검색어: konkurentsiolukorrale (에스토니아어 - 영어)

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järelikult ei ole mingisugust viidet sellele, et meetmete kehtivuse pikendamine avaldaks ühenduse turu konkurentsiolukorrale negatiivset mõju.


consequently, there is no indication that the continuation of the measures would have a negative effect on the competitive situation in the community market.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1


järeldus on, et rõngasköiteseadiste dumpinguvastaste meetmete kehtestamisest tulenevat olulist mõju eÜ köitjatootjate ja ühenduseväliste tootjate vahelisele konkurentsiolukorrale ei olnud võimalik kindlaks määrata.


in conclusion, it could not be established that the imposition of anti-dumping measures on rbm would be such as to affect significantly the ec binder manufacturers' competitive situation vis-à-vis binder producers located outside the community.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 2


meetmete jätkumine võib eeldatavasti aidata ühenduse tootmisharul tõsta tulusust, mis omakorda mõjub positiivselt konkurentsiolukorrale ühenduse turul ja vähendab edasiste ettevõtete sulgemiste ja tööhõive vähenemise ohtu.


the effects of the continuation of measures can be expected to assist the community industry to improve profitability, with consequent beneficial effects on the competitive conditions on the community market and the reduction of the threat of further closures and reductions in employment.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-15
사용 빈도: 1


seoses meetmete võimaliku aegumise mõjuga konkurentsiolukorrale elis tuleb märkida, et maailmas on spiraalköiteseadiste tootjaid vähe ja needki on peamiselt hiina päritolu või hiina eksportivate tootjate kontrolli all.


with respect to the effects of possible expiry of the measures on competition in the eu, it should be noted that there are only a few producers of rbms worldwide, which are mostly chinese or controlled by chinese exporting producers.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-12
사용 빈도: 1


tootmisvõimsuse müümine konkurentidele ei ole sel juhul piisav, välja arvatud juhul, kui tootmisettevõte müüakse geograafilisele turule, kus tema jätkuval tegevusel ei ole tõenäoliselt olulist mõju konkurentsiolukorrale ühenduses.


the sale of capacity to competitors is not sufficient in this case, except if the plant is sold for use in a geographic market in which its continued operation is unlikely to have significant effects on the competitive situation in the community.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-10-23
사용 빈도: 1


lisaks võivad need kahjustada konkurentsi, kuna liikmesriikide ühepoolselt võetud meetmete vahelised võimalikud erinevused võivad anda teatud majandustegevuses osalejate konkurentsiolukorrale eeliseid või seda kahjustada, ilma et neil eelistel või sellel kahjul oleks majanduslikud põhjused.


in addition, they could create distortions of competition, because any differences between the measures unilaterally taken by the member states could operate to the advantage or disadvantage of the competitive position of certain economic operators although there were no economic reasons for that advantage or disadvantage.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-06
사용 빈도: 1


lõpuks pidasid portugali ametiasutused vajalikuks rõhutada, et selle tegevuse väike maksumus (vaid 367,12 eurot) muudab selle meetmega siseturu konkurentsiolukorrale avaldatava mõju olematuks või vähemalt minimaalseks.


finally, they point out that the negligible cost of this activity – only eur 367,12 – makes its impact on competition in the common market non-existent, or at most minimal.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-21
사용 빈도: 1


esiteks täpsustab pank, et operatsiooni toimumise taustal tunnetatakse ettevõttele eelnevalt osaks saanud negatiivseid tulemusi, ettevõte, mille juhatus keskendub täna kulude alandamisele ja seisab vastu raskele konkurentsiolukorrale, mida iseloomustab konkurentsisurve siseriiklikul turul ja kütusehinna viimaste kuude järsk tõus, asjaolud, mis võivad ettevõtte raamatupidamiskontole negatiivselt mõjutada.


the bank explains first of all that the background to the recapitalisation is the past unfavourable results for the company whose management is currently focusing on reducing costs while also still facing a difficult competitive situation involving pressure from its competitors on the domestic market, and the sharp rise in fuel prices in recent months, which are factors that may adversely affect the company's accounts.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-11-05
사용 빈도: 1

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