검색어: bunda (영어 - 프랑스어)

인적 기여

전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.

번역 추가








마지막 업데이트: 2016-11-30
사용 빈도: 2


m-pesa agent in bunda by emilsjoblom in flickr.


agent m-pesa à bunda par emilsjoblom sur flickr

마지막 업데이트: 2016-02-24
사용 빈도: 1


• m1 – bunda t-off (to finish by noon)


• m1 – bunda t (ça sera fini à midi)

마지막 업데이트: 2016-02-24
사용 빈도: 1


born in bunda, united republic of tanzania, 3 september 1940.


né le 3 septembre 1940, à bunda (république-unie de tanzanie)

마지막 업데이트: 2016-11-30
사용 빈도: 1


students at bunda discussing a maize project by one of the students


des étudiants à bunda s'entretiennent du projet sur le maïs de l'un d'entre eux

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


they often come within hundreds of metres from the towering bunda cliffs.


elles viennent souvent à quelques centaines de mètres des falaises imposantes de bunda cliffs.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


bunda college of agricultureuniversity of malawi, malawi college of fisheries; mali:


collège d’agriculture bunda ‑ université du malawi, collège des pêches du malawi; mali :

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1


in mara all districts have been affected at varying levels, with musoma and bunda being hardest hit.


si tous les districts de la région du mara sont touchés à des degrés divers, les plus frappés sont ceux de musoma et bunda.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


students from olympus pre and primary school of bunda at ikoma gate are visiting serengeti national park in 3 buses.


des élèves de l'école maternelle et primaire olympus de bunda à la porte d'ikoma partent visiter le parc national de serengeti dans 3 bus.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


department, u of malawi, bunda college information last updated on: 2005/07/12


department, u of malawi, bunda college information actualisée le: 2005/07/12

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1


impressive witnesses of earth's history: the bunda cliffs on the southern edge of the nullarbor plain.


ces étonnantes falaises témoignent de l'histoire de la terre: les falaises de bunda se trouvent au sud de la plaine de nullarbor.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


bunda college specialises in agriculture whilst chancellor college offers courses in education, humanities, science, social sciences and law.


chancellor college offre des cours dans les domaines de l'éducation, des lettres, des sciences, des sciences sociales et du droit.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-11-30
사용 빈도: 1


turning to the imprisonment of a spanish citizen in iran, the commission shares the concern of members at the worrying situation of a spanish sailor being detained in bunda aba.


la commission partage le souci des honorables parlementaires concernant la situation préoccupante de m. jesus manuel lopez, marin espagnol emprisonné à bunda aba.

마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-06
사용 빈도: 1


for example, r esearchers from bunda college, which is part of the university of malawi, have become a reference point for parliamentarians on agricultural issues.


ainsi, des chercheurs du bunda college, qui fait partie de l'université du malawi, sont devenus un point de référence pour les parlementaires sur les questions agricoles.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


allow me to mention the case code named soko bunda and soko pannonia, involving the exclusion of several dozens of hungarian businesses from the german market with methods that are finally considered wrong even by the courts.


je mentionnerai les affaires nommées soko bunda et soko pannonia, qui portent sur l’ exclusion de plusieurs dizaines d’ entreprises hongroises du marché allemand sur la base de méthodes qui sont en fin de compte considérées comme injustes par les tribunaux mêmes.

마지막 업데이트: 2012-03-22
사용 빈도: 5


the introduction of national languages currently involves the six languages with the highest number of speakers in angola, namely kimbundo, kikongo, umbundo, chokwe, kwanyama and bunda.


l'introduction de langues nationales concerne dans la phase actuelle les six langues le plus parlées en angola, soit: kimbundo, kikongo, umbundo, cokwe, kwanyama et bunda.

