검색어: documentation (타밀어 - 영어)

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더 나은 번역 제안

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if you select this check box the words from the kde documentation are spell- checked before they are inserted into the new dictionary.


if you select this check box the words from the kde documentation are spell-checked before they are inserted into the new dictionary.

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


with this combo box you select which of the installed languages is used for creating the new dictionary. kmouth will only parse documentation files of this language.


with this combo box you select which of the installed languages is used for creating the new dictionary. kmouth will only parse documentation files of this language.

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


if you select this box a new dictionary is created by parsing the kde documentation. the frequentness of the individual words is detect by simply counting the occurrences of each word.


if you select this box a new dictionary is created by parsing the kde documentation. the frequentness of the individual words is detect by simply counting the occurrences of each word.

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì þó¾ ÜÚ ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì ºÃ¢Â¡ ¸ §Å¨Ç ¦ºö¸¢È¾ ¡±É ºÃ¢ôÀ¡ ÷ìÌõ. « î͸ÙìÌ ¾ÅÈ¡ É Á¾¢ô¨À « Ç¢ò¾¡ ø, « Ǧš ôÒŨÁìÌû ºÃ¢¦ºö ÓÂüº¢ì¸Ä¡ õ. / dev/ js[ 0- 4] ÁüÚõ / dev/ input/ js[ 0- 4] ºÃ¢À¡ ÷òÐ þó¾ ÜÚ « ¨ÉòÐ ƒ¡ öº¢ðÊ쨸Ôõ §¾Îõ « Îò¾ º¡ ¾É §¸¡ ôÒ þÕó¾¡ ø, ¦À¡ ðÊÂÄ¢ø ¯ûÇ£¼×õ. ¦À¡ ò¾¡ ý ÀðÊÂø ¯í¸û ƒ¡ öº¢ðʸ¢ø ¯ûÇ ¦À¡ ò¾¡ ý¸Ç¢ý ¿¢¨Ä¨Â ¸¡ ðÎõ, « ¨ÉòÐ « î͸Ǣý ¾ü§À¡ ¨¾Â Á¾¢ô¨À « îÍ ÀðÊÂø ¸¡ ðÎõ. note: ¾ü§À¡ ¨¾Â ĢɊ º¡ ¾É þÂ츢¡ ø (¦¸÷Éø 2. 4, 2. 6) ÁðÎõ ¸ñÎÀ¢Êì¸ þÂÖõ 2 - « î͸û, 4- ¦À¡ ò¾¡ ý ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì 3 - « î͸û, 4- ¦À¡ ò¾¡ ý ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì 4 - « î͸û, 4- ¦À¡ ò¾¡ ý ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì º¡ ¢ðì ºö§À¡ ÷ì 'ʃ¢ð¼ø' ƒ¡ ¢º¢ðÊì (§ÁÖõ Å¢ÅÃí¸ÙìÌ ¿£í¸û þ¨¾ À¡ ÷ì¸Ä¡ õ linux source/ documentation/ input/ joystick. txt)


joystick this module helps to check if your joystick is working correctly. if it delivers wrong values for the axes, you can try to solve this with the calibration. this module tries to find all available joystick devices by checking / dev/ js[0-4] and / dev/ input/ js[0-4] if you have another device file, enter it in the combobox. the buttons list shows the state of the buttons on your joystick, the axes list shows the current value for all axes. note: the current linux device driver (kernel 2.4, 2.6) can only autodetect 2-axis, 4-button joystick 3-axis, 4-button joystick 4-axis, 4-button joystick saitek cyborg'digital 'joysticks (for details you can check your linux source/ documentation/ input/ joystick. txt)

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1

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