검색어: yo q (스페인어 - 영어)

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yo q



부터: 기계 번역
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번역 추가





y eso yo q tengo que ver


wave who you are

마지막 업데이트: 2023-04-17
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


he estado lellendo sobre algunos comentaris de chavez y evo morales, en primer lugar hay unos latinos que tiene las agallas de ofender a los bolobianos y llamarlos indios, creo yo q estos latinos que ofenden han de ser de raza indiguna tambien y se creen muy europeos.


i've been reading some comments about chavez and evo morales, first there are a few latinos who have the guts to offend bolivians and call them indians, i believe that these latinos who offend must be indigenous also and they feel very europeans.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


el terrorismo ha existido y existira siempre, por que son grupos irregulares que trabajan a la sombra, pueden haber golpes duros pero no desaparecer con violencia, el tema es politico, !realmente veo comentarios y digo yo: !q sabe la gente de a pie que no a cursado ni un curso de contrainsurgencia ni antiterrorismo ni ver el grado de interferencia y el poder de tecnologia militar de bases norteamericanas que se dedican a espiar?¿?, con todo respeto pero no saben,ni mucho menos la logica que se sige en las centrales de inteligencia, se alarmarian en demacia, ya que son como "combatir al diablo con otro diablo" , no saben y no se por que aseguran en mucho de los casos, saludos espero no ofender pero es la verdad. un pais pierde soberania y es vulnerable cuando se plantan bases "de apoyo" (espias) en tu pais, no a bases extranjeras, saludos


i really see comments and i say:! what do ordinary people know, those that have not completed or taken a course of counter-insurgency or anti-terrorism or see the degree of interference and the power of military technology of american bases that are engaged in spying? with all due respect but they do not know, much less the logic that is followed in intelligence centers, you would be very alarmed, becaue that is like "fighting the devil with another devil", do not know and and i don't know why they assure in many of the cases, greetings i hope not to offend but it is the truth. a country losessovereignty and is vulnerable when bases are planted for "support" (spies) in your country, no to foreign bases, greetings

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
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