마지막 업데이트: 2016-09-30
사용 빈도: 1


mission teams visited four of the five districts in mara, namely terime, bunda, serengeti and musoma rural. vuli rains began on time in tarime and serengeti but failed at maize flowering time in november and december.


les équipes de la mission se sont rendues dans quatre des cinq districts du mara, à savoir terime, bunda, serengeti et musoma rural. les pluies de la campagne vuli ont fait leur apparition à l’époque habituelle dans les districts de tarime et serengeti mais elles ont fait défaut au moment de la floraison du maïs en novembre et en décembre.

마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1


bunda college faculty members also draw from their research to collaborate with the fisheries ministry of the malawi government on overall fishing policies – and to extend their expertise to the whole southern african region. to train 565 local women in areas ranging from child development to disease prevention.


grâce à leurs recherches, les professeurs du collège bunda ont été amenés à collaborer avec le ministère des pêches du malawi en vue de l’élaboration des politiques générales, ainsi qu’à mettre leur expertise au service de toute la région sud du continent africain. sud‑africaines, et elles ont pu à leur tour former 565 femmes de la région dans des domaines allant du développement de l’enfant à la préven‑ tion des maladies.

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1


"comments received hard copy document"adam, shakil
adams, stephen t.
adler, paul s.
akgun, metin
allan, ross
anderson, garry
armstrong, george
asherman, stephen
atkinson, victor & christine
atwook, j.w.
baker, monique
baltayan, alexan & nora
barrette, jean
barrette, l.f.
bauer, john c.
baveja, s.
beasley, nellie
beaudoin, claire
beckers, william
beckett, don
béland, gérard
bellefeuille, georgette
belza, georges s.
bennett, robert m.
berechit, rachel
bergeron, g.
bergez, john
berkovic, j.
bernard, jean-françois
berner, charlotte
berry, e.d.
berthn, g.p.
bérubé, gilles
bérubé, marielle
beswick, p.a.
bilodeau, micheline
bladon, elaine
blanchette r.
bobiasz, frederick
boileau, f.
bojic, d.j.
bonathon, ruth
bonner, michael
bonniste, d.
booker, p.k.
booth, leo g.
borzic, boris
boswell, a.
boupar, joon
boyd, elizabeth a.
brazeau, odette d.
brick, timothy
brierley, john
britnell, e.
brown, bernard
bruinton, lucille
brunelle, jacques
brunskill, john & joan
bulloch, maureen
bunda, lucienne
burns, louisette & raudall
burns, richard
buzzell, evelyn
bystriansky, joseph
caccia, charles, m.p.
caffney, j.mc
calder, murray m.p.
callus, pamela
cambella, giancarlo
campbell, kathleen b.
carrie, robert
cartier, claude
casson, james
certo, f.
chambers, edna
champagne, louise
chan, gina
charland, claire
charron, ad
chartrand claire
chauvette, aurèle
chicoine, jean-maurice
clarkson, thomas a.
cobox, cahrlles
coke, j.e.
combe, thelma
conder, blanche
cook, m.
cooke, ron
corey, eric s.
cosolo, remo
cossie, sheila v.
côté, josiane et gilles
côté, robert
coughlin, g.
cromie, j.
crowe, kith
cullen, f.
culshaw, e.
cunningham, irene
czeto, carole
d., megan
daoust, lucille
darveau, annette
davino, christina
de lafontaine, gilles
dean, william a.
deboer, joyce
dederer, peter
dekkers, john
deleuw, john
delisle, richard
