검색어: blind spot (말레이어 - 영어)

컴퓨터 번역

인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.





blind spot



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





blind date



마지막 업데이트: 2013-04-01
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


dark spot


apakah maksud dark spots

마지막 업데이트: 2019-01-29
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


spot check


spot chek

마지막 업데이트: 2023-01-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


e- melabbreviate blind



마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


hot spot _x:


hot spot _x:

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-20
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


pengurus foto f-spot


f-spot photo manager

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


_tulis nilai hot spot


_write hot spot values

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-20
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


pustaka f-spot: %s


f-spot library: %s

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


* spot emas, perak dan platinum.


* spot gold, silver and platinum.

마지막 업데이트: 2010-07-07
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


contoh karangan stpm inggeris how to create cozy spot at home


examples of english stpm essays how to create cozy spot at home

마지막 업데이트: 2021-08-11
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


do update us those area which have insufficient lights with photos on the spot


마지막 업데이트: 2021-05-26
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


the cafe is located in the city center of kuala lumpur which is a popular spot


the cafe is in the city center of kuala lumpur which is a popular spot.

마지막 업데이트: 2020-07-01
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


pilih secara manual fail pangkalan data f-spot yang diimportkan:


manually select an f-spot database file to import:

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


tidak dapat buka fail pangkalan data f-spot terpilih: ralat semasa membaca jadual foto


cannot read the selected f-spot database file: error while reading photos table

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


selamat datang ke perkhidmatan import pustaka f-spot. sila pilih fail pangkalan data f-spot.


welcome to the f-spot library import service. please select an f-spot database file.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


tidak dapat buka fail pangkalan data f-spot terpilih: fail tidak wujud atau bukanlah pangkalan data f-spot


cannot open the selected f-spot database file: the file does not exist or is not an f-spot database

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-15
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


