검색어: pernambuco (핀란드어 - 영어)

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마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


terphane ltda, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brasilia


terphane ltda, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brazil

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brasilia (jäljempänä ’terphane’)


‘terphane ltda.’, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brazil (‘terphane’) ;

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


terphane ltda br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brasilia (jäljempänä ’terphane’)


‘terphane ltda’ br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brazil (‘terphane’)

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


yksi brasilialainen vientiä harjoittava tuottaja, terphane ltda (br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brasilia)


within the deadline laid down in article 3 of the initiating regulations, the commission received requests for exemption from the registration and measures from one exporting producer in brazil, terphane ltda, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brazil

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


laajennetaan intiasta peräisin olevan, cn-koodeihin ex39206219 ja ex39206290 (taric-koodit 3920621901, 3920621904, 3920621907, 3920621911, 3920621914, 3920621917, 3920621921, 3920621924, 3920621927, 3920621931, 3920621934, 3920621937, 3920621941, 3920621944, 3920621947, 3920621951, 3920621954, 3920621957, 3920621961, 3920621967, 3920621974, 3920621992, 3920629031, 3920629092) kuuluvan polyeteenitereftalaattikalvon tuonnissa asetuksella (ey) n:o 1676/2001 käyttöön otettu 53,3 prosentin lopullinen polkumyyntitulli koskemaan asianomaisen tuotteen tuontia brasiliasta ja israelista riippumatta siitä, onko sen alkuperämaaksi ilmoitettu brasilia tai israel, lukuun ottamatta tuotteita, joiden tuottaja on terphane ltda, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brasilia


the definitive anti-dumping duty of 53,3 % imposed by regulation (ec) no 1676/2001 on imports of polyethylene terephthalate film originating in india, falling within cn codes ex39206219 and ex39206290, is hereby extended to imports of the same polyethylene terephthalate film consigned from brazil and consigned from israel (whether declared as originating in brazil or israel or not) (taric codes 3920621901, 3920621904, 3920621907, 3920621911, 3920621914, 3920621917, 3920621921, 3920621924, 3920621927, 3920621931, 3920621934, 3920621937, 3920621941, 3920621944, 3920621947, 3920621951, 3920621954, 3920621957, 3920621961, 3920621967, 3920621974, 3920621992, 3920629031, 3920629092) with the exception of those produced by terphane ltda, br 101, km 101, city of cabo de santo agostinho, state of pernambuco, brazil

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia

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