denneny, johanne
dennison, neil f.
desing, w. morris
desjardins-o,buham, pierette
dhason, j.
di lillo, antonio
dietz, patricia
dion, robert
dionne, irene
dixon, david
dixon, rodney a.
dogley, s.h.
dorey, john d.(3)
dorney, paul
douglas, marilyn
doyle, chris
drolet, jeannette
dubé, charles-eugène
duerden, anthony a.
duncan, marion
duquette, georges
e. rubeniuk
e. slone, irving
earls, flossie
eberts, catherine
edwards, david a.
edwards, ruth
egan, edgar
elliot, allan
elliott, e.
elliott, e.a.
ellis, elsie
ellison, david l.
el-yabalawy, a
evans, gloria
eves, james & shirley
farrar, clarence b.
fercuson, donald b.
ferns, ron & sharon
ferrari, e.
field, norm
fiset, jean-claude
fleming, helene
fodden, paul
forbes, gordon
forbes, lynda j.
forgehe, d.
forsyth, h
francis, allan m.
fraser, w.f.
fraux, a.w.
frebold, elizabeth
frégeau, doris
froment, louis-joseph
g., frances
g., joseph
gage, w.j.
gall, bill
gallant, john
gariépy, mme.
gdyczynski, peter
généreux, marcel
gerhart, dave
gibbings, william k.
giguère, pierre
gillen, a.
glover, marilyn
golych, william p.
gonsahues, i.
gormley, f.
goulin, steve
gray, karen
grayson-bell, marion
green, al
grimes, ralph s.
groulx, gilles
guertin, henry
guy, derek
h., ken
hadrevi, j.
haigh, g.
hall, donald f.
hamblin, wayne
hamilton, s.
hammond, richard j.
hancey, l.
harris, paul
harrop, michale
harvey, s.m.
hay, h.
hayes, douglas
head, brian
heasell, edwin & edna
hemphrey, jack
heron, audrey
hertelendy, lisa
hewer, jacqueline & frank
heyding, r. d.
hicks, ross
hicks, roy
hillis, william
hodgson, douglas a.
hoelke, terry
holodryzuk, s.
honeyman madelaine
hopson, w.l. gilbert, md
horne, susan c.
hunt, margaret
hunts, n.
hurford, ken j.
hurley, a.m.
hutul, c.
intersiano, dominic
irani, p.a.
irwin, gloria
israelstam, g.f.
issayevitch, j.p.
ivsins, v.
jackson, wayde
james, c.
jazenko, s.
jeddry, anne
jette, bernard
joanis, fernand
jodoin, jacques
johansen, a.h.
johnston, r.w.
jones, arthur e.
juck, david
jury, e.j.
kalogerakos, s.
kearns, carl
kellouway, eleane
kempston, gertrude
kennedy, lyle
kepasey, i.
kerkofsky, rose
keyes, stan m.p.
king, bill & doris
kirby , stuart
kookla, pat and mike
koopman, c. & g.
korycan, frank
kowal, donald
krett, a.s.
kriss, c.
krushnisky, helen
kubiak, raymond
kupek, harold s.
kusup, gérard
kwint, murray g.
lachapelle, f.
ladd, v.e.
lafrenière, r.
laing, robert
lamb, dianne
lambert, bertha
lamosa, josé
lancefield, angela m.
landry, g.
landry, lucie
landry, rose-aline
lane, n.g.
laplante, pierre
lapointe, olivette
laramée, jean-claude
larew, isabelle m.
large, robert
large, sandra m.
lawrance, george
leclerc, dorothey
ledger, h.
lee, robert n.
lefebvre, bernice
legate, edward
lemaire, l.
lemay, marguerite
levac, d.
levac, diane
lewis, henry
lilly, ruth e.
listhaeghe, guido h.
litouski, doris
lloyd, gertrude
logel, david john
london, j.
longpré, jean
louis, g.p.
lowe, kathleen m.
luck, julia
luin, heino
lunt, bryan j.
lussier, gilles
lythgoe, george & doris
macdougall, eileen
macleod, w.n.
madden, steve
mahlu, c.
makichuk, john
malcom, david
malhi, gurbax singh m.p.
mallett, beverley
mann, c.h.
marques, mario
marshall, m.e.
martin, d.l.
martin, georges
martin, suzanne
masham, john
mason, peter
massen, herman
massicotte, june
mathews, a. j.
mathews, john
matlow, jean