bahasa inggeris ke bahasa melayu ppppp: leasaith : suhhihat ppppp: leasaith : suhhihat haggard, wild female hawk in training. tam. shrew, 4.1.177; so as adj., of woman disobedient or unfaithful, oth., 3.111.264. haggled, with many wounds, item 5, 4.v1.11. h#a#ir, against the h# a#ir, contrary to nature, troll. and cres., i.ii.27; co#urser's hair, supposed to come to life in water, ant. and cleo., 1.11.187. halberd, axe like weapon with long handle, rich. 3, 1.11.411. halcyon (from haleyone, changed with her husband ceyx to a type of kingfisher; their breeding season in winter was supposed to be favoured with fine weather) calm, happy, 1 lien. 6, 1.11.131; a dead kingfisher if hung up was supposed to act as a weather-cock, lear, 2.11.73. ha@lf-che@ek'd, applied to inefficient or deficient bit, tam. shrew, 3.ii.53. hal@f-fa#ced, thin faced (like the profile on the groat. a thin coin), john, 1.i.92; half seen, 2 hen. 6, 4.1.98. half sword, most closely engaged, 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.157. s' halidom, holidame, an oath (on holy relics) reduced by shakespeare's time to a mere reservation, two gent. ver.' 4.11.131. it hallowmas, 1st nov. (all saints' day), ric+- h. 2, 5.i.80. han#d fa#st, marriage contract, cur., 1.v.78. han#dsa#w (dialect form of heronshaw ') heron, ham. 2.11.375. ban#ge #rs, straps supporting scabbard, ham., 5.i1.154. harbin#ger, forerunner, ham., 1.1.122. harr#y te#n shi#llings, ha#lf -sovereign coined in reign of henry vii, 2 hen. 4, 3.11.216. hat#chment, tab#let showing the coat of arms of the deceased, ham., 4.v.210. haug#ht, haughty, 3 hen. 6, 2.1.109 haug#hty, ambitious, rich. 3, 4.11.37. ============= goes to jockey "h" d "i" as lathair gha'ibaani . =============================== flaw, gust of wind, or passion, cdr. 5.111.74. fleckerd, dappled, rom. and jul. seer, sneering grimace, oth., 4.i.82. flesh (to give a hound the flesh of the victim to rouse its keenness) so to introduce an untried soldier to bloodshed, lear, 2.11.42; flesh his sword, use it in his first fight, 1 hen. 6, 4.vii.36. fleshment, the satisfaction of a first success, lear, 2.11.118. flew'd, with large chaps, mid. n. dr., 4.1.117. flirt-gill, loose woman, rom. and jul.,2.iv.149. flote, sea, tem., 1.11.234. flourish, embellishment, l. lab. lost, 2.i.14. flower-de-luce, iris, win. tale, 4.iv.127; the lily of the french coat of arms, and so applied by henry to katherine, hen. 5, 5.ii.208. flux = secretion, as you like, 3.11.61. fob, set aside by trickery, cor., i .i.92. foil (i) setting of a jewel, so something that shows up the value of an act or accomplishment, ham., 5.ii.247; (ii) put to the fail, deprive of commendation, tem., 3.i.46. with lining; but falstaff provided the stuffing himself. hen. 5. 4.vii.46. greek, light fellow or wench, tw. night, 4.1.17. greensleeves, a ballad tune not tending to godliness, mer. wires 2.1.55. grievance, inconvenience, affliction, two gent. ver., 1.1.17. ========================== ========================= haggard, wild female hawk in training. tam. shrew, 4.1.177; so as adj., of woman disobedient or unfaithful, oth., 3.111.264. haggled, with many wounds, item 5, 4.v1.11. hair, against the hair, contrary to nature, troll. and cres., i.ii.27; courser's hair, supposed to come to life in water, ant. and cleo., 1.11.187. halberd, axe-like weapon with long handle, rich. 3, 1.11.411. halcyon (from haleyone, changed with her husband ceyx to a type of kingfisher; their breeding season in winter was supposed to be favoured with fine weather) calm, happy, 1 lien. 6, 1.11.131; a dead kingfisher if hung up was supposed to act as a weather-cock, lear, 2.11.73. half-cheek'd, applied to inefficient or deficient bit, tam. shrew, 3.ii.53. half-faced, thin faced (like the profile on the groat. a thin coin), john, 1.i.92; half seen, 2 hen. 6, 4.1.98. half sword, most closely engaged, 