검색어: carus (네덜란드어 - 영어)

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마지막 업데이트: 2011-07-14
사용 빈도: 2

추천인: Wikipedia


kromme van carus


carus curve

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-14
사용 빈도: 4

추천인: IATE


titus lucretius carus



마지막 업데이트: 2012-01-26
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


carus, uitgeverij nr. 3/11, 12.


nr. 12/3, 8.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


carus had een selectieve benadering en geloofde dat religies door de tijd heen evolueren.


" carus had a selective approach and he believed that religions evolve over time.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


na de moord op probus in sirmium werd carus uitgeroepen tot keizer door de soldaten.


after the murder of probus at sirmium, carus was proclaimed emperor by the soldiers.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


carus ontkende dergelijke dualismen en wilde dat de wetenschap de eenheid van kennis herstelde.


carus rejected such dualisms, and wanted science to reestablish the unity of knowledge.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


carus bleef geïnteresseerd in het werk van peirce en publiceerde uiteindelijk een aantal van zijn artikelen.


carus stayed abreast of peirce's work and would eventually publish a number of his articles.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


hoewel carus de dood van probus zwaar had gewroken, was hij zelf vermoedelijk medeplichtig aan de daad.


although carus severely avenged the death of probus, he was suspected as an accessory to the deed.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


==wereldbeeld en filosofie==carus beschouwde zichzelf eerder als een theoloog dan als een filosoof.


==carus's world view and philosophy==carus considered himself a theologian rather than philosopher.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


tijdens zijn korte heerschappij vocht carus met de germaanse stammen en sarmaten langs de donau-grens met succes.


during his short reign, carus fought the germanic tribes and sarmatians along the danube frontier with success.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


* carus benoemt zijn zoon marcus aurelius carinus tot caesar en laat hem regeren over het west-romeinse rijk.


* carus appoints his oldest son marcus aurelius carinus, "caesar" and co-emperor of the western roman empire.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


jarenlang daarna was carus een sterke sympathisant van boeddhistische ideeën, maar committeerde zich niet geheel aan deze, of enige andere religie.


for years afterwards, carus was a strong sympathizer of buddhist ideas, but stopped short of committing fully to this, or any other, religion.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


87 (uitgegeven door carus-verlag in stuttgart, 2002)*oratorium "die geburt christi", op.


87 (published by carus-verlag in stuttgart, 2002)*oratorio "die geburt christi", op.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


de interesse van carus in aziatische religies lijkt te zijn geïntensiveerd nadat hij het world’s parliament of religions (in 1893) had bijgewoond.


carus’ interest in asian religions seems to have intensified after he attended the world's parliament of religions (in 1893).

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


voor zijn overwinningen, die alle vorige nederlagen die geleden waren door de romeinen tegen de sassaniden gewroken hadden, verkreeg carus de titel van "persicus maximus".


the victories of carus avenged all the previous defeats suffered by the romans against the sassanids, and he received the title of "persicus maximus".

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


==biografie==carus, wiens naam voor de toetreding marcus numerius carus geweest kan zijn, werd waarschijnlijk geboren in narbonne in gallië, maar werd onderwezen in rome.


==biography==carus, whose name before the accession may have been marcus numerius carus, was likely born at narbo (modern narbonne) in gaul but was educated in rome.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


er wordt geopperd dat hij in 284-285 van kant wisselde om de aanspraken van de toekomstige keizer diocletianus te ondersteunen, vlak voordat deze in juli 285 carinus, de zoon van carus, in de slag van de margus versloeg.


it has been conjectured that he switched allegiances to support the claims of the future emperor diocletian just before diocletian defeated carinus, the son of carus, at the battle of the margus in july 285.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


