인적 번역의 예문에서 번역 방법 학습 시도.
전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
i missed some while en route and heard the end of it while i was here.
j'en ai raté un bout pendant que je me rendais à la chambre, mais j'en ai entendu la fin une fois ici.
마지막 업데이트: 2014-09-27
사용 빈도: 1
a: i discovered mahjong when i watched my family play while i was a small child.
r: depuis 2006, je pense que je suis l'un des pionniers et j’ai été membre depuis.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
maybe it was a bit noisy while i was speaking.
par ailleurs, notre capacité de recherche est considérable.
마지막 업데이트: 2014-02-06
사용 빈도: 1
i was a professor for some time while i lived in ecuador.
j'ai été professeur quelque temps quand je vivais en equateur.
마지막 업데이트: 2016-02-24
사용 빈도: 1
for a while i was a penitent for sins not committed unless the act of photographing faith skeptically crowded.
pendant un moment, j'étais un pénitent pour les péchés commis pas moins que l'acte de photographier foi scepticisme bondé.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
a second experience came while i was a visiting scholar at george washington university at the time of the war in iraq.
j’en ai eu une autre expérience lorsque j’étais chercheur invité à l’université george washington.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
i don't think i missed a meeting when i was the minister of justice and attorney general of canada.
en fait, je crois n'avoir jamais manqué une assemblée lorsque je dirigeais les portefeuilles de la justice et de procureur général du canada.
마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1
if i was a pervert i'd try a neutral density filter and tell my pals to hold still while i tried this.
si j'etais un pervers j'essayerais un filtre neutre et demanderais a mes amis de rester debout en essayant cela.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
i missed a lot of classes, but i didn’t care. i had no future. i was alone in the world and i thought no one cared.
je n'avais pas d'avenir. j'étais seul dans le monde, et je pensais que personne ne s'en souciait.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
i knew from an early age what to expect. as a girl, i was allowed to accompany him during school holidays on visits to distribution partners around the globe.
jeune fille, j'ai pu l'accompagner en vacances chez des partenaires commerciaux dans le monde entier.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
i was a witness of them while i dwelt among them, and when thou tookest me thou wast the watcher over them.
et je fus témoin contre eux aussi longtemps que je fus parmi eux. puis quand tu m'as rappelé, c'est toi qui fus leur observateur attentif.
마지막 업데이트: 2014-07-03
사용 빈도: 3
and i was a witness over them while i dwelt amongst them, but when you took me up, you were the watcher over them,
et je fus témoin contre eux aussi longtemps que je fus parmi eux.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
this very fact was admitted in committee and, while i was not privy to the discussions, it was a matter of public record.
on l'a reconnu au comité; je n'ai pas participé aux discussions, mais c'est un fait bien connu.
마지막 업데이트: 2017-02-15
사용 빈도: 1
i had already resigned myself to the fact that i was a girl – К., 13 years old.
je m'étais résignée au fait d'être une fille – К., 13 ans.
마지막 업데이트: 2016-02-24
사용 빈도: 1
and i was a witness over them while i was among them; but when you took me to yourself, you became the watcher over them—you are witness over everything.
puis quand tu m'as rappelé, c'est toi qui fus leur observateur attentif. et tu es témoin de toute chose.
마지막 업데이트: 2014-07-03
사용 빈도: 3
while i was a student, i had worked at parliament hill and then later became a political assistant to a cabinet minister and worked at various departments.
durant mes études, j'ai travaillé au parlement et je suis plus tard devenue adjointe politique d'un ministre, et j'ai travaillé dans divers ministères.
마지막 업데이트: 2015-05-14
사용 빈도: 1
for my part, i did very badly in the qualifiers; i missed a flag in the first section and picked up five points; on the last lap i dropped another five, so i was really under pressure.
pour ma part, je rentre très mal dans ces qualifs, première zone je prend un premier 5 en oubliant une flèche donc déjà c’était limite. dernier tour, je prends encore un 5 donc ça a été très chaud.
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
while i was there, i listened very carefully to the chechen foreign minister, ilyas akhmadov, who, like myself was a guest at the congress too.
j' y ai écouté très attentivement un autre invité à ce congrès, le ministre tchétchène des affaires étrangères, ilyas akhmadov.
마지막 업데이트: 2012-03-21
사용 빈도: 5
i like educated men who know how to treat a girl. i like men who make me have fun!. i love new things, and have amazing sex! hmmhmm.
je aime les hommes instruits qui savent comment traiter une fille . je aime les hommes qui me faire avoir du plaisir !. je l'aime de nouvelles choses , et avoir des relations sexuelles incroyable! hmmhmm .
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1
catherine was not a model little girl. «i was a chatterbox, absent-minded, inattentive,» she would later admit with sincerity...
catherine n'est pas une petite fille modèle: «j'étais bavarde, distraite, dissipée, avouera-t-elle plus tard avec sincérité...
마지막 업데이트: 2018-02-13
사용 빈도: 1