matthews v.
mauceri, joanne
mccauley, emily
mccleery, michael h.
mccolm, william r.
mccorquodale, louise
mccoy, r.
mcilvaney, robert g.
mckenna, gordon & doreen
mckenzie, allan n.w.
mckerell, neil t.
mcmaster, eric
melmoth, l.
mena, p.l.
metroy, claudette
moisey, anne
money, lillian
mongeau, diane
monkhous, valerie
morell, muriel & adam
morgan, henry
morgenthau, lilian
morton, m.
mowbray, r.
murphy, w.d.
myles, robert
nagy, mary e.
netley, mary
neubert, w.
nichol, l.j.
niebe, louise
nordien, dorothy
norman, sheelagh
o’connor, r.j.
o’keefe, lyn
o’leary, edith
o’rae, bonnie
ollereshaw, ruth
olmstead, d.
olt, paul
ormoby, john
ouellette, m.
pabrun, f.
page, r.j.
paieraut, edouard
paraire, jocelyne
parker, george
pascal, joan
paul, stephanie
peacock, anne
peacock, j.
pepe, mary
peressini, f.
peric, janko, mp
perrault, jean-guy
persad, d.
phalen, donald
phinney, beth
piché, eugène
pinard, edmond
pitney, elizabeth l.
pobui, jean-pierre
pole, m.
polifroni, a.
potapoff, joan
powell, c.r.
powell, rachel
prokopuk, roy
puvia, k.
pycock, catherine
rabinovitch, bram
rabinovitch, maurice
ramsay, robert
rauchbart, marylou
rawley, d.m.
ray, june
regnier, norman e.
reid, john d.
reinisch, kurt f.
rempel, helen
remus, julius
revell, l.a.
richard, alain
richard, claude
richer, florien
robillard, ivan
robillard, jasmine
robinson, mary e.
rocque, g.
rodegard, linda
rodman, alma
rodriguez, frank
rogers, c.d.
ronan, david
ross, isabel d.
ross, robert
round, k.j.
rowcliffe, albert
roy, paul
rubinoff, helen s.
russell, margaret
russo, p.
ryner, h.
sabbadin, t.
sadtler, leni
sahagian, j.
saison, dorothy
sajecki, richard m.
salvador, francisco ribeiro
sanchion, e
saunders, jane e.
schade, g.
schlievest, roy
schmidt, murray
schmidt, shirley
schott, françois & karl
schurt, m.
scunlon, terry
senack, margaret
sharpe, l.t.h.
shaw, joanne g.
sheard, david m.
sheruin, g.
shonfield, morris c.
short, c.h.
shum, lawrence
siddiqui, asif
simpson, r. a.
smith m, susan
smith, angus
smith, dave
smith, joy
snider, edward h.
sola, j.
soutt, wendy e.
spencer, alma & derek
stainforth, margarita
stellato, a.
stephens, w.
st-georges, andré
st-pierre, annette
strickland, leonard & marcia
stroud, evylin
strycharz, masha
stubbins, j.b.
styan, c.a.g.
suckett, j.
tada, tiko toyomi
taillon, léopold
tancré, egan
taylor, paul l.
taylor, stephan
taylor, thomas d.
tellier, a.
ternoey, ken
théorêt, marie-andrée
thomas, a.
thomas, keith a.
thompson, e.l.
thompson, norene
thompson, t.e.
thoms, gordon & maxime
timms, sandra e.
tirabassi, anthony m.p.
tnati, josephine
tooker, susan
tovey, a.r.
tremblay-pagé, solange
trépanier, jean
trivett, amelia
turcot, n.
turmel, yvette
uspdell, letitia
valenti, paul m.
vandal, jean
vankatwyk, peter
vanryn, b.
vassallo, sandra
vernon-betts, andrew
vos, eddie
wabey, mary
wald, willi
waldron, eric
wale, j.w.
walling, arthur
walsh, mme
ward, kenneth s.
ward, kenneth s.
washburn, james r.
wataszko, janis
watson, jean
wawrzyniak, joy
weaver, floyd
webb, ellen
weber, delmer h.
wharton, dale
white, wayne
wiche, anne
williams, james
williams, robert
wimmer, frank & ericka
wonfor, sue
wood, grant
woods, r.f.
woolfrey, a.g.
woolley, e.m.
wright, h.t.
wross, gérard & alice
yasny, gloria
yoshimoto, m.
zanchetta, a.
zanetti, rick
zapora, paul


