검색어: attachées (영어 - 프랑스어)

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번역 추가





2 commercial attachées


2 attachés commerciaux

마지막 업데이트: 2016-09-30
사용 빈도: 1


2 commercial attachées ad honorem


2 attachés commerciaux ad honorem

마지막 업데이트: 2016-09-30
사용 빈도: 1


ils auraient eu les mains attachées dans le dos et auraient été frappés.


les personnes mentionnées cidessus seraient actuellement détenues au secret à la direction de la compagnie d'intervention rapide (dcir) de la police où elles auraient eu le crâne rasé.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-09-30
사용 빈도: 1


the estonian ministry of culture has its cultural attachées in brussels, berlin and london.


le ministère estonien de la culture peut compter sur ses attachés culturels en poste à bruxelles, berlin et londres.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1


axe prioritaire priority une des priorités de la stratégie retenue dans un pic à laquelle sont attachées des ressources financières et des objectifs.


axe prioritaire une des priorités de la stratégie retenue dans un pic à laquelle sont attachées des ressources financières et des objectifs.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1


deux notions distinctes sont attachées à l’exercice de la souveraineté : l’autorité et la puissance.


deux notions distinctes sont attachées à l’exercice de la souveraineté : l’autorité et la puissance.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


sur mon site de test, quand on a fini de voir les images attachées à la page, on continue avec les autres. est-ce normal ?


sur mon site de test, quand on a fini de voir les images attachées à la page, on continue avec les autres. est-ce normal ?

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


quelle ne fut pas sa consternation lorsque, arrivée à la volière, elle vit que les abat-jour venaient d’être remplacés par des planches attachées aux barreaux de fer !


what was her consternation when, on reaching the aviary, she saw that the screens had been replaced by planks fastened to the iron bars.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-07-30
사용 빈도: 1


