검색어: attah (아랍어 - 영어)

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번역 추가





baruch attah adonai... eloheynu melekh haolam... ve-al tashlet banu yetser


baruch attah adonai... eloheynu melekh haolam... (lee applauding)

마지막 업데이트: 2016-10-27
사용 빈도: 2


action chrétienne pour la promotion des défavorisés (rdc), adivasi koordination in germany, african indigenous women organization, agir pour le renforcement des capacités par le recyclage et l'assistance scolaire, agro-industrial company ltd., ainu association of hokkaido, ainu resource centre, aiwo-can cameroon, akaitcho dene, aktionsgruppe indianer and menschenrecte, akuaipa waimakat, alaska federation of natives, alexis first nation, alifuru bangsa, alkaabneh alnajadeh community, almaciga, amity for peace, anenbiak sekabai, apache survial coalition, asia indigenous peoples pact, asia pacific indigenous youth network, asociación de agro-ecoturismo indígena “agroetour”, asociación incacauda de desarrollo e información indígena, association of indigenous peoples of the north of the chukotskiy, asociación mapuche-urbanos kaxawain, association covalence, association des chantiers assaiss d'Échange educatif et culturel (a.c.a.e.e.c), association des pygmées baka, association des pygmées pour le développement à djonga, association for community development peace movement and human technology, asociación ixacava de desarrollo e información indígena, association of indigenous peoples in the ryukyus, association of indigenous peoples of chukotka, association of indigenous peoples of the north of khabarovsky krai, association of norfolk islanders, association of the shor people, association pour la promotion de la femme défavorisée (apdfd) (togo), association pour la promotion des batwa, association sahel solidarité action, association tamaynut, association tunfa, attah arts and culture gallery 67, aymara lupazas, bangsamoro people's consultative assembly, bangsa alifuru maluku, bantaya legal aid foundation, borneo resources institute, borok people's human rights organization, buffalo river dene nation, bureau of consultation for west papua indigenous community development, capitania guaraní - zona santa cruz-bolivia, canadian indigenous women's resource institute, cea-cisa, cefail-ongd, central de comunidades nativas de la selva central, centre d'accompagnement des autochtones pygmées et minoritiaires vulnérables, centre de recherche et d'action pour le développement durable en afrique centrale, centre for adivasee studies and peace, centre for organization research and education (core), centre wamama tuungane, centro de education y desarrollo integral andino, centro de estudio aymara, centro de promocion para el desarrollo comunal inti, centre de recherche sur l'amerique latine, chin human rights group, chirapaq centro cultural indígena del perú, club union africane côte d'ivoire, codap, codenpe, comité de solidarité avec les indiens des amériques, committee on indigenous health, comité suisse de soutien aux chagossiens, comunidad indígena dos de mayo-perú, concerned women action for peace, confédération amazighe du sud marocain, confederación de nacionalidades indígenas del ecuador, congreso del estado de hidalgo, congreso general kuna, conseil international des organizations de festivals de folklore et d'arts traditionnels, conseil national des droits des peuples autochtones, consejo andino, consejo de ayllus y comunidades origninarias de tayka-bolivia, consejo de pueblos nahuas del alto balsas, consejo regional indígena de risaralda colombia, consortium d'appui aux actions pour la promotion et le développement de l'afrique, coopérative des femmes de l'adaia, cordillera peoples alliance youth commission, corporacion arutam amazonico, cpnab, cree nation treaty, cultural survival, davgi-sami youth council, delegation femmes celtes, dewan adat celtes, dodo's egg, ecospirituality foundation, ecuarunari, emiroaf, ethnic conflict research project, european laboratory for particle physics (cern), experimental station valhalla, fédération des organisations amérindiennes de guyanne (foag), fédération rhône-alpes de protection de la nature (frapna), fenocin, filhos da tierra, fokise, forest peoples programme, foundation of papuans consultations education, foundation save the rumanian gypsies, fundación alitasia (venezuela), fundacion juri juri, fundación para el desarrollo colombiano, giriphool shishu sadan, greater sychet indigenous peoples forum, griekwa royal house, guisen women's organization, haudenosaunee confederacy, hawaii institute for human rights, health and environment programme, hojas de hierba, ideal international, ikatan cendekiawan tanimbar indonesia, incomindios, indian