검색어: resulta (스페인어 - 라틴어)

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los jueces investigarán bien, y si aquel testigo resulta ser falso, por haber testificado falsamente contra su hermano


cumque diligentissime perscrutantes invenerint falsum testem dixisse contra fratrem suum mendaciu

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-05
사용 빈도: 1


entonces tú inquirirás, investigarás y averiguarás bien. y he aquí que si resulta ser verdad y cosa confirmada que se ha hecho tal abominación en medio de ti


quaere sollicite et diligenter rei veritate perspecta si inveneris certum esse quod dicitur et abominationem hanc opere perpetrata

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-05
사용 빈도: 1


cuando te avisen, después de que lo oigas, entonces lo averiguarás bien. y he aquí que si resulta ser verdad y cosa confirmada que se ha hecho tal abominación en israel


et hoc tibi fuerit nuntiatum audiensque inquisieris diligenter et verum esse reppereris et abominatio facta est in israhe

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-05
사용 빈도: 1


así resulta que las lenguas son señal, no para los creyentes, sino para los no creyentes; en cambio, la profecía no es para los no creyentes, sino para los creyentes


itaque linguae in signum sunt non fidelibus sed infidelibus prophetia autem non infidelibus sed fidelibu

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-05
사용 빈도: 1


entonces noemí dijo: --descansa, hija mía, hasta que sepas cómo resulta la cosa. porque el hombre no tendrá sosiego hasta que concluya hoy mismo el asunto


dixitque noemi expecta filia donec videamus quem res exitum habeat neque enim cessabit homo nisi conpleverit quod locutus es

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-05
사용 빈도: 1


recommend using round figures, because you may get a not clear result. for example, if i tried to take this round values instead of the original ones: finland: 7 500 * 4.00 = 30 000 romania: 21 200 * 3.40 = 72 080 => 72 000 adding up: 30 000 + 72 000 = 102 000 and when calculating the average: 102 000 / (7 500 + 21 200) = 3.554 we would have that this is almost halfway between options a) and c), not knowing what to answer then. moreover, you would hardly gain time with this (bad) shortcut, because you would still have to type almost the same number of digits in your calculator (e.g., 7497 or 7500; 21190 or 21200). 73


recommend using round figures, because you may get a not clear result. for example, if i tried to take this round values instead of the original ones: finland: 7 500 * 4.00 = 30 000 romania: 21 200 * 3.40 = 72 080 => 72 000 adding up: 30 000 + 72 000 = 102 000 and when calculating the average: 102 000 / (7 500 + 21 200) = 3.554 we would have that this is almost halfway between options a) and c), not knowing what to answer then. moreover, you would hardly gain time with this (bad) shortcut, because you would still have to type almost the same number of digits in your calculator (e.g., 7497 or 7500; 21190 or 21200). 73

마지막 업데이트: 2021-03-25
사용 빈도: 1

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