검색어: fisheries (영어 - 말레이어)

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번역 추가








마지막 업데이트: 2013-06-12
사용 빈도: 1


artisanal fisheries


perikanan kecilan

마지막 업데이트: 2013-06-12
사용 빈도: 1


assistant fisheries officer


penolong pegawai perikanan

마지막 업데이트: 2023-05-11
사용 빈도: 1


reached 100% (marine and fisheries extension center, 2012).


mencapai 100% (pusat penyuluhan kelautan dan perikanan, 2012).

마지막 업데이트: 2021-12-26
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


fisheries training for the youth as part of the roject prototype design and development of the modern fishing vessel


latihan perikanan untuk belia sebagai sebahagian daripada reka bentuk prototaip rojek dan pembangunan kapal memancing moden

마지막 업데이트: 2021-12-09
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


the chicken and quail fisheries industry benefits greatly from campaigns that advertise the health benefits of quail and poultry and eggs as a good source of protein.


industri perikanan ayam dan puyuh amat banyak mendapat manfaat daripada kempen yang mengiklankan manfaat kesihatan puyuh dan daging ayam dan telur sebagai sumber protein yang baik.

마지막 업데이트: 2020-06-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


docosahexaenoic acid (dha) is an essential, omega-3, long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid that is a key component of cell membranes and plays a vital role in vertebrate brain function. the capacity to synthesize dha is limited in mammals, despite its critical role in neurological development and health. for humans, dha is most commonly obtained by eating fish. global warming is predicted to reduce the de novo synthesis of dha by algae, at the base of aquatic food chains, and which is expected to reduce dha transferred to fish. we estimated the global quantity of dha (total and per capita) currently available from commercial (wild caught and aquaculture) and recreational fisheries. the potential decrease in the amount of dha available from fish for human consumption was modeled using the predicted effect of established global warming scenarios on algal dha production and ensuing transfer to fish. we conclude that an increase in water temperature could result, depending on the climate scenario and location, in a * 10 to 58% loss of globally available dha by 2100, potentially limiting the availability of this critical nutrient to humans. inland waters show the greatest potential for climate-warminginduced decreases in dha available for human consumption. the projected decrease in dha availability as a result of global warming would disproportionately affect vulnerable populations (e.g., fetuses, infants), especially in inland africa (due to low reported per capita dha availability). we estimated, in the worst-case scenario, that dha availability could decline to levels where 96% of the global population may not have access to sufficient dha. keywords aquaculture  climate change  docosahexaenoic acid (dha)  fisheries  global warming introduction humans are the causative agents in a climate change experiment of global proportions with serious, life-altering consequences that are not yet wholly understood. reacting to the copious volumes of scientific evidence, climate change has recently been called, by world leaders and other notable public figures (e.g., us president barak obama in his state of the union address 2015; bbc news 2018), ‘‘the greatest threat to future generations.’’ in its 2018 report, the intergovernmental panel on climate change (ipcc 2018) assigned a high level of confidence to predictions that failing to reduce our greenhouse emissions to levels commensurate with a global surface air temperature increase of 1.5 c or less would, among other things (e.g., sea level rise, loss of ice, drought in some areas and excess rain in other areas), increase the probability of exacerbating, (a) negative impacts on biodiversity and ecosystems, including species loss and extinction, (b) increase in ocean acidity and decrease in ocean oxygen levels, and (c) increased risks to marine biodiversity, fisheries, and ecosystems, and their functions and services to humans. we are only beginning to understand the effects of global climate-change-induced increases in temperature on critical underlying biochemical reactions. chemistry drives biological systems and core chemical reactions (e.g., photosynthesis, kreb’s cycle) that are known to be sensitive to stefanie m. colombo and timothy f. m. rodgers contributed equally to this project. electronic supplementary material the online version of this article (https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-019-01234-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  the author(s) 2019 www.kva.se/en


terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara suhu persekitaran dan kematian. dalam individu yang sihat tanpa keadaan komorbid yang mendasari, terdapat sistem peraturan haba yang cekap yang membolehkan tubuh menangani tekanan haba dengan berkesan. walau bagaimanapun, dalam kumpulan yang terdedah, terutamanya pada usia tua berumur 65 tahun, bayi dan individu yang mempunyai keadaan kardiovaskular dan / atau pernafasan komorbid, terdapat kekurangan termoregulasi. apabila suhu melebihi had tertentu,

마지막 업데이트: 2022-12-11
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명

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