confederation of indigenous and tribal peoples, indigenous information network, indigenous nationalist party of twipra, indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, indigenous peoples law and policy program, indigenous peoples of africa coordination committee (ipacc), indigenous project team, indigenous research center of the americas, information center for people advocacy, institute of problems of the minority peoples of the north siberian division, intercultural - servindi, international forum for advancement of indian indigenous populations, international indigenous youth conference (ilyc) 2004 secretariat, international technical secretariat of the international alliance of indigenous and tribal peoples of tropical forests, inter-peoples exchange, ioird, irish centre for human rights, jatun pacha producciones, jumchab metta foundation, kanaky people of new caledonia, katilosa-east timor, khabarovsk regional association of indigenous peoples of the north, khasi welfare association of bangladesh, khoe heritage cultural development organization, khoekhoegowab curriculum committee, krimchaks association, kuki indigenous people, kwia flemish support group, land is life, lao human rights council, lelio basso international foundation, leonard peltier defense committee, literacy academy for dalit of nepal, maasai development organization, mainyoito pastoralist integrated development organization (mpido), maison des sciences de l'homme, mandat international, manipur tribal development society, maori landlords, mapuche international link, marchan council of elders, maya kichin konegel, mbororo social and cultural development association, mejlis of crimean tatar foundation, mena muria foundation on human rights organization, murkele organization, muscogee creek nation, nacional arci, nación cumanagoto, national human rights group, national khoi-san consultive conference, nepal indigenous peoples development and information service centre, 20 national student's federation, netherlands conseil des indigènes, netherlands organization for development cooperation, north east india indigenous peoples' desk nacional / council of churches in india, ocaproce internatinal ngo, ogiek cultural initiative programmes, olaji lo larusa, organisation pour la promotion et l`épanouissement de la femme nigérienne - niger (ong rayouwan-mata), organisation camerounaise de promotion de la coopération Économique internationale, olpadep programme, organisation d'appui aux initiatives de développement et environnement, organizacion aymara lupaqas, organizaciones indígenas de la cuenca amazónica-coica, organización nacional indígena de colombia, organisation des acteurs de développement de langue igo, pacific caucus, panamá congreso general kuna, parakuiyo community, parbatya chattagram jana samhati samiti, peo meo sa, philippines indigenous peoples link, pitcairn islands community, projets pygmées au sankuru, protection des droits des minorités en afrique centrale, public organization of the kumandin people, quaker aboriginal affairs committee of the canadian friends service committee, rapa-nui parliament, redes escolares autónomas interculturales bilingües, rehab hope fund, rehoboth baster, representative of the buryat people, republica maluku, rio tinto, rural community development program, saginaw chippewa indian tribe, sakha republic association of the indigenous small peoples of the north, samson cree nation, sapedh, servicios en comunicación, siocon federation of subanon tribal councils in siocon (zamboanga del norte, western mindanao, philippines), solidarité avec les peuples autochtones d'amérique, south african first indigenous and human rights organization, sudanese women's voice for peace, survie touaregue-temoust, susila dharma international, taller de difusion andina, taralift center study and advocating of human rights for the papuan people, tebtebba foundation, technische universitat berlin, teton sioux nation tetuwan oyate, teton sioux nation treaty council, the eye opener, the threatened indigenous peoples society (tips), tigmi-algeria, tin hinan, touareg people, toufat, traditions pour demain, tribal link foundation, tsentsak survival foundation, union für südtirol, union pour le développement des minorities ekonda, united farmers association, united hmong international, united zo indigenous peoples, voceros de la tierra, voice of peace for indigenous people, walpole island first nations, working circle indians today-germany, world adivasi council, world chakma organization, world sindhi congress, yayasan konsultasi pendidikan masyarakat papua, zabarang kalyan samity, zazao enviromental rights organization.