"observations reçues en version imprimée"adam, shakil
adams, stephen t.
adler, paul s.
akgun, metin
allan, ross
anderson, garry
armstrong, george
asherman, stephen
atkinson, victor & christine
atwook, j.w.
baker, monique
baltayan, alexan & nora
barrette, jean
barrette, l.f.
bauer, john c.
baveja, s.
beasley, nellie
beaudoin, claire
beckers, william
beckett, don
béland, gérard
bellefeuille, georgette
belza, georges s.
bennett, robert m.
berechit, rachel
bergeron, g.
bergez, john
berkovic, j.
bernard, jean-françois
berner, charlotte
berry, e.d.
berthn, g.p.
bérubé, gilles
bérubé, marielle
beswick, p.a.
bilodeau, micheline
bladon, elaine
blanchette r.
bobiasz, frederick
boileau, f.
bojic, d.j.
bonathon, ruth
bonner, michael
bonniste, d.
booker, p.k.
booth, leo g.
borzic, boris
boswell, a.
boupar, joon
boyd, elizabeth a.
brazeau, odette d.
brick, timothy
brierley, john
britnell, e.
brown, bernard
bruinton, lucille
brunelle, jacques
brunskill, john & joan
bulloch, maureen
bunda, lucienne
burns, louisette & raudall
burns, richard
buzzell, evelyn
bystriansky, joseph
caccia, charles, m.p.
caffney, j.mc
calder, murray m.p.
callus, pamela
cambella, giancarlo
campbell, kathleen b.
carrie, robert
cartier, claude
casson, james
certo, f.
chambers, edna
champagne, louise
chan, gina
charland, claire
charron, ad
chartrand claire
chauvette, aurèle
chicoine, jean-maurice
clarkson, thomas a.
cobox, cahrlles
coke, j.e.
combe, thelma
conder, blanche
cook, m.
cooke, ron
corey, eric s.
cosolo, remo
cossie, sheila v.
côté, josiane et gilles
côté, robert
coughlin, g.
cromie, j.
crowe, kith
cullen, f.
culshaw, e.
cunningham, irene
czeto, carole
d., megan
daoust, lucille
darveau, annette
davino, christina
de lafontaine, gilles
dean, william a.
deboer, joyce
dederer, peter
dekkers, john
deleuw, john
delisle, richard
denneny, johanne
dennison, neil f.
desing, w. morris
desjardins-o,buham, pierette
dhason, j.
di lillo, antonio
dietz, patricia
dion, robert
dionne, irene
dixon, david
dixon, rodney a.
dogley, s.h.
dorey, john d.(3)
dorney, paul
douglas, marilyn
doyle, chris
drolet, jeannette
dubé, charles-eugène
duerden, anthony a.
duncan, marion
duquette, georges
e. rubeniuk
e. slone, irving
earls, flossie
eberts, catherine
edwards, david a.
edwards, ruth
egan, edgar
elliot, allan
elliott, e.
elliott, e.a.
ellis, elsie
ellison, david l.
el-yabalawy, a
evans, gloria
eves, james & shirley
farrar, clarence b.
fercuson, donald b.
ferns, ron & sharon
ferrari, e.
field, norm
fiset, jean-claude
fleming, helene
fodden, paul
forbes, gordon
forbes, lynda j.
forgehe, d.
forsyth, h
francis, allan m.
fraser, w.f.
fraux, a.w.
frebold, elizabeth
frégeau, doris
froment, louis-joseph
g., frances
g., joseph
gage, w.j.
gall, bill
gallant, john
gariépy, mme.
gdyczynski, peter
généreux, marcel
gerhart, dave
gibbings, william k.