* * * appendix i list of participants contracting parties / parties contractantes albania/albanie [apologised/excusé] 
mr taulant topÇiu, desk officer of the press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs of albania, tirana austria/autriche mr michael kogler, federal chancellery, media department, coordination information society, wien bosnia-herzegovina/bosnie-herzégovine mr emir povlakiĆ, senior expert for broadcasting, communications regulatory agency (cra), sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie mrs lilia raycheva, member of council for electronic media, sofia mme violetta dimitrova, service international, commission de la régulation des communications, sofia croatia/croatie mr tomislav jeliĆ, head of department for european integration, ministry of culture, zagreb mr denis periČiĆ, president of the council for electronic media, zagreb cyprus/chypre mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque mr artus rejent, lawyer, media section, ministry of culture of the czech republic, prague estonia/estonie mr peeter sookruus, head of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande ms aleksandra partanen, senior specialist, media policy unit, ministry of transport and communications finland france mme séverine fautrelle, chargée de mission au bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, direction du développement des médias, paris germany/allemagne ms susanne ding, consultant, federal government commissioner for culture and the media division international cooperation berlin mrs martina maschauer, consultant for media policy, representation of the free state of bavaria to the eu, brussels, belgium hungary/hongrie dr borbala fay, officer of legal affairs, ministry of education and culture heritage, budapest dr györgy ocskÓ, head of department, presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest italy/italie mr nicola gaviano, director of the legal service, autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), roma latvia/lettonie 
mr andris mellakauls, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein lithuania/lituanie mr nerijus maliukeviČius, executive director, radio and television commission of lithuania, vilnius malta/malte mr ray micallef, assistant director (broads, committees and customer care), office of the prime minister, valletta moldova mrs vera galcovski, head of international relations and european integrity department, council for coordination on the audiovisual of moldova, chisinau norway/norvège mr olav guntvedt, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo ms Åse kringstad, adviser, ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo poland/pologne mr wojciech dziomdziora, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal mrs joana marques lopes, legal adviser, instituto da comunicação social, lisboa romania/roumanie mme gabriela stoica, membre du conseil national de l'audiovisuel de roumanie (cna), bucarest mrs aureliana ionescu, senior counselor, national audiovisual council (cna), bucarest san marino/saint-marin slovak republic/république slovaque slovenia/slovénie mr boris bergant, deputy director general, rtv slovenija, ljubljana spain/espagne mr francisco javier bartolomÉ zofÍo, head of sector (audiovisual media), secretary of state for telecommunications and information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid switzerland/suisse mr daniel koehler, media expert, office of communication (ofcom), bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" mr mirce adamcevski, president of the broadcasting council, skopje mrs emilija janevska, head of the department for programming issues, the broadcasting council, skopje turkey/turquie ms nuran yardimci, turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara prof. dovut dursun, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara mr arif merdol, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara united kingdom/royaume-uni mrs kate jones, deputy head of international broadcasting policy branch, department for culture, media and sport, london holy see/saint-siège m. régis de kalbermatten, délégué du saint-siège au comité permanent sur la télévision transfrontière, sion observer delegates / delegues observateurs andorra/andorre armenia/arménie azerbaijan/azerbaidjan mr nushiravan maharramov, chairman of the national tv and radio council of the republic of azerbaijan, baku mr ziyad amrahov, specialist of the international department of the national tv and radio council of the republic of azerbaijan, baku belarus mr alexander martynenko, deputy chairman of belarusian tv and radio company, minsk mr andrei novash, interpreter, belarusian tv and radio company, minsk belgium/belgique mme alexandra krick, juriste, ministère de la communauté française de belgique, bruxelles denmark/danemark georgia/géorgie ms thamar kintsurashvili, director general of the public television of georgia, tbilisi greece/grèce mme maria giannakaki, attachée de presse, représentation permanente de la grèce auprès du conseil de l'europe / bureau de presse et de communication, strasbourg, france iceland/islande ireland/irlande mr paul mulqueen, broadcasting policy division, department of communications marine and natural resources, dublin luxembourg mme isabelle marinov, service des médias et des communications (smc), luxembourg monaco montenegro/ monténégro netherlands/pays-bas mr frederik jan ingen housz, policy adviser media, department for media, literature and libraries/ipc 3400, ministry of education, culture and science, bj den haag russian federation/fédération de russie serbia/serbie mrs marija ĆosiĆ, senior expert associate, media department, ministry of culture and media of the republic of serbia, belgrade sweden/suède ukraine european commission/commission européenne mr harald e. trettenbrein, head of sector, european commission, dg infos and media, brussels secretariat mr jan kleijssen, director, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / directeur, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii mr jan malinowski, head of media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii ms katherine anderson-scholl, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii interpreters/interpretes mme cynera jaffrey 
mme sara webster * * * appendix ii agenda 1.


