전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
genska izboljšava in certificiranje, spodbujanje oprašitve
genetic improvement and certification, stimulation of pollination
마지막 업데이트: 2014-10-18
사용 빈도: 4
posevek izpolnjuje naslednje standarde glede razdalj od sosednjih virov oprašitve, ki bi lahko povzročile nezaželene tujo oprašitev:
the crop shall conform to the following standards as regards distances from neighbouring sources of pollen which may result in undesiderable foreign pollination:
posevek mora biti v skladu z naslednjimi standardi glede oddaljenosti od bližnjih virov peloda, morebitnega povzročitelja nezaželene tuje oprašitve:
the crop shall conform to the following standards as regards distances from neighbouring sources of pollen which may result in undesiderable foreign pollination:
taksonomska razvrstitev in biologija (način razmnoževanja in oprašitve, sposobnost križanja s sorodnimi vrstami) morata biti dobro poznani,
the taxonomic status and the biology (mode of reproduction and pollination, ability to cross with related species), should be well-known,
če imajo rastline ženske komponente brazde pestiča, ki so sposobne oprašitve, ne sme biti odstotek po številu rastlin ženske komponente, ki so prašile ali še prašijo cvetni prah, večji od 0,5 %;
where the female component plants have receptive stigmas, the percentage by number of female component plants which have shed pollen or are shedding pollen shall not exceed 0,5;
ker je v skladu z direktivo 87/481/egs najmanjša razdalja od sosednjih rastlin iste podvrste, ki lahko privede do neželene tuje oprašitve, odvisna od tega, ali gre pri posevku mangolda ali pese za sorto, ki sodi v isto skupino sort, kakor te rastline;
whereas, according to directive 87/481/eec, the minimum distance from neighbouring plants of the same sub-species which might result in undesirable foreign pollination depends on whether the spinach beet or beetroot crop is of a variety belonging to the same group of varieties as those plants;