검색어: cómo dijiste eso (스페인어 - 영어)

컴퓨터 번역

인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.





cómo dijiste eso



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





le dijiste eso?


what do you mean?

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


– sí, dijiste eso.


– yeah, you said that.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


porque dijiste eso


everything vanished suddenly before her eyes. kiyomi nagashima had no idea what had happened. the houses she passed every day were reflected in the windshield only a moment ago. just ahead, the street took its familiar slope downward and bore slightly to the right, where a traffic light had just changed to yellow, before vision failed her. kiyomi tried to blink, but her sight did not return. no matter how much effort she put into it, nothing appeared. they had all gone away: the white sedan driving in front of her; the tail light of the bus waiting at its stop; the cluster of high school girls hastening along the sidewalk. kiyomi looked down in her confusion to check the steering wheel. then, she was truly shocked. the steering wheel was gone. in fact, she did not even know where her hands were. she could not feel the seat belt around her waist nor her foot on the gas pedal, for neither was where it was supposed to be. there was only darkness fanning out, continuing endlessly in all directions. there was a churning around her, and she was floating in a warm, viscous liquid. she was naked. her clothes had vanished without her ever noticing. that dream again. that dream she had once a year, on christmas eve, in which she felt herself writhing in some pitch-dark world without beginning or end. she’d always had that strange dream. this was the dream, and she was now entering into it again. but she did not know why she was having it just now. like the stars’ orbits, the dream always came to her with regulated precision. she never dreamt it on any other night but christmas and had certainly never entered into it while she was awake. her body was changing profoundly. she lost all feeling in her arms and legs. maybe they’d actually vanished. head, torso, and hips gone, a body long and narrow like a worm’s, she felt herself to be. kiyomi shook and slithered ahead through the slightly sticky blackness. what is this place? it was a question she had asked many times before. her body seemed to recall this place, yet no matter how much she tried, kiyomi herself could not remember. once, in some far-off place, kiyomi was just like this, not understanding anything, just squirming and swimming. that much was true. had it been yesterday, a recent year, or in the more distant past? she could not tell. to begin with, it was not clear that time flowed in this vast gloom. kiyomi felt her body changing again. something small divided slowly deep inside of her. at the same time, she felt a gentle constriction in her very center, and the ends of her body flowed quietly in opposing directions. she was becoming two. it was a strangely tranquil feeling. time seemed to pass so gently, slowly. where am i? when is this? what am i? such mundane concerns no longer mattered. she wanted only to remain floating like this in the dark. she gradually split in half. there was no pain. rather, she was insensate and that was bliss. everything sedate. no turmoil. dividing like it was natural. calm. all was calm. kiyomi let all her nerves relax as she slowly surrendered herself to the flow... her vision was then completely restored just as unexpectedly as it had abandoned her. she clearly saw now her own two hands grasping the steering wheel. kiyomi blinked, then looked straight ahead. she was heading straight into a telephone pole.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-01-30
사용 빈도: 2


¿por qué dijiste eso?


why did you say that?

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-01
사용 빈도: 1


– dime que no dijiste eso.


– perfect. – what?!… perfect?

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


tú nunca me dijiste eso.


you never told me that.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-01
사용 빈도: 1


jess: dijiste eso el mes pasado.


jess: you said that last month.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


therry: no, tú dijiste eso, no yo.


therry: no, you said that, not me.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


"lo haré mañana." "¡dijiste eso ayer!"


"i'll do it tomorrow." "you said that yesterday!"

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-01
사용 빈도: 1

경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


¿por qué no me dijiste eso de antemano?


why didn't you tell it to me in advance?

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-01
사용 빈도: 1


¿por qué les dijiste eso? diles que fuiste al mercado.


why did you tell them that? tell them that you had gone to the market.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


tú me diste esa expresión, la madre eterna, tú dijiste. eso es maravilloso.


you gave me that expression; "the eternal mama," you said. that's wonderful.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


"de hecho giles, creo que fue la única vez que no dijiste eso," faith dijo.


"actually, giles, i think this was the one time you didn’t say that," faith said.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1

경고: 보이지 않는 HTML 형식이 포함되어 있습니다


alguien pueda decir: “¿por qué dijiste eso?” por eso el señor reprendió a pedro con un gallo.


somebody may say, “now, why did you say that?” that’s why the lord reproved peter with that rooster.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


skie: pero también recuerdo aparentes contradicciones, porque tú me dijiste que la vida realmente no--bien, yo no sé si tú me dijiste eso.


duncan: but i also remember seeming contradictions because you told me life doesn't really--well, i don't know if you told me that. well, how is it that they exist in the now?

