전문 번역가, 번역 회사, 웹 페이지 및 자유롭게 사용할 수 있는 번역 저장소 등을 활용합니다.
en recettes, l'équivalent en est plus ou moins l'envoi de l'avertissement — extrait de rôle (3);
in these circumstances, particularly if there were any likelihood of a resurgence of inflation, the authorities might be expected to pursue a more active interest rate policy.
l'année de réalisation du revenu (l'année de liquidation de l'impôt) ou le premier jour du mois qui suit la réception de l'avertissement extrait de rôle.
— in the case of buying associations etc., which are liable to tax as mentioned in heading l (c) above, the taxable income is calculated as a percentage of the associations' capital at the end of the income year. the capital is calculated according to the same rules as those ap plying to personal capital tax.
doručenie protokolu o daňovej la réception de l’extrait de rôle kontrole sa považuje za úkon établi par l’inspection fiscale est smerujúci na vyrubenie dane." considérée comme l’événement matérialisant l’imposition.
doručenie protokolu o daňovej the delivery (receipt) of the kontrole sa považuje za úkon record (protocol) from the tax smerujúci na vyrubenie dane." inspection is referred as the action resulting in the tax assessment.