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.157. s' halidom, holidame, an oath (on holy relics) reduced by shakespeare's time to a mere reservation, two gent. ver.' 4.11.131. it hallowmas, 1st nov. (all saints' day), rich. 2, 5.i.80. hand fast, marriage contract, cur., 1.v.78. handsaw (dialect form of heronshaw ') pucung = heron, ham. 2.11.375. hangers, straps supporting scabbard, ham., 5.i1.154. harbinger, forerunner, ham., 1.1.122. harry ten shillings, half-sovereign coined mencetak duit in reign of henry vii, 2 hen. 4, 3.11.216. hatchment, tablet showing the coat of arms of the deceased, ham., 4.v.210. haught, haughty, 3 hen. 6, 2.1.109 haughty, ambitious, rich. 3, 4.11.37. ============= havoc, general slaughter, jul. caes., 6.1.274; cor., 3.i.275; cries on havoc, the heap of ell speaks of an indiscriminate slaughter, ha 5.11.356. hay (i) home thrust in fencing, rain. and ji 2.1v.26; (it) country dance, l. lab. li 5.1.134. hazard, game with dice, hen. 5, 3.vii.83; ri cor., 2.111.253; term from tennis indicatim scoring stroke, hen. 8, 1.ii.263. head, muster of men, usually soldiers; riot at ham., 4.v.98. headland, part of field left, for convenience working, unploughed till the very end, 2 11 4, 5.i.13. hebona (folio reads hebenon) a poison (eerie henbane, although there seems some referee' to ebony), ham.. 1.v.62. hecate, divinity of classieal antiquity, associated with ghost world and worshipped in trifo shape at cross-roads; triple hecate, as cyntl in heaven, diana on earth, and proserpi in hell, mid. n. dr.. 5.i.37e. hectic, continuous fever, ham- 4.111.66. hedge-pig, hedgehog, mae., 4.1,2. heft, heaving, win. tale. 2.1.45. hemp-seed, destined for the hangman hempen rope, 2 hen. 4, 2.1.56. hent, grasp, or possibly occasion (hint), hat 3.111.88. herbs of grace, rue. tram., 4.v.179. hercules, and his load, the sign hang outsi the globe theatre showed hercules carrying the world on his shoulders, hant.. 2.11.357. herod, out-herods herod, to overact even tin than the ranting character of herod in t miracle plays, ham., 3.ii.13. hest, comthand, l. lab. lost, 5.11.65. hide fox, warning in game of hide-and-set ham., 4.11.29. high and low, dice loaded to throw high low numbers, mer. wires win., 1,111.83. bight, named, l. lab. lost, 1.1.168. hind, female deer, as you late. 3.11.91. hint (sometimes spelt hent ' as at oth. (c 1.111.142), occasion. tern., 1.11.134. hipped, lame. owing to injury to hip-boi tam. shrew, 3.11.46. hires, pun on iron ' and efyrin (irene) character in a play by peele, 2 hen. 4, 2.1v.li hive, straw hat, lot. comp., 8. hoar, whitish, ham., 4.vii.168. hobbididence (with obidicut, mahu, mei flibberdigibbet), fiends, lear, 4.1.61. hoby-horse. ` the figure of a horse ' fastened round the waist of a morris dancer; t antics of this particular character in t dance were offensive to the puritans, and t part came to be omitted, ham., 3.11.130; loose character, l. lab. lost, 3.1.27. holding, consistency. all's well, 4.11.1 chorus of song. ant. and cleo., 2.vii.109. holidame, see halidom. holy-ale (a coinage, by analogy with chum ale', to rhyme with '; festival ; the text * holy dayes '). festivity, per., 1.goiver.6. holy-rood day, 14th sept.. the feast of t holy cross, 1 hen. 4, 1.i.52. holy thistle, see carduus 13enedietus. honey stalks, clover stalks, titus, 4.1,7.91. honorificabilitu dinitatibus, stock example long word, l. lab. lost, 5.1.37. hood, to blindfold hawk (when unheeded bates), hen. 5, 3.vii.108. hoodman blind, blind-man's-buff, hat 3.iv.77. horn-book, sheet containing alphabet, e for children, protected with transparent covering of horn, l. lab. lost, 5.1.41. horologe, clock, oth., 2.111.122. hose, includes various types of breeches a clothing (net stockings) for the lower lint 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.208. howlet, owl, mac, 4.1.17, hoz, hamstring, win. tale, 1.11.244. 1357 ============================