giguère, pierre
gillen, a.
glover, marilyn
golych, william p.
gonsahues, i.
gormley, f.
goulin, steve
gray, karen
grayson-bell, marion
green, al
grimes, ralph s.
groulx, gilles
guertin, henry
guy, derek
h., ken
hadrevi, j.
haigh, g.
hall, donald f.
hamblin, wayne
hamilton, s.
hammond, richard j.
hancey, l.
harris, paul
harrop, michale
harvey, s.m.
hay, h.
hayes, douglas
head, brian
heasell, edwin & edna
hemphrey, jack
heron, audrey
hertelendy, lisa
hewer, jacqueline & frank
heyding, r. d.
hicks, ross
hicks, roy
hillis, william
hodgson, douglas a.
hoelke, terry
holodryzuk, s.
honeyman madelaine
hopson, w.l. gilbert, md
horne, susan c.
hunt, margaret
hunts, n.
hurford, ken j.
hurley, a.m.
hutul, c.
intersiano, dominic
irani, p.a.
irwin, gloria
israelstam, g.f.
issayevitch, j.p.
ivsins, v.
jackson, wayde
james, c.
jazenko, s.
jeddry, anne
jette, bernard
joanis, fernand
jodoin, jacques
johansen, a.h.
johnston, r.w.
jones, arthur e.
uck, david
jury, e.j.
kalogerakos, s.
kearns, carl
kellouway, eleane
kempston, gertrude
kennedy, lyle
kepasey, i.
kerkofsky, rose
keyes, stan m.p.
king, bill & doris
kirby , stuart
kookla, pat and mike
koopman, c. & g.
korycan, frank
kowal, donald
krett, a.s.
kriss, c.
krushnisky, helen
kubiak, raymond
kupek, harold s.
kusup, gérard
kwint, murray g.
lachapelle, f.
ladd, v.e.
lafrenière, r.
laing, robert
lamb, dianne
lambert, bertha
lamosa, josé
lancefield, angela m.
landry, g.
landry, lucie
landry, rose-aline
lane, n.g.
laplante, pierre
lapointe, olivette
laramée, jean-claude
larew, isabelle m.
large, robert
large, sandra m.
lawrance, george
leclerc, dorothey
ledger, h.
lee, robert n.
lefebvre, bernice
legate, edward
lemaire, l.
lemay, marguerite
levac, d.
levac, diane
lewis, henry
lilly, ruth e.
listhaeghe, guido h.
litouski, doris
lloyd, gertrude
logel, david john
london, j.
longpré, jean
louis, g.p.
lowe, kathleen m.
luck, julia
luin, heino
lunt, bryan j.
lussier, gilles
lythgoe, george & doris
macdougall, eileen
macleod, w.n.
madden, steve
mahlu, c.
makichuk, john
malcom, david
malhi, gurbax singh m.p.
mallett, beverley
mann, c.h.
marques, mario
marshall, m.e.
martin, d.l.
martin, georges
martin, suzanne
masham, john
mason, peter
massen, herman
massicotte, june
mathews, a. j.
mathews, john
matlow, jean
matthews v.
mauceri, joanne
mccauley, emily
mccleery, michael h.
mccolm, william r.
mccorquodale, louise
mccoy, r.
mcilvaney, robert g.
mckenna, gordon & doreen
mckenzie, allan n.w.
mckerell, neil t.
mcmaster, eric
melmoth, l.
mena, p.l.
metroy, claudette
moisey, anne
money, lillian
mongeau, diane
monkhous, valerie
morell, muriel & adam
morgan, henry
morgenthau, lilian
morton, m.
mowbray, r.
murphy, w.d.
myles, robert
nagy, mary e.
netley, mary
neubert, w.
nichol, l.j.
niebe, louise
nordien, dorothy
norman, sheelagh
o’connor, r.j.
o’keefe, lyn