action chrétienne pour la promotion des défavorisés (rdc), adivasi koordination in germany, african indigenous women organization, agir pour le renforcement des capacités par le recyclage et l'assistance scolaire, agro-industrial company ltd., ainu association of hokkaido, ainu resource centre, aiwo-can cameroon, akaitcho dene, aktionsgruppe indianer and menschenrecte, akuaipa waimakat, alaska federation of natives, alexis first nation, alifuru bangsa, alkaabneh alnajadeh community, almaciga, amity for peace, anenbiak sekabai, apache survial coalition, asia indigenous peoples pact, asia pacific indigenous youth network, asociación de agro-ecoturismo indígena “agroetour”, asociación incacauda de desarrollo e información indígena, association of indigenous peoples of the north of the chukotskiy, asociación mapuche-urbanos kaxawain, association covalence, association des chantiers assaiss d'Échange educatif et culturel (a.c.a.e.e.c), association des pygmées baka, association des pygmées pour le développement à djonga, association for community development peace movement and human technology, asociación ixacava de desarrollo e información indígena, association of indigenous peoples in the ryukyus, association of indigenous peoples of chukotka, association of indigenous peoples of the north of khabarovsky krai, association of norfolk islanders, association of the shor people, association pour la promotion de la femme défavorisée (apdfd) (togo), association pour la promotion des batwa, association sahel solidarité action, association tamaynut, association tunfa, attah arts and culture gallery 67, aymara lupazas, bangsamoro people's consultative assembly, bangsa alifuru maluku, bantaya legal aid foundation, borneo resources institute, borok people's human rights organization, buffalo river dene nation, bureau of consultation for west papua indigenous community development, capitania guaraní - zona santa cruz-bolivia, canadian indigenous women's resource institute, cea-cisa, cefail-ongd, central de comunidades nativas de la selva central, centre d'accompagnement des autochtones pygmées et minoritiaires vulnérables, centre de recherche et d'action pour le développement durable en afrique centrale, centre for adivasee studies and peace, centre for organization research and education (core), centre wamama tuungane, centro de education y desarrollo integral andino, centro de estudio aymara, centro de promocion para el desarrollo comunal inti, centre de recherche sur l'amerique latine, chin human rights group, chirapaq centro cultural indígena del perú, club union africane côte d'ivoire, codap, codenpe, comité de solidarité avec les indiens des amériques, committee on indigenous health, comité suisse de soutien aux chagossiens, comunidad indígena dos de mayo-perú, concerned women action for peace, confédération amazighe du sud marocain, confederación de nacionalidades indígenas del ecuador, congreso del estado de hidalgo, congreso general kuna, conseil international des organizations de festivals de folklore et d'arts traditionnels, conseil national des droits des peuples autochtones, consejo andino, consejo de ayllus y comunidades origninarias de tayka-bolivia, consejo de pueblos nahuas del alto balsas, consejo regional indígena de risaralda colombia, consortium d'appui aux actions pour la promotion et le développement de l'afrique, coopérative des femmes de l'adaia, cordillera peoples alliance youth commission, corporacion arutam amazonico, cpnab, cree nation treaty, cultural survival, davgi-sami youth council, delegation femmes celtes, dewan adat celtes, dodo's egg, ecospirituality foundation, ecuarunari, emiroaf, ethnic conflict research project, european laboratory for particle physics (cern), experimental station valhalla, fédération des organisations amérindiennes de guyanne (foag), fédération rhône-alpes de protection de la nature (frapna), fenocin, filhos da tierra, fokise, forest peoples programme, foundation of papuans consultations education, foundation save the rumanian gypsies, fundación alitasia (venezuela), fundacion juri juri, fundación para el desarrollo colombiano, giriphool shishu sadan, greater sychet indigenous peoples forum, griekwa royal house, guisen women's organization, haudenosaunee confederacy, hawaii institute for human rights, health and environment programme, hojas de hierba, ideal international, ikatan cendekiawan tanimbar indonesia, incomindios, indian confederation of indigenous and tribal peoples, indigenous information network, indigenous nationalist party of twipra, indigenous peoples' international centre for policy