ppppp: leasaith : suhhihat ppppp: leasaith : suhhihat haggard, wild female hawk in training. tam. shrew, 4.1.177; so as adj., of woman disobedient or unfaithful, oth., 3.111.264. haggled, with many wounds, item 5, 4.v1.11. h#a#ir, against the h# a#ir, contrary to nature, troll. and cres., i.ii.27; co#urser's hair, supposed to come to life in water, ant. and cleo., 1.11.187. halberd, axe like weapon with long handle, rich. 3, 1.11.411. halcyon (from haleyone, changed with her husband ceyx to a type of kingfisher; their breeding season in winter was supposed to be favoured with fine weather) calm, happy, 1 lien. 6, 1.11.131; a dead kingfisher if hung up was supposed to act as a weather-cock, lear, 2.11.73. ha@lf-che@ek'd, applied to inefficient or deficient bit, tam. shrew, 3.ii.53. hal@f-fa#ced, thin faced (like the profile on the groat. a thin coin), john, 1.i.92; half seen, 2 hen. 6, 4.1.98. half sword, most closely engaged, 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.157. s' halidom, holidame, an oath (on holy relics) reduced by shakespeare's time to a mere reservation, two gent. ver.' 4.11.131. it hallowmas, 1st nov. (all saints' day), ric+- h. 2, 5.i.80. han#d fa#st, marriage contract, cur., 1.v.78. han#dsa#w (dialect form of heronshaw ') heron, ham. 2.11.375. ban#ge #rs, straps supporting scabbard, ham., 5.i1.154. harbin#ger, forerunner, ham., 1.1.122. harr#y te#n shi#llings, ha#lf -sovereign coined in reign of henry vii, 2 hen. 4, 3.11.216. hat#chment, tab#let showing the coat of arms of the deceased, ham., 4.v.210. haug#ht, haughty, 3 hen. 6, 2.1.109 haug#hty, ambitious, rich. 3, 4.11.37. ============= goes to jockey "h" d "i" as lathair gha'ibaani . =============================== flaw, gust of wind, or passion, cdr. 5.111.74. fleckerd, dappled, rom. and jul. seer, sneering grimace, oth., 4.i.82. flesh (to give a hound the flesh of the victim to rouse its keenness) so to introduce an untried soldier to bloodshed, lear, 2.11.42; flesh his sword, use it in his first fight, 1 hen. 6, 4.vii.36. fleshment, the satisfaction of a first success, lear, 2.11.118. flew'd, with large chaps, mid. n. dr., 4.1.117. flirt-gill, loose woman, rom. and jul.,2.iv.149. flote, sea, tem., 1.11.234. flourish, embellishment, l. lab. lost, 2.i.14. flower-de-luce, iris, win. tale, 4.iv.127; the lily of the french coat of arms, and so applied by henry to katherine, hen. 5, 5.ii.208. flux = secretion, as you like, 3.11.61. fob, set aside by trickery, cor., i .i.92. foil (i) setting of a jewel, so something that shows up the value of an act or accomplishment, ham., 5.ii.247; (ii) put to the fail, deprive of commendation, tem., 3.i.46. with lining; but falstaff provided the stuffing himself. hen. 5. 4.vii.46. greek, light fellow or wench, tw. night, 4.1.17. greensleeves, a ballad tune not tending to godliness, mer. wires 2.1.55. grievance, inconvenience, affliction, two gent. ver., 1.1.17. ========================== ========================= haggard, wild female hawk in training. tam. shrew, 4.1.177; so as adj., of woman disobedient or unfaithful, oth., 3.111.264. haggled, with many wounds, item 5, 4.v1.11. hair, against the hair, contrary to nature, troll. and cres., i.ii.27; courser's hair, supposed to come to life in water, ant. and cleo., 1.11.187. halberd, axe-like weapon with long handle, rich. 3, 1.11.411. halcyon (from haleyone, changed with her husband ceyx to a type of kingfisher; their breeding season in winter was supposed to be favoured with fine weather) calm, happy, 1 lien. 6, 1.11.131; a dead kingfisher if hung up was supposed to act as a weather-cock, lear, 2.11.73. half-cheek'd, applied to inefficient or deficient bit, tam. shrew, 3.ii.53. half-faced, thin faced (like the profile on the groat. a thin coin), john, 1.i.92; half seen, 2 hen. 6, 4.1.98. half sword, most closely engaged, 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.157. s' halidom, holidame, an