検索ワード: it takes a lot of time to achieve instant success (英語 - マレー語)







it takes a lot of time to achieve instant success



から: 機械翻訳








takes a lot of time


ambil masa lama

最終更新: 2013-10-08
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


, i think i like the club it is because it takes a lot of energy to do something


yg memerlukan mental dan fizikal yg kuat membolehkan kita lebih lasak

最終更新: 2020-03-04
使用頻度: 1

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it takes a lot of betrayal and heartbreak to reach a stage where you finally say i dont deserve this pain


ia memerlukan banyak pengkhianatan

最終更新: 2023-07-16
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listen carefully, okay. we don't have a lot of time.


dengar dengan teliti, okay. kami tidak mempunyai banyak masa.

最終更新: 2017-02-13
使用頻度: 1

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on saturday afternoon, i spent a lot of time playing bike in the backyard


on saturday afternoon, saya banyak menghabiskan masa bermain basikal di halaman rumah

最終更新: 2021-09-19
使用頻度: 3

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sometimes i also feel sorry for working late, because i wasted a lot of time.


kadang kadang saya rasa menyesal juga kerana membuat kerja lambat, sebab saya teah membazirkan banyak masa.

最終更新: 2021-12-19
使用頻度: 1

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dr. k: listen carefully, okay. we don't have a lot of time.


dr. k: dengar dengan teliti, okay. kami tidak mempunyai banyak masa.

最終更新: 2017-02-13
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therefore many mothers have decided to work from home. this way they can spend a lot of time with the child and at the same time do not have to think about the high cost of daycare


oleh hal yang demikian ramai ibu yang mengambil keputusan untuk bekerja dari rumah. dengan cara ini mereka dapat meluangkan banyak masa dengan anak dan sekaligus tidak perlu memikirkan kos daycare yang tinggi

最終更新: 2021-12-14
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almost everyone knows how important it is to get good air quality outside but a concern is people are less sensitive to indoor air. this is because, people spend a lot of time inside the house compared to outside like at work.


hampir semua orang tahu betapa pentinnya untuk mendapatkan kualiti udara yang baik diluar tetapi menjadi kebimbangan adalah orang kurang peka dengan udara di dalam rumah. ini kerana, manusia banyak meluangkan masa di dalam rumah berbandig di luar seperti di tempat kerja.

最終更新: 2021-11-25
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参照: 匿名


graduate still thinks he has a lot of time but when he learns the job offer is closed he feels frustrated because he doesn't care about the job vacancies provided by the company


graduant masih fikir dia mempunyai banyak masa tetapi apabila dia menngetahui tawarn kerja ditutup dia berasa kecewa kerana dia tidak ambil peduli tentang jawatan kosong yang disediakan oleh syarikat

最終更新: 2021-11-25
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children need to respect the services and sacrifices of parents. they sacrifice a lot of time for us. don't fall for it, then you will be a successful child


anak anak perlu menghormati jasa dan pengorbanan ibu bapa. mereka banyak berkorban masa untuk kita. jangan derhaka kepada meraka, maka anda akan jadi anak yang berjaya

最終更新: 2020-01-02
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it's a lot of times i make him understand. but he's very ego. need to satisfy her. i can meet her but i'm helpless. because of love i will not give up


dah banyak kali aku buat dia fahami. tapi dia ego sangat. perlu menenuhi kehendakan dia. aku boleh menenuhi kehendakan dia tapi aku tak berdaya. kerna cinta aku takkan berputus asa

最終更新: 2018-08-16
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olala bekery employees mostly began working without skills on the bakery and cake manufacturing base. therefore business owner faces problems when forced to spend time on his employees' trains. the process of skilling its employees is not easy as it takes a long time to enforce the bakery base well.


pekerja olala bekery kebanyakannya mula bekerja tanpa kemahiran mengenai asas pembuatan bakery dan cake. oleh itu business owner menghadapi masalah apabila terpaksa menghabiskan masa untuk train pekerjanya. proses untuk memahirkan pekerjanya bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah kerana ianya memakan masa yang panjang untuk menguasaai asas bakery dengan baik.

最終更新: 2021-11-25
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参照: 匿名


we choose to make jam is because the material to produce it is very simple and also jam is very easy to find anywhere in the market. in addition, to your knowledge most of the jams on the market have a high sugar content and there are some of our society who cannot take a lot of sugar intake to maintain health as well as weight loss.


kami memilih untuk membuat jem adalah kerana bahan untuk menghasilkannya adalah sangat mudah dan juga jem sangat mudah dijumpai dimana mana pasaran. di samping itu, untuk pengetahuan anda kebanyakan jem di pasaran mempunyai kandungan gula yang tinggi dan ada sesetengah masyarakat kita yang tidak boleh mengambil pengambilan gula yang banyak untuk menjaga kesihatan dan juga berat badan.