o’leary, edith
o’rae, bonnie
ollereshaw, ruth
olmstead, d.
olt, paul
ormoby, john
ouellette, m.
pabrun, f.
page, r.j.
paieraut, edouard
paraire, jocelyne
parker, george
pascal, joan
paul, stephanie
peacock, anne
peacock, j.
pepe, mary
peressini, f.
peric, janko, mp
perrault, jean-guy
persad, d.
phalen, donald
phinney, beth
piché, eugène
pinard, edmond
pitney, elizabeth l.
pobui, jean-pierre
pole, m.
polifroni, a.
potapoff, joan
powell, c.r.
powell, rachel
prokopuk, roy
puvia, k.
pycock, catherine
rabinovitch, bram
rabinovitch, maurice
ramsay, robert
rauchbart, marylou
rawley, d.m.
ray, june
regnier, norman e.
reid, john d.
reinisch, kurt f.
rempel, helen
remus, julius
revell, l.a.
richard, alain
richard, claude
richer, florien
robillard, ivan
robillard, jasmine
robinson, mary e.
rocque, g.
rodegard, linda
rodman, alma
rodriguez, frank
rogers, c.d.
ronan, david
ross, isabel d.
ross, robert
round, k.j.
rowcliffe, albert
roy, paul
rubinoff, helen s.
russell, margaret
russo, p.
ryner, h.
sabbadin, t.
sadtler, leni
sahagian, j.
saison, dorothy
sajecki, richard m.
salvador, francisco ribeiro
sanchion, e
saunders, jane e.
schade, g.
schlievest, roy
schmidt, murray
schmidt, shirley
schott, françois & karl
schurt, m.
scunlon, terry
senack, margaret
sharpe, l.t.h.
shaw, joanne g.
sheard, david m.
sheruin, g.
shonfield, morris c.
short, c.h.
shum, lawrence
siddiqui, asif
simpson, r. a.
smith m, susan
smith, angus
smith, dave
smith, joy
snider, edward h.
sola, j.
soutt, wendy e.
spencer, alma & derek
stainforth, margarita
stellato, a.
stephens, w.
st-georges, andré
st-pierre, annette
strickland, leonard & marcia
stroud, evylin
strycharz, masha
stubbins, j.b.
styan, c.a.g.
suckett, j.
tada, tiko toyomi
taillon, léopold
tancré, egan
taylor, paul l.
taylor, stephan
taylor, thomas d.
tellier, a.
ternoey, ken
théorêt, marie-andrée
thomas, a.
thomas, keith a.
thompson, e.l.
thompson, norene
thompson, t.e.
thoms, gordon & maxime
timms, sandra e.
tirabassi, anthony m.p.
tnati, josephine
tooker, susan
tovey, a.r.
tremblay-pagé, solange
trépanier, jean
trivett, amelia
turcot, n.
turmel, yvette
uspdell, letitia
valenti, paul m.
vandal, jean
vankatwyk, peter
vanryn, b.
vassallo, sandra
vernon-betts, andrew
vos, eddie
wabey, mary
wald, willi
waldron, eric
wale, j.w.
walling, arthur
walsh, mme
ward, kenneth s.
ward, kenneth s.
washburn, james r.
wataszko, janis
watson, jean
wawrzyniak, joy
weaver, floyd
webb, ellen
weber, delmer h.
wharton, dale
white, wayne
wiche, anne
williams, james
williams, robert
wimmer, frank & ericka
wonfor, sue
wood, grant
woods, r.f.
woolfrey, a.g.
woolley, e.m.
wright, h.t.
wross, gérard & alice
yasny, gloria
yoshimoto, m.
zanchetta, a.
zanetti, rick
zapora, paul

마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1

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