검색어: frisbee (루마니아어 - 영어)

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마지막 업데이트: 2012-02-20
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


arunca frisbee în măsura în care poți.


throw frisbee as far as you can .

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


şi am învăţat fotbal, volei, frisbee, o mulţime de jocuri.


and i learned football, volleyball, frisbee, lots of games.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


ia unghi drept şi puterea de a obţine frisbee pentru a zbura în măsura în care este posibil ca acesta bounces.


get the right angle and power to get the frisbee to fly as far as possible as it bounces.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


echipamente pentru jocuri pe plajă și în aer liber, cum ar fi popice, crochet, frisbee, volei, inclusiv bărci, plute și bazine gonflabile;


equipment for beach and open-air games such as bowls, croquet, frisbee, volleyball and inflatable boats, rafts and swimming pools,

마지막 업데이트: 2017-04-06
사용 빈도: 2

추천인: Wikipedia


leul de mare de california preia peştii mola de cum intră în golf, le rupe aripile şi îi transformă într-un frisbee perfect, stil mola, şi apoi îi aruncă de colo-colo.


the california sea lion takes the molas as soon as they come into the bay, rips off their fins, fashions them into the ultimate frisbee, mola style, and then tosses them back and forth.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


== note ====legături externe=====regulamente===* professional ultimate (audl)* professional ultimate (mlu)* wfdf rules (worldwide, except north america)* the complete 11th edition of the rules of ultimate, approved 01/11/2007 (americas)===hall of fame===* usa ultimate hall of fame* ultimate canada hall of fame===campionate și asociații===*american ultimate disc league (audl)*major league ultimate (mlu)*usa ultimate (usau) (formerly ultimate players association (upa))*world flying disc federation (wfdf)*european flying disc federation (efdf)*japan flying disc association (jfda)*ultimate canada (uc) (formerly canadian ultimate players association (cupa))*beach ultimate lovers association (bula)*finnish ultimate / finnish flying disc association (ffda)*hungarian flying disc association (mfsz)*irish flying disc association (ifda)*italian flying disc federation (fifd)*uk ultimate association(ukua)*pakistan flying disc federation (pfdf) (formerly frisbee federation of pakistan (ffp) pakistan ultimate frisbee association (pufa))*new zealand ultimate (nzu)*slovak association of frisbee (saf)*asociación de jugadores de ultimate en colombia (ajuc)*panama ultimate*toronto ultimate club (tuc)*utah ultimate disc association (uuda)


==see also==* american ultimate disc league* beach ultimate lovers association* deutscher frisbeesport-verband* disc golf* disc throws* flying disc* flying disc freestyle* flying disc games* goaltimate* ken westerfield* list of ultimate teams* major league ultimate* u.s. intercollegiate ultimate champions* usa ultimate* ultimate canada* world flying disc federation* ultimate in japan==references====external links=====rules===* professional ultimate (audl)* professional ultimate (mlu)* wfdf rules (worldwide, except north america)* the complete 11th edition of the rules of ultimate, approved 01/11/2007 (americas)===spirit of the game===* spirit of the game page in wfdf (world flying disc federation)===hall of fame===* usa ultimate hall of fame* ultimate canada hall of fame===leagues and associations===*american ultimate disc league (audl)*major league ultimate (mlu)*usa ultimate (usau) (formerly ultimate players association (upa))*world flying disc federation (wfdf)*european flying disc federation (efdf)*japan flying disc association (jfda)*ultimate canada (uc) (formerly canadian ultimate players association (cupa))*beach ultimate lovers association (bula)*finnish ultimate / finnish flying disc association (ffda)*hungarian flying disc association (mfsz)*irish flying disc association (ifda)*italian flying disc federation (fifd)*uk ultimate association(ukua)*pakistan flying disc federation (pfdf) (formerly frisbee federation of pakistan (ffp) ultimate frisbee pakistan association (ufpa))*new zealand ultimate (nzu)*slovak association of frisbee (saf)*asociacion de jugadores de ultimate en colombia(ajuc)*panama ultimate*toronto ultimate club (tuc)*utah ultimate disc association (uuda)*vietnam ultimate (huc)*korea ultimate players association (kupa)*ultimate players association of india (upai)===publications===* ultiworld*skyd magazine*get horizontal===discussions===*ultitalk.com (ut)*breaking a zone

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia

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