전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
boluda towage and salvage tiene destacados en la bahía de cádiz 5 remolcadores de última generación dotados de las técnicas más avanzadas.
boluda towage and salvage has stationed in cadiz bay 5 tugboats of last generation with the most advanced techniques.
boluda towage and salvage centra su función en el remolque, principal actividad de la compañía e indispensable para agilizar el tráfico de los recintos portuarios.
boluda towage and salvage centres its activities on towage, the company’s main activity and one which is essential for streamlining port traffic.
results of combination treatment of osteogenic sarcoma patients.- in: new developments for limb salvage in musculoskeletal tumors.
results of combination treatment of osteogenic sarcoma patients.- in: new developments for limb salvage in musculoskeletal tumors.