검색어: single channel;single channel (영어 - 터키어)

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single channel;single channel



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single channel


tek kanal

마지막 업데이트: 2011-10-23
사용 빈도: 2


single channel: one selected channel is written in the new slide.


tek kanallı: seçilen bir kanal, yeni bir slayta yazılır.

마지막 업데이트: 2019-06-24
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


the company started as a single channel in 1985, the discovery channel.


Şirket 1985'de tek bir kanal olarak başladı, discovery channel.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


i want to make single channel / manual search


tek kanal / manuel arama yapmak istiyorum

마지막 업데이트: 2018-10-17
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


biss key password / password is requested in a single channel


biss key Şifresi / tek kanalda şifre istiyor

마지막 업데이트: 2018-10-17
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


for fluorescence, this function can be executed for each single channel.


floresan için, bu işlev, her bir tek kanala yönelik çalıştırılabilir.

마지막 업데이트: 2019-06-23
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


* single-channel recording / edited by bert sakmann and erwin neher.


* single-channel recording / edited by bert sakmann and erwin neher.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


eskers may exist as a single channel, or may be part of a branching system with tributary eskers.


eskerler tek bir kanal olarak var olabilir ya da dallanan bir sistemin bir kolu olabilir.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


a 400 kilohertz band was scanned around the marker frequency, using a single-channel receiver with a bandwidth of 100 hertz.


ana frekans çevresindeki 400 kilohertz´lik bir bant, 100 hertz dalgaboyundaki tek kanallı bir alıcı kullanılarak taranmıştır.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


isbn 0-306-41419-8* single-channel recording / edited by bert sakmann and erwin neher.


isbn 0-306-41419-8* single-channel recording / edited by bert sakmann and erwin neher.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


function (for optimizing single channels, see section 3.6.1 setting up colors on a slide).


(tek kanalların optimizasyonu için bkz. 3.6.1 bir slayt üzerinde renklerin ayarlanması).

마지막 업데이트: 2019-06-23
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta


*stanag 4007 (edition 2, 31 may 1996): electrical connectors between prime movers, trailers and towed artillery*stanag 4082 (edition 2, 28 may 1969): adoption of a standard artillery computer meteorological message (metcm)*stanag 4090 9x19mm nato adopted as standard small arms ammunition (9mm)*stanag 4101 (edition 2, 21 feb 2000): towing attachments*stanag 4107 (edition 7, august 2006): mutual acceptance of government quality assurance and usage of the allied quality assurance publications*stanag 4140 (edition 2, 28 may 2001): adoption of a standard target acquisition meteorological message (metta)*stanag 4119 (edition 2, 5 february 2007): adoption of a standard cannon artillery firing table format)*stanag 4172 the adoption of the 5.56x45mm nato round as the standard chambering of all nato service rifles*stanag 4184 (edition 3, 27 november 1998): microwave landing system (mls)*stanag 4203 technical standards for single channel hf radio equipment*stanag 4222 (edition 1, 14 march 1990): standard specification for digital representation of shipboard data parameters*stanag 4232 digital interoperability between shf tactical satellite communications terminals*stanag 4233 digital interoperability between ehf tactical satellite communications terminals*stanag 4285 characteristics of 1200/2400/3600 bit/s single tone modems for hf radio links*stanag 4355 (edition 3, 17 april 2009): modified point mass trajectory model*stanag 4370 environmental testing procedures*stanag 4381 (edition 1, 8 july 1994): blackout lighting systems for tactical land vehicles*stanag 4383 12.7x99mm nato adopted as standard small arms ammunition (12.7mm)*stanag 4395 (edition 2, 10 may 2001): connector for tactical land wheeled vehicles with anti lock braking systems*stanag 4406 the adoption of a military message standard based around the civil x.400 standard*stanag 4420 display symbology and colors for nato maritime units*stanag 4525 explosives, physical/mechanical properties, thermomechanical analysis for determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion (tma)*stanag 4529 characteristics of single tone modems for hf radio links with 1240 hz bandwidth*stanag 4545 (edition 1, amendment 1, 14 april 2000): nato secondary imagery format (nsif)*stanag 4559 (edition 1, 7 april 2003): nato standard image library interface*stanag 4565 (edition 1, 26 september 2003): airborne multi-mode receiver for precision approach and landing*stanag 4569 protection levels for occupants of logistic and light armoured vehicles*stanag 4575 (edition 2, 8 march 2005): nato advanced data storage interface (nadsi)*stanag 4579 the adoption of standard identification of friend or foe hardware that can be recognized and processed between all nato nations*stanag 4586 standard interface of the unmanned control system (ucs) for nato uav interoperability*stanag 4607 (edition 1, 11 march 2005): nato ground moving target indicator format (gmtif)*stanag 4609 (edition 1, 23 march 2005): nato digital motion imagery standard*stanag 4626: modular and open avionics architectures - part i - architecture*stanag 4628 (edition 1, 16 march 2011): controller area network (can) protocols for military applications*stanag 4676: nato intelligence surveillance reconnaissance tracking standard*stanag 4694: nato accessory rail*stanag 5066: the adoption of a profile for hf data communications, supporting selective repeat arq error control, hf e-mail and ip-over-hf operation*stanag 5518: joint range extension applications protocol (jreap), a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 5602: standard interface for military platform link evaluation (simple), a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 5616: link 16 - ecm resistant tactical data exchange, a tactical data link (tdl) protocol*stanag 6001 (edition 4, 12 october 2010) language proficiency levels*stanag 6004 meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report*stanag 6010 ew in the land battle (atp-51)*stanag 6022 (edition 2, 22 march 2010): adoption of a standard gridded data meteorological message (metgm)*stanag 7023 (edition 3, 16 september 2004): nato primary image format (npif)*stanag 7024 (edition 2, 2 august 2001): imagery air reconnaissance tape recorder standard*stanag 7074 digital geographic exchange standard (digest),*stanag 7141 (edition 4, 20 december 2006): joint nato doctrine for environmental protection during nato-led military activities===draft stanag===*stanag 4179 a type of detachable firearm magazine proposed for standardization based on the usgi m16 rifle magazine.


