검색어: conclusively (영어 - 웨일스어)

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i hope that this matter can be determined finally and conclusively


gobeithiaf y gellir cael penderfyniad ar y mater hwn unwaith ac am byth

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


they proved conclusively that trainers in wales are worth less to the welsh assembly government than trainers in england


bu iddynt brofi i'r carn fod hyfforddwyr yng nghymru yn werth llai i lywodraeth cynulliad cymru na hyfforddwyr yn lloegr

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


that crisis has demonstrated conclusively the important interdependence of agriculture , tourism , and the rural economy in general


mae'r argyfwng hwnnw wedi dangos yn ddiymwad y cyd-ddibyniaeth bwysig rhwng amaethyddiaeth , twristiaeth , a'r economi wledig yn gyffredinol

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


the police inquiry route , which is now being followed , will resolve these matters more quickly and conclusively


bydd rhoi'r mater yn nwylo'r heddlu i ymchwilio iddo , sef yr hyn a wneir bellach , yn datrys y materion hyn yn gynt ac mewn modd mwy terfynol

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


a huge body of medical knowledge , painstakingly accumulated in laboratories , hospitals and research institutes around the world , proves conclusively that passive exposure to tobacco smoke kills


mae corff anferth o wybodaeth feddygol , a grynhowyd yn ofalus mewn labordai , ysbytai a sefydliadau ymchwil ar draws y byd , yn profi'n ddi-os fod amlygiad i fwg goddefol yn lladd

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


i welcome this document , not only because it proves conclusively that we , the government , are moving in the right direction , but because it gives us an opportunity to sit back and look at our future direction and what further improvements we should be working towards


croesawaf y ddogfen hon , nid yn unig am ei bod yn profi'n derfynol ein bod ni , y llywodraeth , yn mynd i'r cyfeiriad iawn , ond am ei bod yn rhoi cyfle inni ystyried i ba gyfeiriad yr awn yn y dyfodol a pha welliannau pellach y dylem eu ceisio

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


richard edwards : while i accept that a report of 119 pages can easily get lost in the middle of a pile of documents , is it not the case that the report shows conclusively that contamination from genetically-modified crops cannot be containe ; that separation distances are a nonsens ; that cross-contamination threatens the integrity of conventional and organic farming alik ; and that had the national institute of agricultural botany's report been shown to members before 18 december 2002 , the draft regulations that were carried on that day might have been rejected because they were not restrictive enough ? many of us expressed grave reservations at that time , even without the benefit of the report


richard edwards : er fy mod yn derbyn ei bod yn hawdd i adroddiad o 119 tudalen fynd ar goll yng nghanol pentwr o ddogfennau , onid yw'n wir bod yr adroddiad yn profi'n derfynol na ellir atal halogi gan gnydau a addaswyd yn eneti ; mai lol yw pellteroedd gwahan ; bod croeshalogi'n bygwth uniondeb ffermio confensiynol a ffermio organig fel ei gilyd ; a phe byddai adroddiad sefydliad cenedlaethol botaneg amaethyddol wedi'i ddangos i aelodau cyn 18 rhagfyr 2002 , y gallai'r rheoliadau drafft a dderbyniwyd ar y diwrnod hwnnw fod wedi'u gwrthod am nad oeddent yn ddigon cyfyngiadol ? gwnaeth llawer ohonom fynegi amheuon mawr ar y pryd , hyd yn oed heb y fantais o weld yr adroddiad

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com

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