검색어: michael se dat hy loop skool toe (아프리칸스어 - 영어)

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michael se dat hy loop skool toe



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

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번역 추가





ek loop skool toe


i see a boy holding a dog

마지막 업데이트: 2021-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


en toe petrus dit sien, sê hy vir die volk: israeliete, waarom is julle hieroor verwonderd, of waarom kyk julle ons so aan asof ons deur ons eie krag of godsvrug bewerk het dat hy loop?


and when peter saw it, he answered unto the people, ye men of israel, why marvel ye at this? or why look ye so earnestly on us, as though by our own power or holiness we had made this man to walk?

마지막 업데이트: 2012-05-06
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


my troeteldier hy is my beste vriend. ek het by hom grootgeword. sy naam is booker. die naam booker beteken soveel vir my. booker is die van van my gunsteling basketbalspeler, en daarom noem ek dit. ons is lief vir hom en my ma sê dat hy haar laaste seun is. hy is hartseer as ek skool toe gaan, maar hy word twee keer gelukkiger as ek van die skool af terugkom. ek is baie lief vir my hond en hy is baie lief vir my hond


my pet he is my best friend. i grew up with him. his name is booker. the name booker means so much to me. booker is the last name of my favorite basketball player so i named him that. we love him and my mum says that he is her last son .he is sad when i go to school but he gets two times happyer when i get back from school . i love my dog very much and he loves me very much to

마지막 업데이트: 2021-03-29
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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