검색어: mae'n dangos diffyg parch tuag at y rheiny a farw (웨일스어 - 영어)

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mae'n dangos diffyg parch tuag at y rheiny a farw



부터: 기계 번역
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mae hynny'n dangos eich diffyg parch tuag at y broses ddeddfwriaethol yn y cynulliad


this reflects your lack of respect for the legislative process in the assembly

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


mae hynny'n gadarnhad gwirioneddol o'r diffyg parch tuag at y diwydiant lletygarwch yn gyffredinol


that is a real indictment of the esteem that is lacking in terms of the hospitality industry in general

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


nid diffyg parch tuag at cynog yw hyn


i mean no disrespect to cynog

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


mae'n werth cofnodi ein parch tuag at y gweinidog dros yr amgylchedd , cynllunio a chefn gwlad , carwyn jones , a ddechreuodd weithredu'r


it is worth placing on record our respect for the minister for environment , planning and countryside , carwyn jones , who started to implement

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


yn yr un modd , mae methu â gwrando ar y rheini a oedd yn tynnu sylw at y cam-drin yn arwydd o arferion gwaith gwael ac yn dangos diffyg parch tuag at aelodau unigol o staff


in the same way , failure to listen to whistleblowers is indicative of unhealthy working practices and shows scant regard for the individual member of staff

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


` rhaid i'r aelodau hyrwyddo parch tuag at y cynulliad yn eu hymddygiad a dangos parch a chwrteisi tuag at aelodau eraill ar bob adeg . '


` members must at all times in their conduct promote respect for the assembly and extend respect and courtesy to other members . '

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


nid yw hynny'n golygu nad ydym yn fawr ein parch tuag at y ddau ymgeisydd , ond yr ydym mewn anghydfod gyda'r llywodraeth ar hyn o bryd ynghylch ein cynrychiolaeth ar bwyllgorau


that does not mean that we do not hold both candidates in high regard , but we are currently in dispute with the government concerning our representation on committees

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


` egwyddor allweddol : rhaid i'r aelodau hyrwyddo parch tuag at y cynulliad yn eu hymddygiad a dangos parch a chwrteisi tuag at aelodau eraill ar bob adeg . '


` key principle : members must at all times promote respect for the assembly and extend respect and courtesy to other members . '

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


efallai y byddai penderfyniad i ganslo'r prosiect hwn yn cynhyrfu'r dosbarth canol dysgedig , ond byddai croeso mawr iawn iddo hefyd ledled cymru , ac y byddai'n gwneud mwy i ennyn parch tuag at y cynulliad ymhlith y cyhoedd yng nghymru nag unrhyw benderfyniad arall y gallem ei wneud


scrapping this project may stir up wales's chattering classes , but it would also be hugely welcomed across wales , and would do more to ensure that the welsh public respects the assembly than any other decision we could take

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


rhodri glyn thomas : a dderbyniwch , lywydd , fod gofid ynglyn â sut y mae rhai pobl yn ymagweddu tuag at y sefydliad hwn , a'r parch a ddangosir tuag ato ? mae'r ffaith fod y prif weinidog wedi cerdded allan yn union cyn y pwynt o drefn ac wedi cerdded yn ôl dan wenu ar ddiwedd y pwynt o drefn , yn dangos diffyg parch sylfaenol at y sefydliad hwn a'i drafodaethau


rhodri glyn thomas : do you accept , presiding officer , that there is concern about some people's attitude towards this institution , and the respect shown towards it ? the fact that the first minster walked out directly before the point of order and walked back in smiling at the end of the point of order , shows a fundamental lack of respect for this institution and its proceedings

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com


os yw donald dewar yn gadael cynhysgaeth i'r alban a gwleidyddiaeth prydain , yna'r gallu i glwyfo heb fod yn bersonol byth yw hynny , i gyflwyno eich achos ac ymosod ar achos yr ochr arall heb fod yn gas , drwy ddangos parch tuag at y pedair plaid , tuag at eich gwrthwynebwyr gwleidyddol a thuag at y bobl y tu allan yr ydych yn eu gwasanaethu


if donald dewar leaves a legacy to scotland and to british politics , it is this ability to wound without ever being personal , to put across your case and to attack the other side's case without ever being nasty , by showing respect to all four parties , to your political opponents and to the people outside whom you serve

마지막 업데이트: 2009-11-19
사용 빈도: 1

추천인: Translated.com

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