전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
Šūnu citoplazma jāsaglabā, lai detektētu mikrokodolus un (ar citokinēzes bloķēšanas metodi) ticami identificētu divkodolu šūnas.
cell cytoplasm should be retained to allow the detection of micronuclei and (in the cytokinesis-block method) reliable identification of binucleate cells.
inficēto šūnu citoplazma iekrāsojas zila, un tajā ir vāji iekrāsots sarkans kodols un insercijas organisms, kura lielums ir dažāds un kurš ir spilgti sarkanā krāsā.
the cytoplasm of infected cells stains blue, and it contains a weakly-staining red nucleus and an inclusion body, variable in size, stained bright red.
kaitēklis, kura diametrs ir 1-3 nm, atrodas hemocītos vai ir atbrīvots no pārnēsātājšūnām, un tam ir zila citoplazma un neliels sarkans kodols.
the parasite, 1-3 ìm in diameter, appears included in haemocytes or free of the host cells and has blue cytoplasm and a small red nucleus.