検索ワード: list the words you dont know in the table below (英語 - マレー語)







list the words you dont know in the table below



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最終更新: 2010-07-07
使用頻度: 1


numerous candidate drugs under study as "supportive" treatments to relieve discomfort during illness, such as nsaids or bronchodilators, are not included in the table below.


berbilang calon ubat-ubatan di bawah kajian sebagai rawatan "sokongan" untuk mengurangkan rasa tidak selesa semasa sakit, seperti nsaid atau bronkodilator tidak termasuk dalam jadual di bawah.

最終更新: 2020-08-25
使用頻度: 1

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for knowledge, the remaining assets between 2006 until 2013 that has yet to be registered stood at 5955 units. monthly targets for task force assets amounted to 1,500 units of mbsa. the table below shows the number and the cost of assets not yet registered in the system.


untuk pengetahuan, baki aset antara 2006 hingga 2013 yang masih belum didaftarkan adalah sebanyak 5955 unit. sasaran bulanan bagi task force aset mbsa adalah sebanyak 1500 unit. jadual dibawah menunjukkan jumlah dan kos aset yang masih belum didaftarkan dalam sistem spa.

最終更新: 2015-06-10
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


math talk is the words you use to point out early math concepts in your everyday life with kids. using your voice to talk aloud is a key way to support your child as they learn essential social, language and math skills before kindergarten. research shows that talking, reading, or singing to young children, even before they are verbal, is one of the best ways you can support early brain development and set the stage for school success. math talk is a simple concept of talking about math out loud, and you don't need to be a preschool teacher, have a math degree, or set aside designated time to do it. you can strengthen everyday conversations by adding a bit of math to the dialogue. when you incorporate math vocabulary into these language-rich experiences, you are helping children notice the math all around, says the development and research in early math education network. as your child's first teacher, you already have the expertise, skills and resources to use "math talk" regularly and often. you might start by adding small opportunities to use math talk during daily routines. at breakfast, make a pattern with the foods on your plates — for example, cereal, banana slice, cereal, banana slice. you might ask, "can you make a new pattern on your plate?" or talk aloud as you rearrange the food by color or size. on the way to preschool, talk about how buildings, signs and cars are "next to," "across from," or "above" each other. these terms promote spatial sense (also called location and position words) and directional concepts. at sports practice, point out the ways the coach sorts the players and organizes the equipment by their attributes, or the characteristics used to describe a group of objects. say the player's uniform number or the points scored. notice the shape of the field and surrounding spaces. walking through the grocery store, find shapes like rectangle cereal boxes, round soup cans and the triangle top of a milk carton. count the quantity of items out loud, and say the number on the price tag together. at every mealtime, talk through each step during prep. have your child count or measure the ingredients. order the steps in the process from the first, then second and third. portion out the servings on plates and compare sizes using terms like "greater than," "less than," or "equal to." when reading at bedtime, count and order the number of books together from first, second and last. remember, reading and talking are great predictors of academic success. read books together whenever possible. find the shapes, count the characters or notice patterns in the words for added math fun. once you add math talk to your daily routines, you might find how easy it is to continue the conversations into other learning experiences.


ceramah matematik adalah perkataan yang anda gunakan untuk menunjukkan konsep matematik awal dalam kehidupan seharian anda dengan anak-anak. menggunakan suara anda untuk bercakap dengan kuat adalah cara utama untuk menyokong anak anda semasa mereka mempelajari kemahiran sosial, bahasa dan matematik yang penting sebelum tadika. penyelidikan menunjukkan bahawa bercakap, membaca, atau menyanyi kepada anak-anak kecil, walaupun sebelum mereka lisan, adalah salah satu cara terbaik anda dapat menyokong perkembangan otak awal dan menetapkan tahap untuk kejayaan sekolah. ceramah matematik adalah konsep yang mudah untuk bercakap tentang matematik

最終更新: 2023-07-28
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名
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