검색어: people will disappoint you but god never will (영어 - 타갈로그어)

컴퓨터 번역

인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.





people will disappoint you but god never will



부터: 기계 번역
더 나은 번역 제안

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가





people will let you down god never will


마지막 업데이트: 2020-10-07
사용 빈도: 2

추천인: 익명


honestly i never imagine in life what i will come across someone like you but god made lovely name did you want me to called


honestly i never imagine in life what i will come across someone like you but god made my lovely name did you want me to be called

마지막 업데이트: 2022-07-30
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명


the reverend dr. martin luther king, jr. challenged our nation to recognize that our individual liberty relies upon our c o m m o n e q u a l i t y . i n communities marred by division and injustice, the movement he built from the ground up forced open doors to negotiation. the strength of his leadership was matched only by the power of his words, which still call on us to perfect those sacred ideals enshrined in our founding documents. "we have an opportunity to make america a better nation," dr. king said on the eve of his death. "i may not get there with you. but i want you to know tonight that we, as people, will get to the promised land." though we have made great strides since the turbulent era of dr. king's movement, his work and our journey remain unfinished. only when our children are free to pursue their full measure of success -- unhindered by the color of their skin, their gender, the faith in their heart, the people they love, or the fortune of their birth -- will we have reached our destination. today, we are closer to fulfilling america's promise of economic and social justice because we stand on the shoulders of giants like dr. king, yet our future progress will depend on how we prepare our next generation of leaders. we must fortify their ladders of opportunity by correcting social injustice, breaking the cycle of poverty in struggling communities, and reinvesting in our schools. education can unlock a child's potential and remains our strongest weapon against injustice and inequality. recognizing that our nation has yet to reach dr. king's promised land is not an admission of defeat, but a call to action. in these challenging times, too many americans face limited opportunities, but our capacity to support each other remains limitless. today, let us ask ourselves what dr. king believed to be life's most urgent and persistent question: "what are you doing for others?


마지막 업데이트: 2021-02-25
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: 익명
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