最終更新: 2022-02-13
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


how to invite: 1.i come across something amazing, it will work, a lot of potential 2. i would like you to help me to take a look for me. 3. are you free tomorrow


selamat hari jadi buat ibu tersayang.semoga mak panjang umur dan di murahkan rezeki.daripada zaini sekeluarga

最終更新: 2014-06-09
使用頻度: 1

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when all the applets have been destroyed, the applet server should shut down. however, starting the jvm takes a lot of time. if you would like to keep the java process running while you are browsing, you can set the timeout value to whatever you like. to keep the java process running for the whole time that the konqueror process is, leave the shutdown applet server checkbox unchecked.


apabila semua aplet telah dimusnahkan, pelayan aplet hendaklah ditutup. bagaimanapun, bermula dengan jvm akan mengambil masa yang panjang. jika anda mahu proses java terus berjalan semasa anda belayar, anda boleh set nilai waktu rehat kepada nilai yang anda suka. untuk memastikan proses java berjalan sepanjang masa proses konqueror berjalan, biarkan kotak semak pelayan aplet tutup tidak bertanda. @ title: group

最終更新: 2011-10-23
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undoubtedly, the love that people with the title of parents pour out towards their children is unparalleled. in fact, they are also human beings who sacrifice a lot of time, energy and money in order to raise children. sometimes they are willing to forget their own wishes or desires simply because they want to ensure that all the children's equipment is adequate.


tak dinafikan, kasih sayang yang dicurahkan insan bergelar ibu bapa terhadap anak anak memang tiada tolok bandingnya. bahkan mereka juga lah merupakan insan yang banyak berkorban masa, tenaga dan wang ringgit demi membesarkan anak anak. kadangkala mereka sanggup melupakan hasrat atau keinginan sendiri semata mata kerana mahu memastikan segala kelengkapan anak anak mencukupi.

最終更新: 2021-11-24
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


she was an identical twin to the orked.orked has been our good friend since childhood.we go to the same school and we all sit in the same class.we are very close friends with orked and spend a lot of time together and do various activities.orked is a very good person and likes to help his friends while in class. orked was raised by his father, mr. kamal.


dia adalah kembar yang sama dengan orked.orked merupakan kawan baik kami sejak kecil.kami bersekolah di sekolah yang sama dan kami semua duduk dalam kelas yang sama.kami berkawan rapat dengan orked dan banyak menghabiskan masa bersama dan melakukan pelbagai aktiviti.orked seorang yang sangat baik dan suka menolong rakan-rakannya semasa berada di dalam kelas. orked dibesarkan oleh bapanya, encik kamal. bapa orked seorang yang sangat peramah dan suka menolong orang sama seperti anaknya orked.orked dibesarkan oleh bapanya seorang diri. encik kamal telah b

最終更新: 2022-01-23
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


. take a deep breath breathing deeply and slowly triggers the body to stop releasing stress hormones and start to relax. concentrating on your breathing can also help to distract your mind from whatever is bothering you so that you focus only on what is happening at that moment. breathe in deeply through your nose – you should breathe all the way into your belly and not just your chest. hold for a moment and breathe out slowly through your mouth. take a few minutes just to breathe and you should find yourself feeling calmer quickly. 2. focus on the positives always imagining the worst case in every scenario is clinically known as catastrophic thinking and can increase anxiety and feelings of panic. rather than dwelling on negative aspects or outcomes, try to spend a few moments thinking positively. if your bathroom has flooded and you have to replace all the flooring, for example, this could be a very stressful situation. yet try to focus on the fact that it gives you the opportunity to update and renovate, and the repairs should be covered by your insurance. staying positive allows your brain to avoid stress and stay calm. 3. get plenty of sleep everything seems worse when you’ve haven’t had a good night’s sleep. stress and anxiety can often lead to insomnia so you end up in a vicious cycle – not being able to sleep and then feeling worse because you haven’t had enough sleep. make sleep a priority, especially if you’re under a lot of pressure. go to bed early and ban electronic devices from the bedroom. lavender essential oil can also promote feelings of calm and help you to sleep at night. 4. go for a walk go for a walk to keep calm under pressure exercise is just as important as sleep when it comes to keeping stress in check and dealing with external pressure. exercise prompts the body to release feel-good hormones and helps to clear your head. if you’re under pressure at work, just five minutes of fresh air and a change of scenery could help you to feel calmer and gain a new perspective on the situation – you’ll probably realise it’s not a case of life or death anyway. 5. meditate meditation has been proven to reduce stress and actually changes the brain over time so you can manage your emotions better and stay calm when you need to most. if you think meditation is all about sitting cross-legged for hours and chanting “om”, you couldn’t be further from the truth – even a few minutes of sitting quietly and concentrating on your breathing is a beneficial form of meditation. you can also try apps like headspace and calm. 6. practice gratitude staying grateful for everything you have in your life – no matter how small – can keep things in perspective and help you to maintain a positive attitude. studies have shown that people who keep a daily gratitude journal have lower levels of cortisol – the hormone responsible for stress. try taking a few minutes at the end of each day to write down 5 things you feel thankful for and see how much better it makes you feel. 7. surround yourself with positive people you probably have a few people in your life who can make you feel stressed just by being around them. while it’s not always possible to cut these people out of your life entirely, when you’re under pressure try to spend more time with friends and family who are helpful, positive, and will lift you up rather than drag you down retrain your brain for a calmer life you can’t control what life will throw at you next, but you can learn to cope with pressurised situations and deal with stress in a healthy way. making an effort to practise some of these strategies the next time you feel under pressure can help you to feel calm and able to deal with any situation. need help managing stress or panic attacks. talk to our team to help find the right treatment for your situation.


citcat terjemahan

最終更新: 2023-02-26
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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