* stanag 4184 (edition 3, 27 november 1998): microwave landing system (mls)* stanag 4232 digital interoperability between shf tactical satellite communications terminals* stanag 4233 digital interoperability between ehf tactical satellite communications terminals* stanag 4406 the adoption of a military message standard based around the civil x.400 standard* stanag 4420 display symbology and colors for nato maritime units* stanag 4545 (edition 1, amendment 1, 14 april 2000): nato secondary imagery format (nsif)* stanag 4559 (edition 1, 7 april 2003): nato standard image library interface* stanag 4565 (edition 1, 26 september 2003): airborne multi-mode receiver for precision approach and landing* stanag 4569 protection levels for occupants of logistic and light armoured vehicles* stanag 4575 (edition 2, 8 march 2005): nato advanced data storage interface (nadsi)* stanag 4579 the adoption of standard identification friend or foe_identification of friend or foe hardware that can be recognized and processed between all nato nations* stanag 4586 standard interface of the unmanned control system (ucs) for nato unmanned aerial vehicle_uav interoperability* stanag 4607 (edition 1, 11 march 2005): nato ground moving target indicator format (gmtif)* stanag 4609 (edition 1, 23 march 2005): nato digital motion imagery standard* stanag 5066 the adoption of a profile for hf data communications, supporting selective repeat arq error control, hf e-mail and ip-over-hf operation* stanag 6004 meaconing, intrusion, jamming, and interference report* stanag 6010 ew in the land battle (atp-51)* stanag 7023 (edition 3, 16 september 2004): nato primary image format (npif)* stanag 7024 (edition 2, 2 august 2001): imagery air reconnaissance tape recorder standard* stanag 7074 digital geographic exchange standard (digest),* stanag 7141 (edition 4, 20 december 2006): joint nato doctrine for environmental protection during nato-led military activities== kaynakça ==== dış bağlantılar ==* nato stanag library (in english)* nato stanag search engine (in french)

마지막 업데이트: 2016-03-03
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Alpaycanta

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