* * * annexe i liste des participants contracting parties / parties contractantes albania/albanie [apologised/excusé] 
mr taulant topÇiu, desk officer of the press and public diplomacy department, ministry of foreign affairs of albania, tirana austria/autriche mr michael kogler, federal chancellery, media department, coordination information society, wien bosnia-herzegovina/bosnie-herzégovine mr emir povlakiĆ, senior expert for broadcasting, communications regulatory agency (cra), sarajevo bulgaria/bulgarie mrs lilia raycheva, member of council for electronic media, sofia mme violetta dimitrova, service international, commission de la régulation des communications, sofia croatia/croatie mr tomislav jeliĆ, head of department for european integration, ministry of culture, zagreb mr denis periČiĆ, president of the council for electronic media, zagreb cyprus/chypre mr andreas christodoulou, head of media section, ministry of interior, nicosia czech republic/république tchèque mr artus rejent, lawyer, media section, ministry of culture of the czech republic, prague estonia/estonie mr peeter sookruus, head of media and copyright department, ministry of culture, tallinn finland/finlande ms aleksandra partanen, senior specialist, media policy unit, ministry of transport and communications finland france mme séverine fautrelle, chargée de mission au bureau des affaires européennes et internationales, direction du développement des médias, paris germany/allemagne ms susanne ding, consultant, federal government commissioner for culture and the media division international cooperation berlin mrs martina maschauer, consultant for media policy, representation of the free state of bavaria to the eu, brussels, belgium hungary/hongrie dr borbala fay, officer of legal affairs, ministry of education and culture heritage, budapest dr györgy ocskÓ, head of department, presidential secretariat, national radio and television commission (ortt), budapest italy/italie mr nicola gaviano, director of the legal service, autorità per le garanzie nelle comunicazioni, italian communication authority (agcom), roma latvia/lettonie 
mr andris mellakauls, national broadcasting council of latvia, riga liechtenstein lithuania/lituanie mr nerijus maliukeviČius, executive director, radio and television commission of lithuania, vilnius malta/malte mr ray micallef, assistant director (broads, committees and customer care), office of the prime minister, valletta moldova mrs vera galcovski, head of international relations and european integrity department, council for coordination on the audiovisual of moldova, chisinau norway/norvège mr olav guntvedt, norwegian ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo ms Åse kringstad, adviser, ministry of culture and church affairs, oslo poland/pologne mr wojciech dziomdziora, national broadcasting council, warsaw portugal mrs joana marques lopes, legal adviser, instituto da comunicação social, lisboa romania/roumanie mme gabriela stoica, membre du conseil national de l'audiovisuel de roumanie (cna), bucarest mrs aureliana ionescu, senior counselor, national audiovisual council (cna), bucarest san marino/saint-marin slovak republic/république slovaque slovenia/slovénie mr boris bergant, deputy director general, rtv slovenija, ljubljana spain/espagne mr francisco javier bartolomÉ zofÍo, head of sector (audiovisual media), secretary of state for telecommunications and information society, ministry of industry, tourism and commerce, madrid switzerland/suisse mr daniel koehler, media expert, office of communication (ofcom), bienne "the former yugoslav republic of macedonia"/"l'ex-république yougoslave de macédoine" mr mirce adamcevski, president of the broadcasting council, skopje mrs emilija janevska, head of the department for programming issues, the broadcasting council, skopje turkey/turquie ms nuran yardimci, turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara prof. dovut dursun, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara mr arif merdol, member of turkish radio and television supreme council, bilkent ankara united kingdom/royaume-uni mrs kate jones, deputy head of international broadcasting policy branch, department for culture, media and sport, london holy see/saint-siège m. régis de kalbermatten, délégué du saint-siège au comité permanent sur la télévision transfrontière, sion observer delegates / delegues observateurs andorra/andorre armenia/arménie azerbaijan/azerbaidjan mr nushiravan maharramov, chairman of the national tv and radio council of the republic of azerbaijan, baku mr ziyad amrahov, specialist of the international department of the national tv and radio council of the republic of azerbaijan, baku belarus mr alexander martynenko, deputy chairman of belarusian tv and radio company, minsk mr andrei novash, interpreter, belarusian tv and radio company, minsk belgium/belgique mme alexandra krick, juriste, ministère de la communauté française de belgique, bruxelles denmark/danemark georgia/géorgie ms thamar kintsurashvili, director general of the public television of georgia, tbilisi greece/grèce mme maria giannakaki, attachée de presse, représentation permanente de la grèce auprès du conseil de l'europe / bureau de presse et de communication, strasbourg, france iceland/islande ireland/irlande mr paul mulqueen, broadcasting policy division, department of communications marine and natural resources, dublin luxembourg mme isabelle marinov, service des médias et des communications (smc), luxembourg monaco montenegro/ monténégro netherlands/pays-bas mr frederik jan ingen housz, policy adviser media, department for media, literature and libraries/ipc 3400, ministry of education, culture and science, bj den haag russian federation/fédération de russie serbia/serbie mrs marija ĆosiĆ, senior expert associate, media department, ministry of culture and media of the republic of serbia, belgrade sweden/suède ukraine european commission/commission européenne mr harald e. trettenbrein, head of sector, european commission, dg infos and media, brussels secretariat mr jan kleijssen, director, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / directeur, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii mr jan malinowski, head of media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii ms katherine anderson-scholl, media division, directorate general of human rights - dg ii / chef de la division media, direction générale des droits de l'homme - dg ii interpreters/interpretes mme cynera jaffrey 
mme sara webster * * * annexe ii ordre du jour 1.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1

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