検索ワード: the girl is washing some disher in the sink (英語 - マレー語)







the girl is washing some disher in the sink



から: 機械翻訳








the drain pipeline in the sink is clogged


saluran paip pembuangan di singki tersebut tersebut tersumbat

最終更新: 2023-03-06
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


the girl is reading a book


budak perempuan itu sedang mendengar muzik

最終更新: 2021-12-09
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


by then, dishes had piled up in the sink, dirty plates were still on the bedroom floors.


pada masa itu, pinggan telah menumpuk di singki, pinggan kotor masih ada di lantai bilik tidur.

最終更新: 2021-02-08
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


cracks or breaks in the sink.* if your sink is made of a material that is prone to cracking or breaking, such as porcelain, it can develop leaks over time.


retak atau pecah di sink.* jika sinki anda diperbuat daripada bahan yang terdedah kepada retak atau pecah, seperti porselin, ia boleh menyebabkan kebocoran dari semasa ke semasa.

最終更新: 2023-07-26
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


avoid placing any major appliances or furniture in the middle of the work triangle. make sure there is enough space between the sink, stove, and refrigerator for you to move around comfortably. by following these tips, you can create a kitchen work triangle that is both efficient and functional.


elakkan meletakkan sebarang peralatan atau perabot utama di tengah-tengah segitiga kerja. pastikan terdapat ruang yang cukup antara sinki, dapur, dan peti sejuk untuk anda bergerak dengan selesa. dengan mengikuti petua ini, anda boleh membuat segitiga kerja dapur yang cekap dan berfungsi.

最終更新: 2023-06-20
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名


camera operator a camera operator has to perform vital roles within the camera department. they have a duty to support the director of photography and the director to accurately carry out their instructions regarding shot composition and development. so the camera operators main role is to overlook of the filming and film himself/herself. some of the things a camera operator may have to do will include things like looking through and operating the camera. the camera person whether boy or girl is responsible for physically operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles throughout a give scene or shot. so applying that to what we are doing the camera operator will have to make sure when filming the chat show they have to make sure all cameras are operating properly and need to makes sure the cuts go and so on. whoever the camera operator is for the chat show needs to be able to listen to what the director is saying and needs to be able to follow the instructions. a camera operator does not need a specific degree in filming but it helps if they have a national occupational standards for camera work and if they have plenty of experience in the filming industry. skills a camera operator may need: a camera operator needs to have a high understanding of cameras and they also need to be able to talk with anyone. this is very important because if they were filming a scene of two actresses and the actresses did not feel comfortable acting in front of the camera operator could lead to problems, also anyone on set or off set needs to be able to talk to the camera operator which is why it is essential they have good communication skills. a skill operator also needs to be able to take in instructions and do them to how the director wants them to be. a camera operator needs to have good it skills with good colour vision which is key for someone filming. they also need to have stamina because they would be working very long hours and will always be on their feet whether they are moving from camera to camera or carrying things in and out of the room (scene room). duties: a duty a camera operator will need is they will need to be able to take in camera directions, they also need to make sure their own time for work all the time and also make sure that all cameras are set up and prepared for filming so save time. another duty that is very important for a camera operator is they need to be able to multi task. hierarchies-camera operator overall the camera operator will be at the bottom of the structure because they do not really have an opinion to what they want to do with the filming and cutting most of the time the director would say i want it to cut here etc and they have to listen, they can also get told what to do by the presenter if the presenter is the person who wrote the script. so the camera operator does not have much important. underneath shows where the camera operator would be in the structure of hierarchies:


putaran sisi

最終更新: 2021-10-21
使用頻度: 1

参照: 匿名

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