin yang telah menentukan dirinya (dengan menjalankan khidmat atau berjuang) pada jalan allah (membela islam), yang tidak berupaya mengembara di muka bumi (untuk berniaga dan sebagainya); mereka itu disangka: orang kaya - oleh orang yang tidak mengetahui halnya, kerana mereka menahan diri daripada meminta-minta.

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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and the likeness of those who spend their wealth in search of allah's pleasure, and for the strengthening of their souls, is as the likeness of a garden on a height. the rainstorm smiteth it and it bringeth forth its fruit twofold.


dan bandingan orang-orang yang membelanjakan hartanya kerana mencari keredaan allah dan kerana meneguhkan (iman dan perasaan ikhlas) yang timbul dari jiwa mereka, adalah seperti sebuah kebun di tempat yang tinggi, yang ditimpa hujan lebat, lalu mengeluarkan hasilnya dua kali ganda.

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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i find the above answers all questions which may arise in the kehidupanku my son had to pity the child. accept all this. they are not guilty and didn't know what was what. where hala tujuku after this ... in search of the meaning of a life ...


aku mencari jawapan diatas semua persoalan yang terjadi didalam kehidupanku.kasihan anak anakku terpaksa terima semua ini.mereka tidak bersalah dan tidak tahu apa apa.dimanakah hala tujuku selepas ini..dalam mencari erti sebuah kehidupan..

最終更新: 2015-08-14
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(muhammad), if their refusal of the faith is so grievous to you and if you can dig up the earth or ascend into the sky in search of further evidence to inevitably make them believe you, you should have done so, but note that had god wanted, he could have made them all follow the same guidance.


dan jika perbuatan mereka berpaling (daripada menerima apa yang engkau bawa wahai muhammad) terasa amat berat kepadamu; maka sekiranya engkau sanggup mencari satu lubang di bumi (untuk menembusi ke bawahnya) atau satu tangga untuk naik ke langit, supaya engkau dapat bawakan mukjizat kepada mereka, (cubalah lakukan jika engkau sanggup). dan sekiranya allah menghendaki, tentulah ia himpunkan mereka atas hidayah petunjuk.

最終更新: 2014-07-03
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hi my dear tasbih!!!i am happy that you have answered my letter.i read your letter very carefully trying to understand every word.tasbih my dear i so is glad to see your remarkable picture. to me it is very pleasant.it was very interesting for me to learn something new about you.i think that will be interesting for you to know about me.my height is 173 cm and my weight is 54 kg.i work 10 hours a day. my working day begins and ends 9:00 am 20:00 andthen i'm going home. but sometimes when a lot of work that i can stay until 21:00 pm.usually after work i go to the store and take something from the food and what is requiredfor the home.i go to bed before 23.00 the night. that's how i spend my usual day.sometimes after work or during a lunch break, i'm going to the pool or the gym to playsports  to  keep her figure. as we say "a healthy body, healthy mind."you understand me tasbih.i do not drink much alcohol, and i do not smoke at all. i live on a healthy lifestyle andi like it very much. on a rainy and boring evenings i like to read a book or listen to music.i like different kinds of music, but i prefer the classics, music, 80s and 90s aswell as pop music. during my free time i like to walk in the park with my friends inthe open air. also i like to cook a range of delicious dishes. i think that the mostimportant features in the people--honesty and loyalty. seems to me that if people aredishonest in their relationship can not be any relationship between them.my mother still does not know that we have a correspondence. i can not anticipate her reaction to it.but i think she would understand. i tell her about you soon. i have no secrets from my mother.i hope that i have not tired you out in his letter. but this is my life, which is describedin this letter tasbih.but i wonder if you can tell me about yourself and detail.i will wait for your answer.bye! your irina.


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最終更新: 2016-06-24
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