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


mike: sí, porque en lo que pensé inmediatamente cuando dijiste eso, fue en que parece que el tercer chakra aurico es la causa y la raíz de toda la movilidad y la falta de la movilidad.


mike: yeah cuz what i thought of immediately when you said that was it sounds like the third auric chakra is the cause and the root of all mobility and lack thereof mobility.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


tara: yo pensé que tú me había dicho que hubo un maestro, un maestro que es invisible en este planeta, uno y sólo uno, y tú me dijiste eso hace años, luego yo sumé dos más dos y me imaginé que para ese era tu maestro.


tara: i thought that you had told me that there was a teacher, there was one teacher that's invisible on this planet and only one and you told me that years ago so i put two and two together so i figured that was your teacher.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


bueno, tenemos que despejar el escenario ahora, bob! es tiempo por el mundo estreno de mi nuevo video musical! ¿tu qué? estás bromeando, ¿correcto? Él no está bromeando. larry, tenemos que hablar! alfredo, tengo trabajo que hacer. considere nuestro juego. pospuesto! larry-muchacho! larry-muchacho! ¡apoyarse y significar! ¡máquina verde! larry-muchacho! larry-muchacho! fuera de avistar! vege-ácaro! larry-muchacho! ¿a quién llaman, cuando bumblyburg está en problemas? ¿quién tiene el traje con super-succión orejas? allí no es necesidad de pánico, porque este chico es maniaco, y tú sabes eso él salvará el día! necesitas una mano. Él es derecho allí sobre el doble. oye, oye! Él es sobre el camino! ¡púrpura y amarillo! Él es uno súper compañero! larry-muchacho! larry, larry. larry-muchacho! Él es nuestro hombre. ¡apoyarse y significar! ¡máquina verde! larry-muchacho! poder pepinillo! larry-muchacho! Él es nuestro hombre! fuera de avistar! vege-ácaro! larry-muchacho! hola, muchachos. ¿a dónde te vuelves, cuando este mundo necesita un héroe? ¡un hombre con estilo y émbolos sobre su cabeza! es fácil para probar, él es sólo uno de los más surco gatos eso tú siempre sabrás! es fácil de ver, en moda él no es cero! en la rueda del larry-móvil! ¡púrpura y amarillo! Él es uno súper compañero! larry-muchacho! vamos, larry. larry-muchacho! super dude! ¡apoyarse y significar! ¡máquina verde! larry-muchacho! super héroe! larry-muchacho! Él es nuestro hombre! fuera de avistar! vege-ácaro! larry-muchacho! ¿por qué no me lo dijiste eso antes yo salté sobre su cabeza? largo mayo la voz de libertad ring! ¡deja caer los espárragos! ¿por qué no vienes y me haces, pequeño púrpura hombre? si eso es el camino es conseguido para ser. alfredo, ¿qué amable de arma sistemas tenemos? he pensado de todos clases de maravilloso ideas! desgraciadamente, no he tenido tiempo para hacer ellos todavía. bueno, allí es sólo uno cosa izquierda por hacer. ¿qué? ¿qué estás haciendo? qué yo debo tener sido hecho todo a lo largo! super-succión orejas! ¡lejos! yo estoy eso héroe! larry-muchacho! groovy larry! larry-muchacho! tú eres fuera de avistar! tú eres mirando genial. moda plato! larry-muchacho! larry! larry-muchacho! oh, larry! tú eres apoyarse y significar! tú eres un máquina verde! tú eres larry-muchacho! mira, alfredo, tengo sido conduciendo alrededor todo día! ¡estoy cansado! ¡estoy hambriento! tengo conseguido para ir para el baño-sala. ¡esto traje es muy constricción! estoy viniendo casa ahora! ¡apoyarse y significar! ¡máquina verde! mirando genial. moda plato. fuera de avistar! dino-ácaro! larry-muchacho!


well, we have to clear the stage now, bob! it is time for the world premiere of my new music video! what about you? you're kidding, right? he's not kidding. larry, we need to talk! alfred, i have work to do. consider our game. postponed! larry-boy! larry-boy! lean and mean! green machine! larry-boy! larry-boy! outta sight! vegemite! larry-boy! who do they call, when bumblyburg is in trouble? who has the suit with super-suction ears? there is no need to panic, because this guy is manic, and you know that he will save the day! you need a hand. he is right there on the double. hey hey! he is on the road! purple and yellow! he's one super fellow! larry-boy! larry, larry. larry-boy! he's our man. lean and mean! green machine! larry-boy! power pickle! larry-boy! he's our man! outta sight! vegemite! larry-boy! hello boys. where do you turn, when this world needs a hero? a man with style and plungers on his head! it is easy to prove, he is just one of the grooviest cats that you'll ever know! it's plain to see, in fashion he's no zero! at the wheel of larrymobile! purple and yellow! he's one super fellow! larry-boy! come on, larry. larry-boy! super dude! lean and mean! green machine! larry-boy! superhero! larry-boy! he's our man! outta sight! vegemite! larry-boy! why didn't you tell me that before i jumped on your head? long may the voice of freedom ring! drop the asparagus! why don't you come and make me, little purple man? if that's the way it's gotta be. alfred, what kind of weapon systems do we have? i have thought of all kinds of wonderful ideas! unfortunately, i have not had time to make them yet. well, there is only one thing left to do. what? what are you doing? what i must have been done all along! super suction ears! away! i am that hero! larry-boy! groovy larry! larry-boy! you're outta sight! you're looking great. fashion plate! larry-boy! larry! larry-boy! oh, larry! you're lean and mean! you're a green machine! you're larry-boy! look, alfred, i've been driving around all day! i'm tired! i'm hungry! i've gotta go to the bathroom. this suit is very constricting! i'm coming home now! lean and mean! green machine! looking great. fashion plate. outta sight! dy-no-mite! larry-boy!

마지막 업데이트: 2017-05-18
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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