* theodor bergk – duits taalkundige* otto julius bierbaum – duits schrijver* conrad bursian – duits taalkundige en archeoloog* johann benedict carpzov ii – duits christelijk theoloog en kenner van het hebreeuws* carl gustav carus – duits fysioloog en schilder* julius schnorr von carolsfeld - duits schilder* walter cramer - duits zakenman, deelnemer aan de mislukte bomaanslag op hitler* karl wilhelm dindorf - duits klassiek geleerde* axel eggebrecht - duits journalist en schrijver* georg fabricius - duits dichter, historicus en archeoloog* johann friedrich fasch - duits componist* paul fleming - duitse dichter* arnold gehlen – invloedrijk conservatief duits filosoof en socioloog* martin rinckart - duits geestelijke en liederendichter* paul fleming - duits dichter* christoph graupner - duits klavecinist en componist van barok muziek* karl heine – advocaat, ondernemer en industrieel pionier* thomas theodor heine - duits schilder en illustrator* johann david heinichen - duits barok componist en muziektheoreticus* rudolf hildebrand - germanist* otto hoetzsch - duits academicus en politicus* reinhard keiser - duits operacomponist* johann friedrich kind - duits toneelschrijver* johann ludwig krebs - barok musicus en componist* sebastian krumbiegel - duits zanger en musicus* justus hermann lipsius - duits klassiek geleerde* paul julius möbius - duitse neuroloog* georg sterlicht - duits barok componist* carl adam petri - duits wiskundige en informaticus* eduard friedrich poeppig - duits bioloog en ontdekkingsreiziger* nikolaus pevsner – duits- brits geleerde in kunstgeschiedenis* johann georg pisendel - duits barok musicus, violist en componist* die prinzen - duitse muziekgroep* günther ramin – invloedrijk duits organist, dirigent, componist, leraar en thomascantor* carl gottlieb reißiger - duits dirigent en componist* martin rinkart - duits geestelijke en schrijver van liederen* johann rosenmüller - duits barok componist* daniel gottlob moritz schreber - duits arts en universitair docent* johann gottfried stallbaum - duits klassiek geleerde* richard wagner - duits componist en dirigent* jörg-peter weigle - duits professor koordirectie* friedrich wieck - duits piano en zangleraar* friedrich wilhelm zachau - duits musicus en componist* carl friedrich zöllner - duits componist en koordirigent== vooraanstaande oud-leraren ==* johann sebastian bach - duits componist en organist* karl ferdinand braun - duits uitvinder, fysicus en nobelprijswinnaar* sethus calvisius - duits muziektheoreticus, componist, chronoloog, astronoom en leraar, en thomascantor* otto crusius - duits klassiek geleerde* johann august ernesti - duits theoloog en taalkundige* georg fabricius - duits dichter historicus en archeoloog* johann matthias gesner - duits klassiek geleerde en schoolmeester* moritz hauptmann - duits componist en schrijver en thomascantor* sebastian knüpfer - duits componist en thomascantor* johann kuhnau - duits componist, organist, klavecinist en thomascantor* august leskien - duits taalkundige* johann adam hiller - duits componist, dirigent, schrijver over muziek en thomascantor* rudolf hildebrand – duits taalkundige* johann rosenmüller - duits barok componist* günther ramin - invloedrijk duits organist, dirigent, dirigent, componist en thomascantor* georg rhau - duits boekdrukker, componist en thomascantor* ernst friedrich richter - duits muziektheoreticus en thomascantor* wilhelm rust - duits musicoloog, componist en thomascantor* johann hermann schein - duits componist van de vroege barok en thomascantor* johann gottfried schicht - duits componist, dirigent en thomascantor* karl straube - duits kerkmusicus, organist, koordirigent en thomascantor* jakob thomasius – duits academisch filosoof en jurist* christian theodor weinlig – duits muziekleraar, componist, koordirigent en thomascantor* ernst windisch – duits geleerde en kenner van de keltische taal en cultuur==zie ook==* thomaskirche (leipzig)* thomanerchor


