검색어: loathing (영어 - 루마니아어)

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마지막 업데이트: 2012-02-21
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


yet she had loathing of this hypocrisy.


era totuşi scârbită de această făţărnicie.

마지막 업데이트: 2021-01-17
사용 빈도: 2

추천인: Wikipedia


now i'm an arts graduate; i love myth and magic and existentialism and self-loathing.


sunt absolvent de arte; iubesc miturile, și magia, și existențialismul, și ura de sine.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


the question is, how do i balance narratives that are wonderful with narratives of wounds and self-loathing?


Întrebarea e: cum echilibrez poveştile minunate cu poveştile despre răni şi dispreţul faţă de sine?

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


the dark wizard aspen is also a very negative portrayal of a wizard and it is obvious that his loathing of tenar is based on a hatred and fear of her womanhood.


vrăjitorul malefic aspen reprezintă o portretizare negativă a vrăjitorilor și e evident că ura lui față de tenar se bazează pe teama de puterile ei feminine.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


they are fascinated with snakes. they haven't got that steely thing that you end up either fearing or hating or despising or loathing them in some way.


aceștia sunt fascinați de șerpi. ei nu au acea tărie de oțel care te face fie să-ți fie teamă de ei sau să-i urăști sau să-i disprețuiești sau să-i detești în vreun fel.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-10-13
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


he served as a press officer in the united states where he was taught by valaoritis -- at a time when valaoritis gained even more renown and churned out works inspired by his loathing of the military rulers.


el a fost secretar de presă în statele unite, unde a fost învăţat de valaoritis -- într-un moment în care valaoritis a câştigat şi mai multă faimă şi a produs numeroase lucrări inspirate de aversiunea sa faţă de conducătorii militari.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-01-20
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


fear and loathing in las vegas is a 1998 american dark comedy film co-written and directed by terry gilliam, starring johnny depp as raoul duke and benicio del toro as dr. gonzo.


filmul este regizat de terry gilliam iar din distribuție fac parte johnny depp în rolul lui raoul duke și benicio del toro în rolul lui dr. gonzo.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia


those who disbelieved will be addressed, “the loathing of god is greater than your loathing of yourselves—for you were invited to the faith, but you refused.”


celor care tăgăduiesc li se va striga: “sila lui dumnezeu este mai mare decât sila voastră faţă de voi înşivă când fiind chemaţi la credinţă, rămâneţi tăgăduitori.”

마지막 업데이트: 2014-07-03
사용 빈도: 3

추천인: Wikipedia


3" (1994)*"trællene"*#"trællene" (1978)*#"trællenes oprør" (1979)*#"trællenes børn" (1980)* "transporter"*# "the transporter" (2002)*# "transporter 2" (2005)*# "transporter 3" (2008)*"the transformers" * (series based on the tv show)*#"" (1986)*#"the transformers: five faces of darkness" (1986) (v)*#"the transformers: the return of optimus prime" (1987) (v)*"the transylvanians"*#"the prophet, the gold and the transylvanians" (1978)*#"the actress, the dollars and the transylvanians" (1979)*#"the oil, the baby and the transylvanians" (1981)* "la trilogie" by lucas belvaux*# "cavale" (2002) (aka "one: on the run")*# "un couple épatant" (2002) (aka "two: an amazing couple")*# "après la vie" (2003) (aka "three: after life")*"la trilogie marseillaise"*#"marius" (1931)*#"fanny" (1932)*#"césar" (1936)* "trilogy of americana" (terry gilliam)*# "the fisher king" (1991)*# "12 monkeys" (1995)*# "fear and loathing in las vegas" (1998)* "trilogy of imagination" (terry gilliam)*# "time bandits" (1981)*# "brazil" (1985)*# "the adventures of baron munchausen" (1988)* "trilogy of henryk sienkiewicz"*# "with fire and sword" (1999)*# "the deluge" (1974)*# "colonel wolodyjowski" (1969)* "troll"*# "troll" (1985)*# "troll 2" (1990)*# "troll 3" (1990) (aka "contamination .7")* "tugboat annie"*# "tugboat annie" (1933)*# "tugboat annie sails again" (1940)*# "captain tugboat annie" (1945)* "the tulse luper suitcases"*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 1: the moab story" (2003)*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 2: vaux to the sea" (2004)*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 3: from sark to the finish" (2005)*"turbulence"*#"turbulence" (1997)*#"" (1999)*#"" (2001) (v)* "ultimate avengers" (a)*# "ultimate avengers" (2006) (v)*# "ultimate avengers 2" (2006) (v)*# "" (2008) (v)* "ultraman tiga"*# "" (1998)*# "" (1999)*# "" (2000)*"undisputed"*#"undisputed" (2002)*#"" (2007) (v)*#"" (2010) (v)*"und tschüss!


3" (1994)* "toy story" **# " toy story" (1995)*# " toy story 2" (1999)*# " toy story 3" (2010)*"trællene"*#"trællene" (1978)*#"trællenes oprør" (1979)*#"trællenes børn" (1980)* "transporter"*# "the transporter" (2002)*# "transporter 2" (2005)*# "transporter 3" (2008)*"the transformers" * (series based on the tv show)*#"" (1986)*#"the transformers: five faces of darkness" (1986) (v)*#"the transformers: the return of optimus prime" (1987) (v)*"transformers"*#"transformers" (2007)*#"" (2009)*#"" (2011)*"the transylvanians"*#"the prophet, the gold and the transylvanians" (1978)*#"the actress, the dollars and the transylvanians" (1979)*#"the oil, the baby and the transylvanians" (1981)* "la trilogie"*# "cavale" (2002)*# "un couple épatant" (2002)*# "après la vie" (2003)*"la trilogie marseillaise"*#"marius" (1931)*#"fanny" (1932)*#"césar" (1936)* "trilogy of henryk sienkiewicz"*# "with fire and sword" (1999)*# "the deluge" (1974)*# "colonel wolodyjowski" (1969)* "troll"*# "troll" (1985)*# "troll 2" (1990)*# "troll 3" (1990) (aka "contamination .7")* "tugboat annie"*# "tugboat annie" (1933)*# "tugboat annie sails again" (1940)*# "captain tugboat annie" (1945)* "the tulse luper suitcases"*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 1: the moab story" (2003)*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 2: vaux to the sea" (2004)*# "the tulse luper suitcases, part 3: from sark to the finish" (2005)*"turbulence"*#"turbulence" (1997)*#"" (1999)*#"" (2001) (v)* "ultimate avengers" (a)*# "ultimate avengers" (2006) (v)*# "ultimate avengers 2" (2006) (v)*# "" (2008) (v)* "ultraman tiga"*# "" (1998)*# "" (1999)*# "" (2000)*"undisputed"*#"undisputed" (2002)*#"" (2007) (v)*#"" (2010) (v)*"und tschüss!

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Wikipedia
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