検索ワード: stakeholders: (英語 - マレー語)











最終更新: 2014-05-15
使用頻度: 1

参照: Wikipedia


empowerment of ict governance that meets the needs of stakeholders


pemerkasaan tadbir urus ict yang memenuhi keperluan pemegang taruh

最終更新: 2023-04-09
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


to study the current impact of knowledge transfer projects on stakeholders


perkembangan program pemindahan pengetahuan nasional (ktp) yang luar biasa sejak 2011 telah mendapat perhatian daripada kerajaan malaysia untuk mengkaji kekuatan dan keberkesanan strategi ktp yang ada. pada tahun 2015, unit perancang ekonomi telah memberikan rm4.0 juta kepada sekretariat ktp nasional untuk melakukan kajian intensif mengenai amalan ktp di malaysia. program penyelidikan dijalankan antara tahun 2015 dan 2019. tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengkaji keberkesanan program kt dengan sp

最終更新: 2020-09-28
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


stakeholders on facility availability, utilisation, reliability, integrity, maintainability, and cost matters.


pihak berkepentingan mengenai ketersediaan kemudahan, penggunaan, kebolehpercayaan, integriti, kesenggaraan, dan kos.

最終更新: 2021-07-10
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


b) illustrate and explain how understanding planning theories can help different stakeholders manage conflict and encourage cooperation in planning activities.


b) jelaskan dan terangkan bagaimana pemahaman teori perancangan boleh membantu pihak berkepentingan yang berbeza menguruskan konflik dan menggalakkan kerjasama dalam aktiviti perancangan.

最終更新: 2022-02-11
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名


innovation: we continuously seek new ways to add value to our stakeholders’ business, be they customers, employees or suppliers. we believe in win win relationships.


inovasi: kami terus mencari cara baru untuk menambah nilai perniagaan pemegang kepentingan kami, baik pada pelanggan, pekerja atau pembekal.

最終更新: 2023-10-29
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名


reputational risks from employee behaviour, discussions and interactions with stakeholders, as well as events relating to the bank's operations and policy decisions.


risiko reputasi daripada tingkah laku kakitangan, perbincangan dan interaksi dengan pihak berkepentingan, serta peristiwa yang berkait dengan operasi dan keputusan dasar bank.

最終更新: 2021-12-17
使用頻度: 2

参照: 匿名


we will establish and continually improve our management and performance of quality, occupational health and safety for all workers, suppliers, contractors, visitors and other stakeholders.


pengurusan hendaklah secara konsisten mengejar tahap kecemerlangan yang tinggi untuk mencapai kepuasan pelanggan dan bahkan melebihi jangkaan mereka dengan terus meningkatkan dan mengemas kini kemahiran dan sumber pekerja.

最終更新: 2022-07-03
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


after analyzing the research findings, the researcher was able to conclude of the students problem faced in speaking english daily language program are include; fear about making mistake, incorrect pronunciation, lack of understanding of grammatical patterns, limited of vocabulary mastery, minimum opportunities, students interest, mother tongue use, seldom to practice and less discipline. besides, the researcher has a finding research in students speaking problem, that the problem are faced because of some psychological factors such as fear of making mistakes, shyness, lack confidence, and lack of motivation. this is big effect that occurs by students in speaking english. from all the problems difficulty in speaking that faced by students, the researchers has underlined some important factors problems that faced by students such as environmental factors which do not support to implement english in daily language communication. the discovery of this problem also felt by the leader of language program that the human resource in husnul khotimah islamic boarding school still a lack of awareness in applying english daily language program, and this factors makes the students lack of motivation in speaking foreign language. therefore, this problems is need teacher and manager attention to overcome the problems, how to make effective program by using interested strategies in learning english in order to make students interest in speaking english and also should provides some activities that facilitate them in speaking english as well as possible. actually, the teacher in husnul khotimah islamic boarding school has applied some strategies to achieve the goal of learning english. the teacher chooses 89 difference strategies to make students enjoy in learning, learning speaking in husnul khotimah islamic boarding school not only apply in inside classroom, but it can be applied outside classroom. this is the way of teacher to increase students speaking in their daily communication. the strategies needs evaluate by the teacher to know the feedback of students in learning english. besides, the strategies management also has an effect to improve students speaking. actually, the manager should make the evaluated the program in order to achieve the aims of the programs, especially in evaluating the human resources in husnul khotimah islamic boarding school, because the effectiveness of a program can be seen from the application of management strategies used by the institution. the results of data conducted by researchers, there are several factors obstacles identified by the students and management at husnul khotimah islamic boarding school in applying the language program. one of the obstacles that hinder because of human resources does not apply daily language program effectively, such as students, teachers, staff, servants, etc. it happens because they have a different educational background that which makes them especially students still hard to use foreign language every day, and also there is no commitment from all of stakeholder in applying foreign language at husnul khotimah islamic boarding school, this is also an obstacle for officials in applying everyday language. the solution of those problem, all of the human resources and the stakeholders of the institution of education in husnul khotimah islamic boarding school should makes the policy and commitment to use the languages (arabic or english) in daily communication, and the teachers, staff, and servant should have integrated in applying english. besides, the institution should make the strategies such as course of foreign language to train them especially all of human at husnul khotimah islamic boarding school in speaking foreign language. hopefully, this solution should be effectively in overcoming the problem of the human resources in speaking english.


c / bab ini menghuraikan kesimpulan dan cadangan pengkaji dalam menjalankan penyelidikan ini. pengkaji mengambil keputusan berdasarkan hasil kajian di bab sebelumnya berkaitan dengan persoalan kajian yang diajukan.

最終更新: 2021-10-14
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

7,720,568,671 より良い訳文を手にいれましょう


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