== notable alumni ==* carl friedrich abel - german composer and fine player on the viola da gamba, pupil of johann sebastian bach* franz abt - german composer* nicolaus von amsdorf - german theologian and protestant reformer* johann august apel - german writer and jurist* armand léon von ardenne - german military writer and general, character in "effi briest"* wilhelm friedemann bach - eldest son and pupil of johann sebastian bach* carl philipp emanuel bach - german musician and composer, second son of johann sebastian bach* johann christian bach - composer of the classical era, tenth son of johann sebastian bach* johann christoph friedrich bach - ninth son of johann sebastian bach* johann gottfried bernhard bach - fourth son of johann sebastian bach* karl baedeker - german physicist* fritz beblo - german city planner, architect and painter* christian daniel beck - german philologist, historian, theologian and antiquarian* oskar becker - german philosopher, logician and mathematician* roderich benedix - german dramatist and librettist* theodor bergk - german philologist* otto julius bierbaum - german writer* georg christoph biller - german choral conductor* christian ludwig boxberg - german composer and organist* albert brockhaus - german publisher and politician* eduard brücklmeier - german diplomat and resistance fighter against the nazi régime* conrad bursian - german philologist and archaeologist* johann benedict carpzov ii - german christian theologian and hebraist* carl gustav carus - german physiologist and painter* julius schnorr von carolsfeld - german painter* walter cramer - german businessman and a member of the failed july 20 plot* karl wilhelm dindorf - german classical scholar* max dieckmann - german physicist* christoph von dohnányi - german conductor* klaus von dohnanyi - german politician* axel eggebrecht - german journalist and writer* theodor wilhelm engelmann - german botanist, physiologist and microbiologist* georg fabricius - german poet, historian and archaeologist* johann friedrich fasch - german composer* paul fleming - german poet* arnold gehlen - an influential conservative german philosopher and sociologist* martin rinckart - german clergyman and hymnist* paul fleming - german poet* reinhard goerdeler - german accountant and founder of kpmg* johann gottlieb görner - german composer and organist, pupil of johann sebastian bach* johann christoph graupner - german harpsichordist and composer of high baroque music* andreas gruentzig - german cardiologist* karl heine - lawyer and a major entrepreneur and industrial pioneer* thomas theodor heine - german painter and illustrator* johann david heinichen - german baroque composer and music theorist, kapellmeister to the royal polish and electoral saxon court in dresden* karl heinrich heydenreich - german philosopher and poet* rudolf hildebrand - germanist* karl von hochmuth - russian general* otto hoetzsch - german academic and politician* reinhard keiser - popular german opera composer, one time kapellmeister of the hamburg opera and successor to johann mattheson as cantor (church) of hamburg cathedral* johann friedrich kind - german dramatist* johann ludwig krebs - rococo and classical period musician and composer, pupil of johann sebastian bach and son of johann tobias krebs, another bach pupil (during his tenure at weimar)* sebastian krumbiegel - german singer and musician* victor lange - german-born us-american germanist at princeton university* gottfried leibniz - german mathematician and philosopher* justus hermann lipsius - german classical scholar* christian gustav adolph mayer - german mathematician* erhard mauersberger - german choral conductor, 14th cantor of the thomaskirche zu leipzig after johann sebastian bach, brother of rudolf mauersberger (the composer, conductor, and cantor of the kreuzkirche dresden)* felix moscheles - english painter, peace activist and advocate of esperanto* paul julius möbius - german neurologist* georg Österreich - german baroque composer* carl adam petri - german mathematician and computer scientist* eduard friedrich poeppig - german botanist, zoologist and explorer* nikolaus pevsner - german-born british scholar of history of art at cambridge and oxford university* johann georg pisendel - german baroque musician, violinist and composer* die prinzen - german music group* günther ramin - influential german organist, conductor, composer, pedagogue, and 12th thomaskantor after bach* carl gottlieb reissiger - german kapellmeister and composer* martin rinkart - german clergyman and hymnist* johann theodor roemhildt - german baroque composer* johann rosenmüller - german baroque composer* friedrich ruge - vice admiral of the german navy* ernest sauter - german composer* daniel gottlob moritz schreber - german physician and university teacher* johann andreas schubert - german general engineer and designer* johann gottfried stallbaum - german classical scholar* karl wilhelm valentiner - german astronomer* eduard vogel - german explorer in central africa* richard wagner - german composer, conductor, music theorist and essayist* jörg-peter weigle - german professor of choir direction* friedrich wieck - german piano and voice teacher, teacher of robert schumann, and father of clara schumann* friedrich wilhelm zachau - german baroque musician and composer, teacher of george frideric handel* carl friedrich zöllner - german composer and choir director== notable former teachers ==* johann sebastian bach - prolific german baroque composer and organist* karl ferdinand braun - german inventor, physicist and nobel prize laureate* sethus calvisius - german music theorist, composer, chronologer, astronomer and teacher of the late renaissance* otto crusius - german classical scholar* johann august ernesti - german theologian and philologist* georg fabricius - german poet, historian and archaeologist* johann matthias gesner - german classical scholar and schoolmaster, an ardent enthusiast of johann sebastian bach* moritz hauptmann - german composer and writer, 6th cantor (church) of the thomanerchor after bach* sebastian knüpfer - german baroque composer, 3rd thomaskantor before bach* johann kuhnau - german baroque composer, organist and harpsichordist, immediate predecessor as thomaskantor before bach* august leskien - german linguist* johann adam hiller - german classical and romantic composer, conductor and writer on music, 3rd thomaskantor after bach, first kapellmeister of the gewandhaus orchestra leipzig* rudolf hildebrand - germanist* johann rosenmüller - german baroque composer* günther ramin - influential german organist, conductor, composer, pedagogue, and 12th thomaskantor after bach* georg rhau - german publisher and composer, first thomaskantor after church became protestant, led the thomanerchor in the opening mass of the leipzig debate, published last known lutheran hymnbook during martin luther's lifetime* ernst richter - german musical theorist, 8th thomaskantor after bach and the immediate predecessor to the post of wilhelm rust* wilhelm rust - german musicologist, conductor, and composer, 9th thomaskantor after bach* johann schein - german composer and hymnist of the early baroque era* johann gottfried schicht - german composer and conductor, 5th thomaskantor after bach* karl straube - german church musician, organist, choral conductor, and teacher, 11th thomaskantor after bach, a friend and champion of max reger, instructor at the leipzig conservatory, and one of the teachers of karl richter (conductor); succeeded to the post of thomaskantor by günther ramin* jakob thomasius - german academic philosopher and jurist* christian theodor weinlig - german music teacher, composer and choir conductor* ernst windisch - german scholar and celticist== see also ==* list of rectors of thomasschule zu leipzig* st. thomas church, leipzig* st. thomas choir of leipzig* list of the oldest schools in the world== references ==== external links ==* thomasschule zu leipzig* thomasschule

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다

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