검색어: glo en vertrou (아프리칸스어 - 영어)

컴퓨터 번역

인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.





glo en vertrou



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





herken u die gebruiker en vertrou u die sleutel?


do you recognise the user and trust this key?

마지막 업데이트: 2014-08-20
사용 빈도: 1


gimel. laat jou weg aan die here oor en vertrou op hom, en hy sal dit uitvoer;


commit thy way unto the lord; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1


daarom, so sê die heilige van israel: omdat julle hierdie woord verwerp en vertrou op verdrukking en slinksheid en daarop steun,


wherefore thus saith the holy one of israel, because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1


die belangrikste persoon in my lewe is my ma. sy leer my meer as iemand anders. sy sukkel baie, maar verloor nooit haar geduld nie en vertrou altyd op haar


she does everything for me.she is very adorable and caring .she is kind hearted woman ,she helps me in my studies and we even play together.

마지막 업데이트: 2020-10-08
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


en as hulle jou nie glo en aan die eerste teken geen gehoor gee nie, dan sal hulle die laaste teken glo.


and it shall come to pass, if they will not believe thee, neither hearken to the voice of the first sign, that they will believe the voice of the latter sign.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


as ons hom so laat begaan, sal almal in hom glo; en die romeine sal kom en ons land en ons nasie albei afneem.


if we let him thus alone, all men will believe on him: and the romans shall come and take away both our place and nation.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


dié langs die pad is die hoorders. daarna kom die duiwel en neem die woord uit hul harte weg, sodat hulle nie sou glo en gered word nie.


those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


en dit is sy gebod, dat ons in die naam van sy seun, jesus christus, moet glo en mekaar liefhê soos hy ons 'n gebod gegee het.


and this is his commandment, that we should believe on the name of his son jesus christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


toe antwoord moses en sê: maar as hulle my nie glo en na my stem nie luister nie, maar sê: die here het nie aan jou verskyn nie?


and moses answered and said, but, behold, they will not believe me, nor hearken unto my voice: for they will say, the lord hath not appeared unto thee.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


en as hulle ook hierdie twee tekens nie glo en na jou stem nie luister nie, neem dan van die nyl se water en giet dit op die droë grond uit; dan sal die water wat jy uit die nyl neem, op die droë grond bloed word.


and it shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs, neither hearken unto thy voice, that thou shalt take of the water of the river, and pour it upon the dry land: and the water which thou takest out of the river shall become blood upon the dry land.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


uitdagings in die lewe dwarsdeur ons lewe is dit gebonde dat threr periodes van uitdagings is wat ons in die gesig moet staar, maar die ware challengs is hoe ons groei om hulle naïewe onskuldige kinders te wees wat ons onwetend glo en leer van te veel dat die lewe eenvoudig en moeiteloos gaan wees op ons was ver van reg ons kan net droom dat die lewe so maklik is my lewe in die besonder gevul is met ontelbare vermoeiing op en af het dit gevoel asof ek in 'n eindelose rollercoaster van struikelblokke was soos ons volwasse word van


challenges in life throughout our life it is bound that threr are periods of challenges that we must face but the real challengs is how we grow ing them being naive innocent children we ignorantly belieand learn from over comved that life was going to be simple and effortless on we were far from correct we can only dream for life to be that easy my life in particular has been filled with countless tiring ups and downs it felt like i was inan endless roller coaster of obstacles as we mature from

마지막 업데이트: 2024-02-12
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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