research and education, indigenous peoples law and policy program, indigenous peoples of africa coordination committee (ipacc), indigenous project team, indigenous research center of the americas, information center for people advocacy, institute of problems of the minority peoples of the north siberian division, intercultural - servindi, international forum for advancement of indian indigenous populations, international indigenous youth conference (ilyc) 2004 secretariat, international technical secretariat of the international alliance of indigenous and tribal peoples of tropical forests, inter-peoples exchange, ioird, irish centre for human rights, jatun pacha producciones, jumchab metta foundation, kanaky people of new caledonia, katilosa-east timor, khabarovsk regional association of indigenous peoples of the north, khasi welfare association of bangladesh, khoe heritage cultural development organization, khoekhoegowab curriculum committee, krimchaks association, kuki indigenous people, kwia flemish support group, land is life, lao human rights council, lelio basso international foundation, leonard peltier defense committee, literacy academy for dalit of nepal, maasai development organization, mainyoito pastoralist integrated development organization (mpido), maison des sciences de l'homme, mandat international, manipur tribal development society, maori landlords, mapuche international link, marchan council of elders, maya kichin konegel, mbororo social and cultural development association, mejlis of crimean tatar foundation, mena muria foundation on human rights organization, murkele organization, muscogee creek nation, nacional arci, nación cumanagoto, national human rights group, national khoi-san consultive conference, nepal indigenous peoples development and information service centre, 20 national student's federation, netherlands conseil des indigènes, netherlands organization for development cooperation, north east india indigenous peoples' desk nacional / council of churches in india, ocaproce internatinal ngo, ogiek cultural initiative programmes, olaji lo larusa, organisation pour la promotion et l`épanouissement de la femme nigérienne - niger (ong rayouwan-mata), organisation camerounaise de promotion de la coopération Économique internationale, olpadep programme, organisation d'appui aux initiatives de développement et environnement, organizacion aymara lupaqas, organizaciones indígenas de la cuenca amazónica-coica, organización nacional indígena de colombia, organisation des acteurs de développement de langue igo, pacific caucus, panamá congreso general kuna, parakuiyo community, parbatya chattagram jana samhati samiti, peo meo sa, philippines indigenous peoples link, pitcairn islands community, projets pygmées au sankuru, protection des droits des minorités en afrique centrale, public organization of the kumandin people, quaker aboriginal affairs committee of the canadian friends service committee, rapa-nui parliament, redes escolares autónomas interculturales bilingües, rehab hope fund, rehoboth baster, representative of the buryat people, republica maluku, rio tinto, rural community development program, saginaw chippewa indian tribe, sakha republic association of the indigenous small peoples of the north, samson cree nation, sapedh, servicios en comunicación, siocon federation of subanon tribal councils in siocon (zamboanga del norte, western mindanao, philippines), solidarité avec les peuples autochtones d'amérique, south african first indigenous and human rights organization, sudanese women's voice for peace, survie touaregue-temoust, susila dharma international, taller de difusion andina, taralift center study and advocating of human rights for the papuan people, tebtebba foundation, technische universitat berlin, teton sioux nation tetuwan oyate, teton sioux nation treaty council, the eye opener, the threatened indigenous peoples society (tips), tigmi-algeria, tin hinan, touareg people, toufat, traditions pour demain, tribal link foundation, tsentsak survival foundation, union für südtirol, union pour le développement des minorities ekonda, united farmers association, united hmong international, united zo indigenous peoples, voceros de la tierra, voice of peace for indigenous people, walpole island first nations, working circle indians today-germany, world adivasi council, world chakma organization, world sindhi congress, yayasan konsultasi pendidikan masyarakat papua, zabarang kalyan samity, zazao enviromental rights organization.

마지막 업데이트: 2013-02-19
사용 빈도: 2

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