oath (on holy relics) reduced by shakespeare's time to a mere reservation, two gent. ver.' 4.11.131. it hallowmas, 1st nov. (all saints' day), rich. 2, 5.i.80. hand fast, marriage contract, cur., 1.v.78. handsaw (dialect form of heronshaw ') pucung = heron, ham. 2.11.375. hangers, straps supporting scabbard, ham., 5.i1.154. harbinger, forerunner, ham., 1.1.122. harry ten shillings, half-sovereign coined mencetak duit in reign of henry vii, 2 hen. 4, 3.11.216. hatchment, tablet showing the coat of arms of the deceased, ham., 4.v.210. haught, haughty, 3 hen. 6, 2.1.109 haughty, ambitious, rich. 3, 4.11.37. ============= havoc, general slaughter, jul. caes., 6.1.274; cor., 3.i.275; cries on havoc, the heap of ell speaks of an indiscriminate slaughter, ha 5.11.356. hay (i) home thrust in fencing, rain. and ji 2.1v.26; (it) country dance, l. lab. li 5.1.134. hazard, game with dice, hen. 5, 3.vii.83; ri cor., 2.111.253; term from tennis indicatim scoring stroke, hen. 8, 1.ii.263. head, muster of men, usually soldiers; riot at ham., 4.v.98. headland, part of field left, for convenience working, unploughed till the very end, 2 11 4, 5.i.13. hebona (folio reads hebenon) a poison (eerie henbane, although there seems some referee' to ebony), ham.. 1.v.62. hecate, divinity of classieal antiquity, associated with ghost world and worshipped in trifo shape at cross-roads; triple hecate, as cyntl in heaven, diana on earth, and proserpi in hell, mid. n. dr.. 5.i.37e. hectic, continuous fever, ham- 4.111.66. hedge-pig, hedgehog, mae., 4.1,2. heft, heaving, win. tale. 2.1.45. hemp-seed, destined for the hangman hempen rope, 2 hen. 4, 2.1.56. hent, grasp, or possibly occasion (hint), hat 3.111.88. herbs of grace, rue. tram., 4.v.179. hercules, and his load, the sign hang outsi the globe theatre showed hercules carrying the world on his shoulders, hant.. 2.11.357. herod, out-herods herod, to overact even tin than the ranting character of herod in t miracle plays, ham., 3.ii.13. hest, comthand, l. lab. lost, 5.11.65. hide fox, warning in game of hide-and-set ham., 4.11.29. high and low, dice loaded to throw high low numbers, mer. wires win., 1,111.83. bight, named, l. lab. lost, 1.1.168. hind, female deer, as you late. 3.11.91. hint (sometimes spelt hent ' as at oth. (c 1.111.142), occasion. tern., 1.11.134. hipped, lame. owing to injury to hip-boi tam. shrew, 3.11.46. hires, pun on iron ' and efyrin (irene) character in a play by peele, 2 hen. 4, 2.1v.li hive, straw hat, lot. comp., 8. hoar, whitish, ham., 4.vii.168. hobbididence (with obidicut, mahu, mei flibberdigibbet), fiends, lear, 4.1.61. hoby-horse. ` the figure of a horse ' fastened round the waist of a morris dancer; t antics of this particular character in t dance were offensive to the puritans, and t part came to be omitted, ham., 3.11.130; loose character, l. lab. lost, 3.1.27. holding, consistency. all's well, 4.11.1 chorus of song. ant. and cleo., 2.vii.109. holidame, see halidom. holy-ale (a coinage, by analogy with chum ale', to rhyme with '; festival ; the text * holy dayes '). festivity, per., 1.goiver.6. holy-rood day, 14th sept.. the feast of t holy cross, 1 hen. 4, 1.i.52. holy thistle, see carduus 13enedietus. honey stalks, clover stalks, titus, 4.1,7.91. honorificabilitu dinitatibus, stock example long word, l. lab. lost, 5.1.37. hood, to blindfold hawk (when unheeded bates), hen. 5, 3.vii.108. hoodman blind, blind-man's-buff, hat 3.iv.77. horn-book, sheet containing alphabet, e for children, protected with transparent covering of horn, l. lab. lost, 5.1.41. horologe, clock, oth., 2.111.122. hose, includes various types of breeches a clothing (net stockings) for the lower lint 1 hen. 4, 2.1v.208. howlet, owl, mac, 4.1.17, hoz, hamstring, win. tale, 1.11.244. 1357 ============================

마지막 업데이트: 2019-08-29
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다

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