検索ワード: blinkevičiūtė (英語 - 簡体字中国語)










から: 機械翻訳








the steering committee of the conference was chaired by ms. vilija blinkevičiūtė, the minister of social security and labour.


社会保障和劳动部部长vilija blinkevičiūtė女士担任本次妇女大会指导委员会主席。

最終更新: 2016-12-04
使用頻度: 1


the president: i give the floor to her excellency mrs. vilija blinkevičiūtė, minister of social affairs and labour of lithuania.


主席(以英语发言):我请立陶宛社会事务和劳动部长vilija blinkevičiūtė夫人阁下发言。

最終更新: 2016-12-03
使用頻度: 1


4th plenary meeting the general assembly heard statements by h.e. the honourable mr. popane lebesa, minister for public works and transport of lesotho; h.e. senator amanda vanstone, minister for immigration and multicultural affairs of australia; h.e. the honourable nicholas goche, minister of public service, labour and social welfare of zimbabwe; h.e. mr. ali abdulla ali mohd al-kaabi, minister of labour and social affairs of united arab emirates; h.e. mr. e. ahamed, minister of state for external affairs of india; h.e. mrs. aisha abdel hady, minister of manpower and migration of egypt; h.e. mrs. vilija blinkevičiūtė, minister of social affairs and labour of lithuania; h.e. the honourable michael browne, minister of national mobilisation, social development, gender affairs, non-governmental organizations' relations, local government and persons with disabilities of saint vincent and the grenadines; h.e. jean de dieu somda, minister of regional cooperation of burkina faso; h.e. ms. barbro holmberg, minister for migration of sweden; h.e. ms. alicia muñoz, minister of government of bolivia; h.e. mr. ng eng hen, minister for manpower of singapore; h.e. mr. garba lompo, president of the human rights commission of niger; h.e. mr. hamid awaluddin, minister of law and human rights of indonesia; h.e. mrs. emilia maslarova, minister of labour and social policy of bulgaria; h.e. the honourable dato's seri mohd radzi sheikh ahmad, minister of home affairs of malaysia; h.e. mr. aftab ahmad khan sherbao, minister of the interior of pakistan; h.e. mr. ali s.j. errishi, secretary of expatriate, immigrant and refugee affairs of the libyan arab jamahiriya; h.e. the honourable doug shane gibson, minister of immigration, labour and training of the bahamas; h.e. mr. erik solheim, minister of international development of norway; h.e. mr. athauda seneviratne, minister of labour and foreign employment of sri lanka; h.e. mr. ze'ev boim, minister of immigrant absorption of israel; h.e. mr. paul antoine bohoun bouabré, minister of state, minister of planning and development of côte d'ivoire; h.e. the honourable albert kan dapaah, minister of the interior of ghana; h.e. the honourable ralph fonseca, minister for home affairs and public utilities of belize; h.e. mr. jean généus, minister for haitians living abroad of haiti; h.e. mr. nicholas schmit, minister delegate for foreign affairs and immigration of luxembourg; h.e. mr. sergiy rudyk, minister, head of the committee on nationalities and migration of ukraine; h.e. the honourable tarsis bazana kabwegyere, mp, minister of relief, disaster preparedness and refugees of uganda; h.e. mr. juma alifa ngasongwa, minister for planning economy and empowerment of the united republic of tanzania; h.e. mrs. aigul ryskulova, chairperson of the state committee on migration and employment of kyrgyzstan; h.e. mr. zhazbeck abdiyev, vice-minister and chairperson of the committee on migration, ministry of labour and social protection of kazakhstan; h.e. mr. hans winkler, state secretary for foreign affairs of austria; h.e. ms. marta altolaguirre, vice-minister for foreign affairs of guatemala; h.e. mr. pracha guna-kasem, senior advisor to the minister for foreign affairs of thailand; h.e. mr. kiyohiko toyama, vice-minister for foreign affairs of japan; h.e. mr. joão gomes cravinho, secretary of state for foreign affairs and cooperation of portugal; h.e. mrs. judit fazekas lèvaynè, state secretary of the ministry of justice of hungary; h.e. the honourable teopolina mushelenga, mp, deputy minister of home affairs and immigration of namibia; h.e. the honourable delano franklyn, minister of state for the ministry for foreign affairs and foreign trade of jamaica; and h.e. mr. isikia rabiei savua, chairman of the delegation of fiji.


第4次全体会议 大会听取了以下人士的发言:莱索托公共工程和交通部长popane lebesa先生阁下、澳大利亚移民和多文化事务部长amanda vanstone参议员阁下、津巴布韦公共服务、劳工和社会福利部长nicholas goche阁下、阿拉伯联合酋长国劳工和社会事务部长ali abdulla ali mohd al-kaabi先生阁下、印度外交国务部长e. ahamed先生阁下、埃及人力和移徙事务部长aisha abdel hady夫人阁下、立陶宛社会事务和劳工部长vilija blinkevičiūtė夫人阁下、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯国家社会发展、男女平等15、非政府组织关系、地方政府和残疾人事务部长micheal browne阁下、布基纳法索区域合作部长 jean de dieu somda阁下、瑞典移徙事务大臣barbro holmberg女士阁下、玻利维亚政府部长alicia muñoz女士阁下、新加坡人力部长ng eng hen、先生阁下、尼泊尔人权委员会主席garba lompo先生阁下、印度尼西亚法律和人权部长hamid awaluddin先生阁下、保加利亚劳工和社会政策部长emilia maslarova夫人阁下、马来西亚内政部长dato's seri mohd radzi sheikh ahmad阁下、巴基斯坦内政部长aftab ahmad khan sherbao先生阁下、阿拉伯利比亚民众国外侨、移民和难民事务秘书ali s.j. errishi先生阁下、巴哈马移民、劳工和培训部长doug shane gibson阁下、挪威国际发展部长erik solheim先生阁下、斯里兰卡劳工和国外就业事务部长athauda seneviratne先生阁下、以色列移民事务部长ze'ev boim先生阁下、科特迪瓦规划与发展国务部长paul antoine bohoun bouabré先生阁下、 加纳内政部长albert kan dapaah阁下、伯利兹内政和公共事业部长ralph fonseca、阁下、海地海外海地人事务部长jean généus先生阁下、卢森堡外交和移民事务大臣级代表nicholas schmit先生阁下、乌克兰部长兼国籍和移徙事务委员会主席sergiy rudyk先生阁下、乌干达救济、备灾和难民事务部长tarsis bazana kabwegyere先生阁下、坦桑尼亚联合共和国经济规划和能力建设事务部长juma alifa ngasongwa先生阁下、吉尔吉斯斯坦移徙和就业国务委员会主席aigul ryskulov夫人阁下、哈萨克斯坦副总理兼移徙事务委员会主席、劳工和社会保护部长zhazbeck abdiyev先生阁下、奥地利外交国务大臣hans winkler先生阁下、危地马拉外交部副部长marta altolaguirre女士阁下、vice minister for foreign affairs of 危地马拉; 泰国外交部长高级顾问pracha guna-kasem先生阁下、日本副外务相kiyohiko toyama先生阁下、葡萄牙外交与合作副外务大臣joão gomes cravinho先生阁下、匈牙利司法国务部长judit fazekas lèvaynè夫人阁下、纳米比亚内政和移民事务副部长teopolina mushelenga阁下、牙买加外交和外贸部国务部长delano franklyn阁下、斐济代表团团长isikia rabiei savua先生阁下。

最終更新: 2016-12-03
使用頻度: 1

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