검색어: dw i'n credu mai syniad da ydy hwn (웨일스어 - 영어)

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dw i'n credu mai syniad da ydy hwn



부터: 기계 번역
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번역 추가





yr hyn a ddywedais oedd mai syniad da , am unwaith , fyddai ichi eu llongyfarch ar eu llwyddiant wrth leihau'r rhestrau aros


what i said was that it would be a good idea if , on just one occasion , you were to congratulate them on their success in bringing down the waiting lists

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


dyna pam y credasom mai syniad da oedd ehangu'r cynllun a'i gyflwyno ledled cymru , ar sail cyllid iawn yn hytrach nag arian y loteri


that is why we thought that it was a good idea to spread the scheme and roll it out across wales , based on proper funding rather than on lottery money

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


a gytunwch mai syniad da fyddai gofalu bod pob gweinidog yn adrodd i'w bwyllgor pwnc o leiaf unwaith y flwyddyn i ddangos sut y mae ei bolisïau wedi cyrraedd targedau'r cynllun ac wedi cyfrannu'n gadarnhaol at ddatblygu cynaliadwy yng nghymru ?


do you agree that it would be a good idea to ensure that every minister reports to their subject committees at least once a year to show how their policies have met the scheme's targets and contributed positively to sustainable development in wales ?

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


llofnododd yr adroddiad , felly adroddiad unfrydol ydyw , ond cofnododd y cafeat hwn drwy lythyr yn y cefn , gan nodi , fel y gwnaeth nick bourne , ddibyniaeth ar yr athrawiaeth cyn pryd -- mai syniad da ydyw , ond nid yw'n syniad da am y tro


he signed the report , so it is a unanimous report , but he entered this caveat via a letter at the back , indicating , as nick bourne did , a reliance upon the doctrine of unripe time -- that it is a good idea , but it is not a good idea for now

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


david davies : a ydych yn credu mai syniad da oedd treulio'ch amser chi a gwario'n harian ni ar fynd i gynhadledd lle'r oedd unben yn bresennol hefyd , y mae ei bolisïau'n debygol o arwain at farwolaeth 6 miliwn o bobl yn neheudir affrica ? a ydych yn cytuno y buasai'n well i chi dreulio'ch amser yn darbwyllo'r llywodraeth hon i gymryd camau cadarnhaol i geisio helpu pobl sydd ar hyn o bryd yn byw mewn tlodi ac o dan ormes mewn gwledydd y mae gennym gysylltiad hanesyddol cryf â hwy ?


david davies : do you think that it was a good idea to spend your time and our money attending a conference that was also attended by a dictator whose policies are likely to lead to the death of 6 million people in southern africa ? do you agree that your time could have been better spent persuading this government to act positively to try to help people currently living in poverty and under oppression in countries with which we have a strong historical connection ?

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


a ydych yn cytuno y dylem gynghori'r democratiaid rhyddfrydol yn y dyfodol mai syniad da fyddai iddynt amserlennu dadl ar spams , sef negeseuon e-bost nad oes eu heisiau ? fe'm cyfareddwyd gan yr hyn a alwant yn rhagfaniffesto drafft , a anfonwyd i'm swyddfa heddiw , ac sy'n fy hysbysu am y camau dychmygol y bydd y democratiaid rhyddfrydol yn eu cymryd pan ddeuant i rym


do you agree that , in future , we should advise the liberal democrats that it would be a good idea for them to schedule a debate on spams , which are unwanted e-mails ? i have been mesmerised by what they call a draft pre-manifesto , which has been sent to my office today , and which tells me about the fictional measures that the liberal democrats will apply when they come into power

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com

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