검색어: downhill (영어 - 웨일스어)

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a build up of water in the accumulated rock and shale, which suddenly started to slide downhill in the form of slurry.


cronni dŵr yn y graig a'r siâl cronedig, a ddechreuodd lithro i lawr yr allt yn sydyn ar ffurf slyri.

마지막 업데이트: 2024-02-23
사용 빈도: 2


you also know -- because you are not as ill informed as you sometimes pretend to be -- that improvement was short lived and the situation went downhill afterwards


gwyddoch hefyd -- gan nad ydych mor anwybodus ag yr honnwch ar adegau -- mai am gyfnod byr y parhaodd y gwelliant hwnnw a gwaethygodd y sefyllfa ar ôl hynny

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


however , we must be fair and say that even conservative bus policies -- greatly mistaken though they were -- may have been intended to improve the bus services that had been going downhill before mrs thatcher got her teeth into them


fodd bynnag , rhaid inni fod yn deg a dweud bod hyd yn oed polisïau'r ceidwadwyr ynglyn â gwasanaethau bysiau -- er mor gyfeiliornus oeddent -- â'r bwriad o wella gwasanaethau bysiau a oedd yn dirywio cyn i mrs thatcher fynd i'r afael â hwy

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


irene james : will you join me in welcoming the excellent facilities of the mountain-bike trail at cwmcarn forest drive , which is gaining a wonderful reputation among mountain-biking circles ? do you agree that further development of a downhill track and the expansion of the facilities there provide an excellent opportunity to improve the tourism economy in islwyn ? do you also agree that , in order to ensure the greatest benefit from this development , it is vital that the forestry commission consults fully with local residents and takes account of their views , putting in measures where possible to address local concerns ?


irene james : a ymunwch â mi i groesawu cyfleusterau ardderchog y llwybr beiciau mynydd yng nghoedwig cwm-carn , sy'n ennill enw da iawn mewn cylchoedd beicio mynydd ? a gytunwch fod datblygu llwybr ar i lawr ymhellach ac ehangu'r cyfleusterau yno yn gyfle gwych i wella'r economi twristiaeth yn islwyn ? a gytunwch hefyd , er mwyn sicrhau y manteisir i'r eithaf ar y datblygiad hwn , ei bod yn hanfodol bod y comisiwn coedwigaeth yn ymgynghori'n llawn â thrigolion lleol ac yn ystyried eu safbwyntiau , gan gyflwyno mesurau lle y bo'n bosibl i fynd i'r afael â phryderon lleol ?

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com

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